
Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

author:Start playing headlines

Do you see that you are attracted by those northern Myanmar Internet celebrities, whether you want to travel, whether you want to find a wife, these are all bait, in fact, it is very dark!

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

This is the world's largest waist trading market, there is no monthly salary of more than 10,000, no cheap wife, only endless sin and darkness, go to you will regret it for the rest of your life!

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

In northern Myanmar, a place rife with atrocities such as electric shocks, buried alive, tied waist, chopped fingers, etc. Lured by Internet celebrities in northern Myanmar, it has become a paradise that Chinese yearns for. Food, beautiful scenery, beautiful women want to make people travel once, but some people think that they can make a lot of money here, so that countless gray industries began to breed here, allowing countless young people to step on the road of no return!

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

Among them, wire fraud can be regarded as the signature industry in northern Myanmar. At the beginning, there will be specialized people disguised as the elite of the financial investment industry to come up with a so-called low-risk high-return investment project. In order to persuade you, they will first pull the target person to invest thousands of dollars, and then give them considerable sweetness to attract people to invest more money, until this person is cheated out of everything, and they target another person!

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

Scammers are always defenseless. There is another way to play telecom scams in northern Myanmar. Tiannanhaibei can see all kinds of job advertisements with superior conditions everywhere, and it will be said that the work is easy and does not require high knowledge. As long as you can type, you can easily exceed 10,000 a month, you can still eat and live, and you can also reimburse the round-trip fare, what a superior environment, these specially deceive young people who want to get something for nothing and are bent on getting rich, those old rivers and lakes have already written the script and wait for young people from the mainland to fall into the trap!

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

If you hesitate, it may be their dish, brainwashing is the simplest for them, once the brainwashing is unsuccessful, then it will be a miserable behavior, once you really enter hell, there is little hope of climbing out. Scam syndicates in northern Myanmar are places where countless people go and never return. There you cried countless nights and no one sympathized!

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

Although in this impetuous society, we can understand that some people want to get rich overnight, and some young people with dreams want to get rich and get rich without hard work. But if you think about it, where a local can only earn eight thousand a year, can a foreigner earn twenty or thirty thousand a month? Is it possible? So from this point of view, smart people can actually see it!

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

Because these people are deceived into smuggling when entering and exiting the country, they will not have any relevant documents to process. This means that once they travel long distances to the scam syndicates in northern Myanmar, they can only be held accountable. There is no way to call the police, because you are a black household!

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

Moreover, people who originally thought of becoming rich overnight will find that everything is different from what they think, because from the moment they step into the so-called company to work, they completely lose their freedom. Their mobile phones and valid documents will be taken away, and they can only do things like machines all day except for the limited time to eat and sleep! Wire fraud! How terrible!

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

If you refuse or sneak away, catch and beat one after another, including when you can't do your job, you will continue to be taught. Even to prevent people from escaping, there will be high-voltage electricity and barbed wire around those so-called companies, and every day there will be people with weapons and wolf dogs constantly patrolling, and here once you die, you are like a dead ant, no one knows!

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

As the place with the most complete fraud industry chain, northern Myanmar is called a hell on earth because the local security is very chaotic. In northern Myanmar, forces are intertwined, with officials looking out for each other in ways that ordinary people can't imagine. Many times, the person you thought could save your life is the one who dragged you into hell, even temples, public officials may be involved!

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

Because the border between northern Myanmar and Yunnan is relatively close, and the nearest place is only a dozen meters, there are actually many local people who are proficient in Chinese. In addition to the linguistic advantage, the attitude of the northern Myanmar government towards these scam companies is also one of the reasons why they are becoming more and more rampant. Because of the telecom fraud, it is supported by the local government in northern Myanmar.

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

As for the reasons why local governments "turn a blind eye", it is actually quite understandable, because these counterfeiting companies bring them high taxes every year. Therefore, for northern Myanmar, where the warlord regime is chaotic, these fraud groups are even more fearless, and even have the protection provided by the government and start a "side business".

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

In the world's largest kidney market, there is a large number of organs traded every year, and the origin of these illegal organs varies. Even some people who go sightseeing in Myanmar end up as food for criminals. Once, a newlyweds in Hunan experienced a disappearance in northern Myanmar.

Although the two were successfully rescued more than a month later, their lives have not been restored to their original state of affairs at all. Because the woman was insane, her body was fractured in multiple places, the man was covered with knives, and their family also received various threatening text messages and videos in order to demand ransom.

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

In addition to some unlucky people who were trafficked while traveling, a large proportion came from victims of telecom fraud. When these people are cheating the company, unable to achieve effective results, and even their families are unwilling to take the money, their health becomes the last value.

In addition, trafficking in human beings in northern Myanmar is also very visible. Although trafficking is also prohibited on the surface, it is difficult to say what is behind the scenes. Those women who are deceived into northern Myanmar will not only become delicate little princesses, but even their lives are likely to be difficult to save. In that place where people eat people and do not spit bones or human heads, they really seem to have no choice but to sell their flesh and stand in Princesa.

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

Because anyone dares to resist, only death awaits her, and she dies in the most tragic way. In the organ trading market in northern Myanmar, a kidney can sell for 60,000 to 70,000 per heart. As a professional organ trafficking industry chain gradually forms in the local area, almost all people who are taken to cut their organs will end their lives.

What's more cruel is that because these people are about to lose their last value, some of them may not even be able to give anesthesia before surgery, and can only carry the pain abruptly. Some say people whose organs are removed end up in roadside trash cans or food for stray dogs in some rivers in northern Myanmar. This is not alarmism, but a real possibility.

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

How scary is the real northern Myanmar? This is a place with the word Myanmar, but it is completely outside the control of Myanmar. Fraud and extortion, human trafficking, drug dealing, pimps, etc. , all kinds of illegal and criminal acts that you know and don't know can be seen everywhere. Moreover, there are still deep ethnic contradictions in Myanmar, and the local armed forces are very complex, and even the government army does not dare to confront them.

Even in order to grab territory or facilitate some drug trade, armed clashes often occur between various forces in northern Myanmar. And if these armed forces want to survive, they definitely need a lot of money, so where does this money come from? As the Golden Triangle, the drug epidemic in northern Myanmar is beyond many people's imagination.

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

It is not appropriate to say that the places in northern Myanmar where opium poppy is grown in large quantities are indeed places where land is valuable. Sometimes it may not be that the local government doesn't want to do it, but they simply can't. Not to mention that large-scale control requires a lot of money, and whether it can be effective alone is a key question. After all, villagers in northern Myanmar value the benefits of drug cultivation.

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

In northern Myanmar, "all people with guns drive pickup trucks, and there are no traffic lights on the road." On Kokang Old Street, I saw a street scene that I never imagined, "At a glance, there are companies engaged in telecommunications fraud, or entertainment cities, these wire fraud companies have young people from the mainland every day, they are brought over, they will be locked up, and the door is guarded by security guards 24 hours a day!"

Notice young people, a place where you can't go back, northern Myanmar is not heaven but hell

When you stay, someone will give you information on tricks. If you want to do it, let the family pay 2O million ransom, and you can go back! In fact, as long as you pay the money, the nightmare will begin, whipping, electric shock, soaking in water and quacking the waist, everything!

So girls must not go, if they go, they may stay in northern Myanmar forever, be deprived of freedom, and it will be difficult to return home for the rest of their lives! They may be detained in a sealed environment with severely restricted surveillance, or even work, live and die in harsh conditions.

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