
From "good voice" to "new sound", it is best to leave more precipitation time for new works

author:Bright Net
From "good voice" to "new sound", it is best to leave more precipitation time for new works

In its fifth year, the Creation of Tomorrow Project is also committed to finding a new generation of original music creators.

The music variety show "2021 The Voice of China" and "Tomorrow's Creation Plan" have recently been broadcast, and people have found that this season, the two programs invariably focus on the original power of music, and many newcomer singers appear on the stage with their original songs. This has undoubtedly injected fresh blood into the Chinese music scene, but the effect of the program has been somewhat discounted - the original songs performed by the newcomer singers have less "inspiring" memory points, and the two programs have not yet formed a phenomenon-level "hit".

Industry insiders pointed out that this is the embodiment of the continuous improvement of the audience's aesthetics - with the blowout of the major platform singing programs, people's requirements for "good voices" are getting higher and higher, and if the features are not clear enough, it will be difficult to be recognized. On the other hand, new musical works that can be "fired" at once are after all a minority, especially when the new people are not well known. In fact, it is not an isolated case that good songs that have been dusted in the past have become popular again through cover songs by others or spread on social platforms now. Therefore, it is advisable to take a longer-term view of the newcomers in the current music variety show, and also give more new works time to precipitate into golden songs.

Newcomers come with original works, but they are disliked by the audience and "can't be remembered"

Ten years ago, the music reality show "The Voice of China" came out. Originally, it was a variety show featuring contestants singing. Taking the first season as an example, many singers with distinct styles appeared on the scene - Liang Bo, who has a unique rock style, Jike Junyi, who integrates the national style into popular music, Wu Moxuan, who is unique to typhoon, as well as Jin Zhiwen, Zhang Wei, Duo Liang, Jin Chi, Zhang Hexuan, Yuan Yawei, etc., all of whom have sung well. When the program reached its tenth year, as more and more old songs were interpreted into different versions, in order to avoid aesthetic fatigue of the audience, "The Voice of China" began to gradually try to excavate original works in order to expand the vitality of the domestic music industry.

The wish is beautiful, but this makes a part of the once loyal audience of "The Voice" feel uncomfortable. "Doesn't the program team know what the first two seasons can be fired for?" Not only are the contestants outstanding, but most of the songs selected are familiar to the general audience. Some netizens left such sharp messages on a rating website.

In fact, the debut stage of the show is nearing the end, and the two contestants who can make a deep impression are both covering other people's songs. The 22-year-old Wu Keyue sang Mei Yanfang's "Manzhu Shahua" in Cantonese, her bass was calm and recognizable, and she did not deliberately imitate the original song in the song processing. When the stage lights are scattered, her slightly hoarse voice, delicate biting words and a smile are full of retro charm, and she is praised by netizens for "bringing a sense of story and atmosphere". Wang Honghao sang Bai Jugang's "Alzheimer's Love", which has a deep voice, empathetic singing, and mature processing ability for bass and treble.

In contrast, although Xinjiang player Step.jad Yijia made eight mentors "turn" with an original R&B song "Don't Understand", the contestant named Fashion conquered the audience with three original works with different styles, "Hurt as soon as possible", "Among So Many People" and "Anyway", while more singers who came with original works were disliked by the audience as "unforgettable".

"New Voices" are difficult to get immediate recognition, but they may contain the future of Chinese music

Coincidentally, the "Tomorrow's Creation Project", which is in its fifth year, will also find and tap a new generation of original music creators as its mission, displaying the original music style of "wild wild growers" in different regions, and presenting a vivid picture of local youth culture music.

However, compared with the "new voice", many netizens believe that the existing golden songs can resonate more. Looking back at the popular music variety show contestants in the past, there are many who rely on cover songs to "go out of the circle", such as Chen Bing singing Mayday's "Midsummer Lightyear", Xu Geyang singing "Ten Thousand Sorrows" of the Escape Plan Band, and Zhou Shen singing Qi Yu's "Happy Face"...

It cannot be denied that if the newcomer's original work wants to resonate with the audience, it is much more difficult than the "secondary processing" of the golden song. As early as 2015, singer Su Yunying brought her own "Wild Son" to participate in "Good Songs of China". The work has a beautiful melody and poetic lyrics, the singer expresses sincerity of emotion, and the voice line is full of explosive power. Even if it is such a masterpiece, it did not immediately become popular at the beginning of the show. But good works and excellent musicians will eventually shine - through the "Voice of China" morning group youth compelling cover, many people know the song "Wild Son"; later, by participating in another variety show "I Am a Singer", Su Yunying's own creative talent is also known to more people.

Industry experts pointed out that pushing new works of newcomers may temporarily lose part of the traffic of the program, but in the long run, it will be of great benefit to the healthy development of the music ecology. These new original works may contain the hope of the future of the Chinese music scene, they have been polished and precipitated, and they may also become tomorrow's golden songs - provided that these works are carefully composed, produced and interpreted, and there are more platforms willing to provide them with opportunities to show. (Reporter Jiang Fang)

Source: Wen Wei Po

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