
Parents' "self-righteous" concern damages the child's concentration

author:Metropolitan Women's Newspaper

  "Every time the child writes homework, he always grinds, writes two questions and runs, touches this, plays that." "The teacher reported that the child could not sit still in class, kept making small movements, and was talking and playing with the front and back tables." Recently, many parents have reported to reporters that their children have poor concentration. The "New Parents Daily" also mentioned that according to the national primary and secondary school children's attention assessment data, 70% of children are inattentive. Children are inattentive and have poor concentration, how can parents improve their children's concentration? In this regard, the reporter interviewed parents, teachers and doctors.

Parents' "self-righteous" concern damages the child's concentration

  Parents: Don't interrupt your child "self-righteously."

  At Jinan Jiaxuan School, Miao Miao, a first-year student, was looking at the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" on her desk, and although she didn't know many words, she was still staring at the book with full attention. The reporter approached her side, and Miao Miao did not notice it at all. In order not to interrupt her, the reporter sat on the side and waited, and after about ten minutes, Miao Miao came back to her senses to greet the reporter.

  Where does Miao Miao's strong concentration come from?" She did not deliberately cultivate the child's concentration, the child will naturally be very committed to the things of interest, as long as it is an interesting book, she will read the book in one breath, almost sitting all morning. Miao Miao's mother Zhou Na told reporters that parents only need to let go and encourage them to do what they are interested in, and children will gradually develop the habit of concentration. When the child was about one year old, he turned all the soil out of the flower pot, making the floor and clothes 'a mess'. When the average parent sees this, it is estimated that he has long been 'crazy', but children at this age are eager to explore, and parents 'self-righteously' interrupt, which will affect the child's concentration. ”

  Zhou Na told reporters, "Older grandparents take children, often interfere and interrupt children, for example, children are happy to play in the mud, because they are afraid that the children will stain their clothes and do not let the children play." Zhou Na explained that excessive concern is an "invisible shackle" to children's concentration development. In her view, as long as what the child is doing does not harm themselves and others, parents should not interrupt the process of focusing on the child's experience.

  Miao Miao's super concentration also brought certain "distress" to Zhou Na. "Reading a book ignoring people, focusing on it, not hearing and talking, and when it comes to dinner, she has to wait for her to finish reading." Zhou Na said frankly that Miao Miao's grandparents had doubts about this parenting style: the child is very focused on doing things, but will it become rude?

  For this problem, Zhou Na also explained to the elderly at home, "The growth of concentration needs to be staged, although children cannot reasonably allocate attention at this age, but parents consciously guide will not 'go crooked'."

  Teacher: Concentration is divided into intentional and unintentional

  Wang Ying, a psychology teacher at Shilin Primary School in Changqing District, said that in addition to congenital attention deficit disorders, most concentration is easily damaged. "We often mistakenly think that concentration problems are problems of willingness. It seems that children understand things and have a correct attitude to learning, they will not lose their minds, in fact, concentration is a problem of ability, and many students cannot concentrate on doing things because their ability to concentrate is damaged. ”

  Wang Ying said that the impact of focus is divided into two major psychological activities: one is intentional attention, and the other is unintentional attention. Intentional attention is that people actively adjust their attention to something, such as when learning, children control their behavior and mental activities, and put attention and consciousness on learning materials. Unintentional attention is not the participation of human willpower, simply put, people are attracted to something and focus on something. For example, brush TikTok.

  The result of intentional attention is concentration, while the result of unintentional attention is addiction. Parents should consciously cultivate children's intentional attention, that is, concentration. "Focus takes time to develop." She introduced that the length of attention increases with time, in early childhood, children's attention time is only 5-15 minutes, while 7-10-year-old children can last about 20 minutes, 10-12-year-old children are about 30 minutes. Teachers Parental accompaniment does not dominate, disturb, or control

  "Children who are in a disturbing environment for a long time will have their ability to concentrate disrupted." For example, Wang Ying gave an example, children about 1 and a half years old are in the sensitive period of detail observation, which is a period of development of intentional concentration, but during this period, because of their strong desire to explore, children will be exposed to some dirty and messy things, and they are often drunk; Or when the child is playing something, the parent likes to follow the back and keep talking, which is also interrupting the child.

  In addition, when children practice thinking with questions, it is the time to develop the quality of concentration. Many mothers accompany them to supervise, and as soon as the child pauses, the mother turns on the "help mode": "What's wrong, what's wrong, won't it?" Do you want your mother to help you?" Or turn on the "maid" mode: "Do you want milk?" Want to eat fruit? Tired or not, do you want to take a break?" Or come to the "lion roar mode": "Procrastinate every day, grind and rub, such a simple question will not be done." ”

  "Concentration is not cultivated, but protected." Wang Ying said that to improve children's concentration, parents must first change the mode of companionship. Parents should follow the following principles: do not dominate, do not intrude, do not control. "If adults are absent-minded, perfunctory, and look at their phones when accompanying them, then the quality of children's concentration will also be poor."

  "After the age of 3, parents also need to give their children 'blank time'." Wang Ying introduced that blank time, that is, "you can decide what you do". It can encourage children to learn to think alone and explore independently. At the same time, parents should encourage children to explore freely, such as inventing their own games, spreading their imagination wings, challenging their limits, and finding their own interests.

  Doctor: "Develop" concentration in the game

  Han Bingjuan, director of the Children's Rehabilitation Center of Jinan Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital, told reporters that all intellectual activities and even all psychological activities of children must be paid attention to to participate in order to occur, develop and form.

  She emphasized that young children, especially before the age of 3, pay attention to passively, only novel, interesting things or things can attract the baby, and at this stage, the baby's ability to control attention is weak and easily disturbed.

  To this end, Han Bingjuan put forward the following suggestions on the question of "how to improve children's concentration", Baoma can cultivate children's concentration through games, which is also the most conducive to children's physical and mental development in play in the middle of play, in learning in the learning of a form of learning. In the process of play, children are interested, mental activities and behaviors are in a positive state, and there are clear game goals and tasks in the game, so the child pays attention during the game.

  At the same time, interest is the main condition for generating and maintaining focus. For a child, his attention is directly controlled to some extent by his interests and emotions. We should pay attention to combining the cultivation of a wide range of interests in children with the development of concentration.

  In daily life, parents should let their children learn to study and live regularly, ensure that their children have enough sleep, can get up on time, eat, etc., and should also encourage children to actively participate in physical activities, regulate nervous system function, enhance physical fitness, and lay a good physiological foundation for the development of concentration. The time parents spend asking their children to concentrate on something can gradually increase with age, starting with 5 minutes or 10 minutes, and then extending the time after a period of time; At the same time, the difficulty and number of things that children are asked to concentrate on should also correspond to the time requirements. (Reporter Ji Furan Sun Moqi)