
The little baby can't speak, his poop can speak!

author:Stay 715 stay
The little baby can't speak, his poop can speak!

When the baby is too young, he can't speak, he can't express, he is hungry, pee, uncomfortable, and he only cries.

Many parents rush to give milk when they see the baby crying, if the baby refuses to drink milk or cries after drinking milk, they don't know what to do.

At this time, you can try it with elimination. If you are not hungry, whether you want to pee or poop, whether diapers need to be changed, whether the baby's clothes are worn too tightly, whether the clothes are worn too much or too little...

Generally, after adjusting the baby, it is comfortable, and the baby will naturally not cry. But if all are ruled out, the child still cries non-stop, and he needs to go to the hospital to ask a doctor for examination!

So at home, is there a way to simply judge the baby's health?

Yes! You can see health by observing your baby's poop!

The little baby can't speak, his poop can speak!

Black poop

When the baby is born, the first two days will discharge black poop, which is meconium, which is normal, and after two or three days, it will slowly turn to normal yellow.

Golden poop

A normal baby's poop should be strip-like soft and golden-yellow, known as "golden poop".

The little baby can't speak, his poop can speak!

Green poop

Indigestion, cold or infection in the abdomen, hunger and lack of food in the baby will all have green stools, sometimes accompanied by unformed and foamy stools.

If the above conditions are found to be green stool, it should be adjusted in time.

When indigestion, be careful not to give the baby too much food, let the baby move more, and give the baby a tummy massage.

If the abdomen is cold, keep the baby warm in time, especially when changing diapers in winter, try to be in a warm and windless room.

If it is a green stool caused by hunger, consider increasing the baby's daily milk volume, and if it is insufficient breast milk, supplement the milk powder in time.

You can eat some probiotics to regulate the intestines.

Green stools can also occur when babies eat more green vegetables, but this is normal.

Egg flowers, watery poop

It is generally caused by infection, common bacteria or viral infection, so you need to go to the hospital for examination and treatment.

Other poop

Bloody stools: fissures due to constipation or inflammation of the intestines.

Off-white stool: caused by digestive problems or hepatobiliary disorders.

Jam-like poop: more commonly caused by intussusception and amoebiasis.

All of the above require a visit to the hospital.

Although the baby can't speak, his poop does. Observing your baby's feeding, mental condition, and poop condition more will help you feed better!

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