
Li Yunlong, who dares to show his sword in the play, has a bumpy road in reality

author:Yu Sheng has you 2O6I

#Entertainment Critics Awards##Entertainment#When it comes to domestic anti-war dramas, we have to talk about "Bright Sword". When the anti-Japanese drama first became popular, this drama achieved great results, and everyone also met Li Youbin, the actor of Li Yunlong in this drama. He played Li Yunlong alive, and he was also fired. So let's talk about the life of this old artist today.

Li Yunlong, who dares to show his sword in the play, has a bumpy road in reality

Li Youbin has played many classic roles, such as Zhang Lingfu in Red Sun. Zhu Kaishan, who left his hometown with his family in the Guandong Province. There is also Li Yunlong, who dares to show his sword.

Li Yunlong, who dares to show his sword in the play, has a bumpy road in reality

In his acting career, Li Youbin can be said to be very successful, but in terms of feelings, he has had a bumpy road. He had two marriages, his first wife was a drama actress, and the two were married for more than 20 years and had two sons. But in 06, he chose to divorce, and Li Youbin chose to leave the household.

Because he left his wife who had been with him for 24 years at that time, he turned around and married Shi Lanya, who was 16 years younger than himself and married three times with a baby, which detonated the public opinion of that year. Soon, the news of his marital cheating spread wildly, and netizens accused him of treachery and abandoning his wife after becoming famous. However, his ex-wife took the initiative to stand up and help him explain, saying that he and Li Youbin divorced because of the breakdown of their relationship, and the relationship between Li Youbin and Shi Lanya had nothing to do with it.

Li Yunlong, who dares to show his sword in the play, has a bumpy road in reality

The ex-wife after the divorce. There was no choice to remarry. Because she is no longer young and has no acting experience for many years, she moved from the front of the drama stage to the background, relying on working behind the stage for a living, raising him and Li Youbin's son Li Xiaoke alone. When celebrating the New Year, he always generously buys gifts and lets his son visit Li Youbin. Over the years, Li Youbin has also been very good to their mother and son, taking the initiative to give them alimony, buying them a house and a car, and not letting them live a hard life again.

Li Yunlong, who dares to show his sword in the play, has a bumpy road in reality

After Li Youbin married Shi Langya, he filmed two very successful TV series, Bright Sword and Crossing the Guandong. Career skyrocketed. He also got along with his ex-wife and became a relative, and was recognized by his son. This two relationships spanning decades, there is no bloody entanglement, no endless hatred, and some are just a strong human touch, which all depend on the kindness of his ex-wife and Li Youbin's excellent character. And he and Shi Langya have always been in love with each other, and the two live happily, which is the so-called soul mate.

Li Yunlong, who dares to show his sword in the play, has a bumpy road in reality

Li Youbin's life, just like his Li Yunlong, is also a bumpy love road. What do you think, friends?

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