
Explore the major events that took place on this day in the past (March 26)


In 1953, the American medical scientist Jonas Salk announced that the polio vaccine against polio was successfully tested in clinical trials.

Explore the major events that took place on this day in the past (March 26)

The polio vaccine is a vaccine used to fight polio, and there are two main universal types in the world. The first is the injectable "Salk vaccine" (IPV) developed by Jonas Edward Salk, which contains a dose of deactivated poliovirus, which was first tested in 1952 and began mass vaccination in 1955; The second is the oral version of the "Sabin Vaccine" (OPV), developed by Albert Sabin using the attenuated poliovirus, which began clinical trials in 1957 and was licensed in August 1961. The two vaccines nearly wiped out polio, reducing the number of cases worldwide from about 350,000 in 1988 to more than 1,000 in 2007 and 359 in 2014. The World Health Organization recommends that children worldwide be vaccinated to avoid polio.

In 1971, East Pakistan unilaterally declared independence from Pakistan and established Bangladesh, and the Bangladesh Liberation War broke out.

Explore the major events that took place on this day in the past (March 26)

Bangladesh has been under colonial rule for a long time in its history, and was included as Pakistani territory during the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, but due to language, culture and other reasons, the Bangladeshi people have become increasingly dissatisfied with the oppression of the Pakistani central government. On March 26, 1971, an uprising broke out in Bangladesh, which gradually evolved into an armed resistance movement and formed its own provisional government. The Pakistani army has vigorously suppressed this, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties and displacement. India played an important role in the Bangladesh Liberation War, providing military assistance and military intervention, ultimately succeeding in helping Bangladesh gain independence. However, the effects of the war remain, including a large refugee problem and tensions between Pakistan and India.

In 1979, Egypt and Israel signed the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty at the White House, making Egypt the first Arab country to recognize Israel.

Explore the major events that took place on this day in the past (March 26)

The Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty (Egypt-Israel) was signed on March 26, 1979, with the mediation of U.S. President Jimmy Carter, ending 30 years of hostility between the two countries. This is the first time in the history of the Middle East that Israel has signed a formal peace agreement with an Arab country.

The main contents of the peace treaty include Israel's withdrawal of troops from the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt's restoration of sovereignty over the Sinai Peninsula, and the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. In addition, Israel had agreed to sell oil and other resources to Egypt and had recognized the right of the Palestinian nation to self-determination.

The signing of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty marked a major change in the political landscape in the Middle East and opened the door to peace negotiations between Israel and neighboring Arab countries. However, the peace treaty still faces many difficulties and challenges in its implementation, including the Palestinian question and the lack of recognition of Israel by Arab countries.

In 1997, police at the Santa Fe ranch in western California found 39 Heaven's Gate believers committed suicide en masse.

Explore the major events that took place on this day in the past (March 26)

Heaven's Gate is a new religious group from the United States founded in the 1970s. The group's core ideas are spiritual ascension and transcendence of the physical world, advocating for faith founder Marshall Applewhite as prophet and believing that he was guided by extraterrestrial life.

The group committed a mass suicide in 1997 that left 39 people dead, including Applewhite himself. This incident attracted widespread attention at the time and was also regarded as one of the most notorious cult incidents in American history.

Heaven's Gate promotes a unique worldview and belief system whose teachings emphasize spiritual ascension and physical detachment, encouraging members to abandon attachments and desires for the physical world in search of transcendence and redemption. However, the radicalization of this belief and the means of control and oppression within the organization eventually led to tragedy.