
The mother's words and deeds are quietly changing the fate of the child

Last time I wrote the Korean drama "Dark Glory" that recently caught fire,

In addition to school bullying being a theme of special concern to the public, the family environment of the main characters in the play has also attracted much attention.

The mothers in the play have completely different styles in the way they get along with their children.

After picking up the 3 more typical mother characters in the play this time, I found:

The mother's words and deeds are quietly changing the fate of the child.

A vampire mother who only gives birth and does not raise them

The tragic life of the heroine Wen Dongen is half composed of a bullying five, and half is composed of her mother Jung Mei-hee.

Zheng Meihee, in her forties, works as a hairdresser in a barbershop, drinking and smoking every day.

In the face of the frivolous male customers who came to the store, she not only did not shy away, but also smiled and agreed.

For her, her daughter's existence is just a cash machine that can be used.

Every time the two women meet in the play, it is also a fatal blow to Wen Dongen.

When her daughter Wen Dongen was burned all over her body with a curling iron in a hot state, she was forced to apply to her teacher to withdraw from school because she was "bullied".

The school did not dare to uphold justice for the rich and powerful bully, so he found his mother and wanted to use the money.

It stands to reason that her daughter has suffered so much damage outside, and her mother has to avenge her daughter even if she fights for her life.

However, Mother Wen saw that the money was open, and without Wen Dongen's consent, she changed the reason for the application from "bullied" to "voluntary".

Jung Mi-hee's greed deepens the bullies' harm to her daughter.

Park Yeon-jin, the mastermind of the five, despises Moon Dong-eun from status and class, even if it is physically violent:

"I don't need to dream. People like you will have dreams, and when you realize your dreams, I will pay you to call them. ”

Discovering that Wen Dong-eun was afraid of the croaking of barbecue, Jung Mi-hee set fire to the house rented by her daughter.

Bullied by classmates, abandoned by society, betrayed by his mother, Wen Dongen, who has always been strong, shed tears in front of his mother for the first time:

"I will never forgive you, because you didn't know until now that you were the first perpetrator to hurt me."

Drop out of school to work in a factory, and study at night when others are resting;

Many times want to give up on themselves, want to jump off buildings, drown;

To save money, eat only gimbap...

In Wen Dongen's heart, her mother's hurt was much higher than her classmates' harm to her.

Although well-behaved and obedient and had good grades, her youth was very insecure and worthless.

If you encounter a mother who does not love herself and is still holding back, you must remember to stay away in time.

An independent mom whose spirit leads her children

Zhou Ruzheng is a plastic surgeon, an admirer of Wen Dongen and one of the characters who help her take revenge.

His parents both practiced medicine, and his mother was the director of Seoul Hospital. Have a good family background and background.

Similarly, she and Wen Don Eun are both traumatized people who have been treated maliciously.

Zhou Ruzheng's father originally saved a murderer who was rejected by many doctors, but was killed by the murderer's throat.

After being caught, the murderer also wrote regularly to torture Zhou Ruzheng, detailing some perverted details and feelings when he killed his father.

Many people envy Zhou Ruzheng because his mother has always been equal and measured when communicating with him.

Tell your son like a friend to lose weight and go to the beach and wear a bikini;

support his son's decision not to be a professor and resign to open a clinic to help Wen Dongen take revenge;

The son wants to avenge his dead father, and she agrees.

Her work status already has a great social status and ability, but she never interferes in her son's life from the perspective of "coming over".

Child psychotherapist Kimberly Brean once said:

"Children are more willing to be close to their parents if they take the time to listen and respond to their children's needs, rather than being isolated and rejected."

Therefore, Zhou Ru normally shares his life dynamics and decisions with his mother:

"I'm going to use the scalpel as an execution prop, will you object?"

Perhaps with the same experience, my mother was very calm and calm after hearing it, and supported him:

"I found blind goodwill and ethical principles to be nothing but flashy glory."

I just hope that he is safe and not discovered.

And Zhou Ruzheng's character is the only sunny and warm and emotionally stable existence among these young characters.

After successful revenge, Wen Dongen, who was in a heartshake, wanted to end his life by jumping off the building, but was stopped by Zhou's mother, who rushed in, and she told Wen Dongen:

You shouldn't end like this, right?

also begged the heroine to help her son and help her son out of the shadow of his father's intentional death.

Many parents will preach or control their children in the name of "love", but they cannot help their children show the way forward and deal with problems when they are confused.

A nourishing mother who silently guards in darkness and violence

Another character in the play who is deeply touched and inspired is Aunt Kang Nam-hyun, who helps Wen Dongen take revenge.

Many people say that the aunt who lives at the bottom of Korean society is the standard independent woman.

My husband has nothing to do all day, only knows how to drink heavily, and when he is in a bad mood, he will pull the aunt who is cooking for him and beat him violently.

When she was beaten, she often thought that her daughter would have 10,000 courage to endure pain as long as she was not hurt.

In order not to let her daughter be affected, she grinned when her nose was blue and her face was swollen, and she took the initiative to comfort her daughter.

In this mother, there are no complaints and accusations, no bitterness, all optimism.

She understands that her daughter is the last light in her life.

After encountering Wen Dongen, who was in the same tragic situation, the dark life finally ushered in a bright future.

Jiang Nanxian told Wen Dongen that her ideal life is not to rush and have a good meal with her daughter.

But when faced with Wen Dongen's revenge conditions, she only hoped to send her daughter to study abroad.

Although she can't get rid of her temporary life, she hopes that her daughter will have a new and broad future.

The aunt who left the family was replaced by a person with strong insight and learning ability, and pressed the accelerator button for Wen Dongen's revenge.

When her husband finally beat her again because she had no money to gamble, she said:

"I'm not afraid of you anymore, no matter how much you destroy me, I'm going to put on big red lipstick, put on a leather jacket, and run endlessly on the highway."

At the end, she did not go to the United States to find her daughter to live as the audience speculated, but opened a small shop by herself, day after day.

When Wen Dongen started a new round of revenge plans for his lover, he sent an alliance invitation to his aunt.

The aunt's tired eyes were instantly filled with light, and before going out to see Wen Dongen, she specially applied the lipstick she had given herself on the reflection of the wall.

At this time, she was not only a mother, but also an independent woman, and she found her self-worth and direction in life.

A mother with such strength is the best gift to her daughter.

Bao Mama thought in pieces

The greatness of maternal love is always similar, but the cruelty is different.

"Dark Glory" is not only a simple violent TV series, but also a profound family education apocalypse.

The characters and plot in the play may not be very consistent with the values in reality.

But you can still clearly feel the weaknesses and strengths, good and evil in different mothers.

Not all mothers in this world love their children, and there are mothers who can give up everything for their children.

Looking at motherhood objectively can better improve your own education style.

The mother is the nucleus of a family,

When it comes to raising children, there are more important things besides financial resources.

Forbearance and optimism in dealing with difficulties, calmness and calmness in dealing with fame and fortune, and sobriety and persistence in dealing with temptation.

The long road of human growth is often not a flat horse, but ups and downs, and even pits.

But the strength that the mother can give her child is enough to leap over.

I hope that every mother can become a person with a sense of energy and grow up with her children.

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