
Once very expensive, succulent jade fans, only two plants remained after years of hard work

author:Trail Time

Once the jade fan was very expensive, now the good quality is also worth a lot, before also a lot of in, but unfortunately improper maintenance, last year before the cold wave before the winter froze to death, only the remains remained.

Once very expensive, succulent jade fans, only two plants remained after years of hard work

In the corner of the balcony occasionally found two remnants, one with 5 leaves, the plant is still very small. Unexpectedly, after digging it out, its root system turned out to be so large, and it contains the truth that the deeper the root, the better it survives.

Once very expensive, succulent jade fans, only two plants remained after years of hard work
Once very expensive, succulent jade fans, only two plants remained after years of hard work

I quickly planted a deep pot to protect its root system, hoping that it would grow strong again in the future.

Once very expensive, succulent jade fans, only two plants remained after years of hard work

Another flower was found, but without hesing, it was planted in a small pot, at first it was a very wrinkled leaf, and after a few days of growth, it also stretched, really sighing the tenacity of life.

Once very expensive, succulent jade fans, only two plants remained after years of hard work
Once very expensive, succulent jade fans, only two plants remained after years of hard work

Fortunately, these two plants were found and saved, and there is hope that a few more pots can be bred. In the north to breed succulents, you should pay more attention to temperature changes.

Let's popularize the knowledge of succulent jade fans.

Jade fan: (scientific name: Haworthia truncata), also known as truncated tile reed, is a succulent plant in the genus Haworthia of the family Afokaridae. The plant is stemless, with fleshy leaves arranged in two rows fan-shaped, with erect leaves slightly curved inward, and slightly concave at the top. leaf surface rough, green to dark greenish-brown, with small wart-like protrusions; The cross-section of the new leaves is partially transparent and grayish-white. The habit is strong, and the root system is relatively stout. Some varieties also have an off-white transparent pattern on the leaf cross-section. Its horticultural variety, Jade Fan Brocade, has yellow or pink markings on its leaves, which is more beautiful.

Morphological characteristics

The plant is low and stemless, the leaves are fleshy and erect, elongated straight to the sides, slightly curved inward, opposite, arranged on both sides, fan-shaped, slightly concave at the top, cross-sectional, and looks as if someone has cut it with a knife. The surface is rough, green to dark greenish-brown, with small wart-like projections. At the place of origin, the leaves will be buried in the soil, only the tip of the leaf is exposed, and various transparent patterns will appear on the leaf section of different varieties. Most of the patterns are white, and the green pattern is very precious.

Inflorescence, stem 20~25 cm long, tube-shaped, white, medium rib green, 1.5 cm long.

Ecological habits

Prefer cool, abundant and soft sunlight. Resistant to drought and semi-shade, avoid humidity, not hardy, afraid of high temperature. Sufficient light is given during the spring and autumn growing period, and if the light is insufficient, the plant type will be loose, the leaves will be long, and the "window" surface will become small and turbid.

Once very expensive, succulent jade fans, only two plants remained after years of hard work

Maintenance tips

Jade fan once a year in the spring to change the pot, need to choose fertile and soft, well-drained, water-retaining sandy soil, because of its deep root system, during the growth period, should avoid making the beard roots too dry, affecting growth, and the type of pot should also use deeper pots to plant, such as slender black orchid pots or vegetarian fired pottery pots, on the one hand, can make the root system elongated, but also make the root system have good respiration. When changing pots, mix a little fine-grained magic fertilizer into the soil as base fertilizer; It can also be placed on the surface of the soil, with a few fine grains of red jade clay, which can not only increase drainage, but also look quite beautiful.

Once very expensive, succulent jade fans, only two plants remained after years of hard work

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