
"You Look So Good When You Laugh" | ARUNA: I'm sorry! I've really worked hard

author:Foam whispered

In the latest issue of "You Laugh So Nicely", I didn't have a lot of laughs, but I was poked in the tears. In the show, Li Yan said: Aruna is deeply liked by the director because he is very serious.

"You Look So Good When You Laugh" | ARUNA: I'm sorry! I've really worked hard

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Aruna said in an interview: I think it should be serious, I am serious, then if you are not serious, go straight home!

This is a very simple sentence, and there is no word to describe his hard work, but such a short sentence makes everyone feel his seriousness and hard work, humility and hard work.

Because I don't think I'm good enough, I don't think I have the talent for it, so I have to sweat more to get paid for it.

"You Look So Good When You Laugh" | ARUNA: I'm sorry! I've really worked hard

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I am curious why Teacher Shen Teng chose me?

At first, when Shen Teng said that he chose Aruna, he couldn't believe why Shen Teng chose him, because he felt that among the four people, he was the worst and extremely lacked self-confidence. In his opinion, Shen Teng should choose excellent players, no matter who he chooses, at least it will not be him.

Why Shen Teng chose him, I think it is because of his efforts, his seriousness, Shen Teng looks in his eyes, Shen Teng knows.

"You Look So Good When You Laugh" | ARUNA: I'm sorry! I've really worked hard

In Shen Teng's view, Ah Ru is not confident and needs to be encouraged and affirmed. It's not that he can't do it well, it's because he feels bad. Aruna is extremely unconfident, so when you bring something beautiful to him, he can't believe it, he thinks it's too good, so good that he feels unworthy, not worth having.

For Aruna, Shen Teng's choice of him was his luck. What he didn't know was that because he had worked hard enough, luck would come to him.

"You Look So Good When You Laugh" | ARUNA: I'm sorry! I've really worked hard

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I'm an actor, not Aruna

Aruna and Wu Jinyan's sketch "Red Sorghum", there is a scene in it, when Wu Jinyan tilted his head against Aruna's shoulder, it was obvious that Aruna's whole body was stiff and overwhelmed. But in the back, in order to cooperate with the performance, at the end of the sketch, he also forced himself to let go, and leaned shoulder to shoulder with Wu Jinyan.

This is a child who pays for the art, for the performance.

When performing, he is not Aruna, but the character himself, there may be discomfort, there may be unaccustomed, but as an actor, he can not be himself, must play the role itself.

"You Look So Good When You Laugh" | ARUNA: I'm sorry! I've really worked hard

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At least I tried hard and was worthy of myself

This is an unconfident child who needs to be affirmed, who always feels that he is not doing a good job and thinks that he is not as good as others. He knows he's stupid, and because he's stupid, he needs to work harder to learn.

Aruna did not give up because she was stupid. He loves this stage, and for this stage, he is willing to pay more efforts and more energy to learn than ordinary people.

As he himself said: I have worked hard to become what it is, but in the end I don't know that I have worked hard and so it is, then I will not regret it!

"You Look So Good When You Laugh" | ARUNA: I'm sorry! I've really worked hard

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Is it a good thing to have an issue in "Strange Story": "You really work hard"? Among them, Pang Ying's view is most suitable to describe Aruna.

"If you tell that kid you're smart, he'll think he's doing well because of talent. Once you fail, it proves that the talent is not good, then I don't want to continue to work hard. Because it is useless, talent is innate.

If we praise a child and you work hard, he will think that every time he tries, he will learn something new and make himself better. Abilities can be changed through acquired efforts. “

Those who you seem effortless, give silently where you can't see. No genius, no matter what you do, you can't do without learning, the more serious the better, the harder you work, the luckier you are.

"You Look So Good When You Laugh" | ARUNA: I'm sorry! I've really worked hard

There is a saying in "No Question West East": May you remember your preciousness and resist malice when you are hit; may you firmly believe in your preciousness when you are confused, love what you love, do what you do, listen to your heart, and ask no questions.

Only hard work, beauty will come as promised in the future!

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