
Sharing of 5 restricted works of the first beauty of Colombia

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Colombia is a tourist country with natural scenery and unique history and culture, which naturally provides fertile soil for the birth of beautiful women, who are not only beautiful, but also have attractive slim bodies

Sharing of 5 restricted works of the first beauty of Colombia

In 2012, among the 99 most beautiful women in the world selected by the Askmen website, Sophia Vergara ranked first, and was selected as the first most beautiful woman in the world by People magazine in the same year

Sharing of 5 restricted works of the first beauty of Colombia

As an actress, Sophia Vergara is also a powerful person, her modern family, four brothers, desperate housewives, etc. have achieved good results, and in October 2018, she was named the highest-paid TV actress for seven consecutive years

Sharing of 5 restricted works of the first beauty of Colombia

What's more amazing is that the 47-year-old Sophia is simply growing up, her appearance and figure are not reduced at all, she is still like a fairy, and the following 5 works show her beauty to the extreme

Sharing of 5 restricted works of the first beauty of Colombia

5. "Don't Mess with Texas"

Sharing of 5 restricted works of the first beauty of Colombia

Douban score: 5.5

Number of ratings: 5285

Starring: Reese Witherspoon / Sophia Vergara

Sharing of 5 restricted works of the first beauty of Colombia

A typical highway police comedy work, many bridges have absorbed the essence of the movie "Thai", the two heroines have undoubtedly become the biggest highlights of the film, Reese Witherspoon played by the policewoman stupid cute, Sophia Vergara played by the blonde beauty is bursting with good looks, the figure is good enough to foul, the process of the two fighting all the way is not too happy, all kinds of memes emerge endlessly, and the dialogue lines are both vulgar and ironic

4. "The British is Coming"

Sharing of 5 restricted works of the first beauty of Colombia

Douban score: 4.3

Number of ratings: 975

Starring: Alice Eve / Sophia Vergara / Crispin Glover

Sharing of 5 restricted works of the first beauty of Colombia

Combining adventure, adventure, scam and other elements, this old-school movie has a strong black humor, none of the characters in the film are normal, all are nervous, of course, the biggest highlight comes from the cast, actor Tim Ross, Asian beauty Li Meiqi, cold beauty Uma Thurman, Colombia's first beauty Sophia Vergara, all use superb acting skills to interpret this not outstanding story into their own unique style

3. "Black Police Bent"

Sharing of 5 restricted works of the first beauty of Colombia

Douban score: 5.0

Number of ratings: 309

Starring: Carl Urban / Sophia Vergara / Andy Garcia

Sharing of 5 restricted works of the first beauty of Colombia

The fierce fight scenes, solid and down-to-earth scripts, relaxed narrative rhythm, and complete character network shaping are remarkable, and at the same time, the corruption in Spain is ruthlessly exposed, Carl Urban portrays a tough guy rough and full of literary and artistic policemen, and the appearance of Sophia Vergara is also a surprise, and the graceful figure makes people unable to move their eyes

2. "Machete Killing"

Sharing of 5 restricted works of the first beauty of Colombia

Douban score: 5.9

Number of ratings: 15752

Starring: Danny Trejo / Mel Gibson / Demian Bizier / Sofia Vergara

Sharing of 5 restricted works of the first beauty of Colombia

The sequel to "Scimitar", all the classic elements are: strange power chaos, logic confusion, spoof to the end, all kinds of murderous weapons have been innovated, in addition to machine guns and large knives, but also bra machine guns, JJ small steel cannons, atomic decomposition guns, the whole movie is full of violent aesthetics, at the same time, the film also invited many first-line actresses to join, Jessica Alba, Amber Heard, Sophia Vergara, each of them is a big name, They also used their amazing beauty to greatly improve the film's appearance level

1. "Four Brothers"

Douban score: 7.2

Number of ratings: 21220

Starring: Mark Wahlberg / Tyrese Gibson / Andrey Benjamin / Sophia Vergara

Sharing of 5 restricted works of the first beauty of Colombia

The plot of the peak, clean editing, witty and humorous lines, and full character portrayals will all interpret this revenge story to life, and also reflect the thinking and exploration of the problem of increasing the crime rate in the United States, the action scenes of the film are quite hot, fierce gunfights, exciting fights, and burning car chases, watching people's adrenaline soaring, Sophia Vergara's joining injects women's unique charm and tenderness into this men's drama

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