
Why are Thai male model restaurants so popular? The cruelty of Myawaddy, the trap of "high salary" in northern Myanmar.

author:The facts are moving

Thailand is a country with a gray industry and a global concentration of chaotic people, and it is unlikely that you can expect them to have a connection with security.

Why you need to be cautious when traveling to Thailand, here are some of the most controversial topics.

First, Thai male model restaurant

The male model restaurant has suddenly exploded on the Internet recently, as early as 2018, this restaurant existed, but at that time it seemed to be just an ordinary restaurant, there were no male models.

Why are Thai male model restaurants so popular? The cruelty of Myawaddy, the trap of "high salary" in northern Myanmar.

Because of the three-year epidemic, many people in Thailand have lost their jobs, so the restaurant owner has come up with a way to let some handsome men work part-time, so as to attract some women.

And during the epidemic, guests can also "choose people" to deliver takeaway, and they usually do live broadcasts to attract customers, so this restaurant has become an Internet celebrity restaurant in Thailand during the epidemic.

So why is this restaurant suddenly bursting with popularity now?

In fact, the reason is very simple, after the epidemic was released, in the country of sticks, small days, and discrimination against Chinese tourists, the Thai tourism department led a luxury lineup to welcome Chinese tourists, because Chinese consumers account for more than half of Thailand's tourism consumption.

Why are Thai male model restaurants so popular? The cruelty of Myawaddy, the trap of "high salary" in northern Myanmar.

Therefore, many Chinese tourists and Internet celebrities do take Thailand as the first stop of travel, and the male model restaurant with traffic has naturally become the first choice of many Internet celebrities and tourists.

For various reasons, the restaurant became popular on the Internet. As for whether this restaurant is a place of "karma", I think it may have been before, but it will not be now.

First of all, since the restaurant is so hot, why do something criminal? A lot of tourists, Internet celebrities' money does not earn, but does illegal things, after being caught, it will be doomed, unless he has a hole in his brain,

Second, many people who have been to Thailand have different views, some say heaven, others say hell.

Thailand is a particularly suitable country for tourism because of geography and climate, but it also has a very special gap between the rich and the poor, the world of the rich, you can never imagine, drunk gold fans, night and night songs.

Why are Thai male model restaurants so popular? The cruelty of Myawaddy, the trap of "high salary" in northern Myanmar.

The world of the poor, poor, sleeping on the streets, even if you go, if you don't have much money to spend, you will definitely not have a good travel experience.

Why are Thai male model restaurants so popular? The cruelty of Myawaddy, the trap of "high salary" in northern Myanmar.

Thailand's Bangkok Airport is just over six hours away by car from Myawaddy, which is scarier than northern Myanmar.

Myawaddy is also becoming a chaotic area, full of gray trades, human trafficking distribution centers, the notorious KK Park is here, tens of thousands of people are trafficked here every year, never think about it again.

Why are Thai male model restaurants so popular? The cruelty of Myawaddy, the trap of "high salary" in northern Myanmar.

So how did Chinese get trafficked to Myanmar?

This is to say some of the so-called "high-paying recruitment" traps on the Internet, some high-paying recruits on many platforms, monthly income of more than 10,000, or even hundreds of thousands of annual recruitment information is their biggest trap.

Why are Thai male model restaurants so popular? The cruelty of Myawaddy, the trap of "high salary" in northern Myanmar.

First give you a lure with a high salary, in which there are some of their "trusts", telling that he has been working there for a few years, and now has an annual salary of two or three hundred thousand a year. So as to lure you over, when you get on the bus, it will stun you, and when you wake up, you may already be in northern Myanmar, Myowaddy, basically hell from now on.

Why are Thai male model restaurants so popular? The cruelty of Myawaddy, the trap of "high salary" in northern Myanmar.

Some people who escaped once said that the local traffickers were particularly arrogant and rich, basically everyone bought villas and deposited tens of millions.

In the face of some disobedient people, those traffickers will "hit first, then cut, and then sell", that is, beat you, if you are disobedient, you will directly chop your hands, and then disobey, you will directly sell the organs on your body, and it is the way of not giving anesthetics, directly open the knife to remove the organs, and finally pull to the back mountain to directly find a place to bury.

Why are Thai male model restaurants so popular? The cruelty of Myawaddy, the trap of "high salary" in northern Myanmar.

In fact, if you really understand the world more and more, you will find that the safest in the world is still China, and many foreigners want to immigrate to China, not because they particularly like China, or want to come to China to find a job, because China's laws are relatively sound and the safety rate is particularly high.

  • In China, we can go to eat barbecue in the early morning, and we can press the road in the middle of the night without worrying about safety.
Why are Thai male model restaurants so popular? The cruelty of Myawaddy, the trap of "high salary" in northern Myanmar.

But abroad, don't say that you go to a barbecue in the early morning, even if you come out to buy something, you must always be on guard against whether a robbery will come out on the side of the road.

Foreign countries are not as good as those played in some novels and TV series, and compared to foreign countries where life is not familiar, China is the real place that makes people feel at ease.

Final conclusion

So if you want to travel abroad, try to go to Southeast Asia as little as possible, even if you want to go, go to some big cities, chain hotels, and attractions with many people, even if you spend more money, at least safety can be guaranteed.

Of course, it's best not to go, China's great rivers and mountains, a lot of scenic spots, beautiful places to go, China's beautiful scenery has not been seen, why yearn for the beauty of foreign countries?

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