
How to create the popular slim and high-grade Clean Fit style?


How to wear a sense of atmosphere in spring and summer, clean fit style

01What is Clean Fit?

Clean means clean, fit is fit, fit. It is the other side of oversize collocation, the fit is neat, pay attention to tailoring, the style is mainly simple basic, less is more representative.

Clean Fit is a simple and high-class outfit, which is suitable for the general public's wearing style, and the overall appearance is clean and relaxed. In order to wear such an effect, the first step is to go to the LOGO and reduce the appearance of clothing pattern design.

02 The color is soft and soft, generally clean black, white and gray, khaki camel, rich in texture.

Several color matching formulas to easily play the Clean Fit atmosphere:

Inside: black + white on the bottom, the jacket can be matched with the color of the bottom.

Inside: all black, neat and thin, you can choose different materials of black, jacket with light khaki, the overall high-end fashion.

The inner jacket is all matched with the same color, and the inner layer is made of different materials, such as soft knit, T-shirt, which can be slightly textured or simple prints to increase the layering of matching.

Inside: white + dark, coat and bottom color matching.

03If you want to feel energetic, you can also wear it with blue washed jeans.

How to create the popular slim and high-grade Clean Fit style?
How to create the popular slim and high-grade Clean Fit style?
How to create the popular slim and high-grade Clean Fit style?
How to create the popular slim and high-grade Clean Fit style?
How to create the popular slim and high-grade Clean Fit style?
How to create the popular slim and high-grade Clean Fit style?
How to create the popular slim and high-grade Clean Fit style?
How to create the popular slim and high-grade Clean Fit style?