
Endlessly, who will be next?

author:The sea forgets

#Two officials of the Chinese Football Association were investigated at the same time#Today (March 24) The State General Administration of Sports released official news: Wang Xiaoping, director of the Disciplinary Committee of the Chinese Football Association, and Huang Song, director of the Competition Department of the Chinese Football Association, are suspected of serious violations of the law and are currently under supervision and investigation by the discipline inspection and supervision team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the General Administration of Sport and the Hubei Provincial Supervision Commission.

Endlessly, who will be next?
Endlessly, who will be next?

At this point, the dust has settled on the busiest "calligrapher" of the Football Association, which has been missing for many days, and he can practice calligraphy in a single room. Although most friends and friends have guessed the result from Wang Dalei's Weibo, the official news still makes the fan base of each club excited, after so many years, retribution has finally come, which club has not received the ticket issued by Director Wang? @直播吧还特意梳理了近段时间中国足协高层被查时间线:

Endlessly, who will be next?

From this timeline, the Chinese Football Association has been investigated five people, if you add the now "missing" former deputy secretary of the Football Association Y surnamed Hongchen, it can only be said that the Football Association has rotten, when everyone is thinking about whether it will stop here, the football circle boss @ Li Pingkang 1991 updated Weibo again: It is difficult to say when there will be a conclusion about access, Huang and Dong who manage access are missing, and who manages access these days does not know...

Endlessly, who will be next?

In addition to Huang Song, director of the competition department of the Football Association already mentioned above, there is also a Dong missing, who is this Dong? Combined with the list of leaders of various departments of the Football Association previously announced by the Football Association, the spearhead pointed to Dong Zheng, the general manager of the Market Development Department and the Chinese Super League Company, who holds many hats.

Endlessly, who will be next?

A few days ago, the Chinese Football Association released the second batch of clubs that have settled their debts, which was criticized by the majority of netizens, and some players explained in their real names that they did not receive wages, let alone sign the salary confirmation form, I don't know how the Football Association reviewed and passed? On the cusp of such a storm, it is worrying to have such a working attitude.

The start of the league is approaching, and the football association is leaderless, and the departments are panicking, do you think anyone will be taken away? Will the league still go ahead as scheduled? Let's have a chat in the comment section!

#中国足协#​#中超#​#头条创‮挑作‬战赛 #

#Wang Xiaoping, director of the Disciplinary Committee of the Chinese Football Association, was investigated#