
Turn your TV into a big red and white machine and miss your childhood games

author:Heartbeat chats digitally

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Turn your TV into a big red and white machine and miss your childhood games

Some time ago, my Huawei smart screen was equipped with a Beitong gamepad, and I want to play more games on my 75-inch large screen. Originally, there were not many games in Huawei Game Center, and most of them had to be charged, which was really not interesting. Later, after researching, you can use the all-round simulator on the smart screen to play various games.

Start by downloading a RetroArch all-around emulator for Android and install it on your TV, just like installing an app on your phone.

Turn your TV into a big red and white machine and miss your childhood games

After installation, the all-round emulator can be used, and garbled characters will be displayed at the beginning of the first entry, and it will be displayed normally when the loading is completed. Because the all-around simulator does not support remote control, we use a joystick for control.

Turn your TV into a big red and white machine and miss your childhood games

First of all, in the loading core, select the mini core we want to use, I want to play the FC red and white machine game, so download the corresponding Nintendo-NES/Famicom (FCEUmm) core.

Turn your TV into a big red and white machine and miss your childhood games

Once you've got the emulator in place, the next step is to download the game. On FC Game Network, there are a lot of FC games to download.

Turn your TV into a big red and white machine and miss your childhood games

I downloaded my favorite games from my childhood "Super Mario", "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", "Ninja Dragon Gaiden" and other games.

After downloading the game game is a ZIP archive, we do not need to decompress, directly copy to the TV.

We can use a USB flash drive to copy games to the TV, because my Huawei smart screen can share files with the phone, so I share it directly to the TV with the phone.

Turn your TV into a big red and white machine and miss your childhood games

Once you have copied the game, select Load game in Mini, find the folder where we store the game, and access the corresponding ZIP file.

Turn your TV into a big red and white machine and miss your childhood games

Once you've downloaded the required game core, you'll be able to see the game files by entering the ZIP file.

Turn your TV into a big red and white machine and miss your childhood games

If there are multiple cores available, before entering the game, you also need to select the game core we want to use to enter the game.

Turn your TV into a big red and white machine and miss your childhood games

Seeing these childhood games, it is fun to play, and it is still a familiar feeling.

Turn your TV into a big red and white machine and miss your childhood games
Turn your TV into a big red and white machine and miss your childhood games
Turn your TV into a big red and white machine and miss your childhood games
Turn your TV into a big red and white machine and miss your childhood games