
Melatonin: The amazing hormone that improves sleep quality and boosts immunity!

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Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland that plays an important role in maintaining the biological clock, regulating sleep, the immune system, and other important physiological processes. In this article, we will detail the function, mechanism, effects, food sources, and supplementation methods of melatonin.

Melatonin: The amazing hormone that improves sleep quality and boosts immunity!

Features and mechanisms

Melatonin is a hormone catalyzed by the pigment cytoplasmase (arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase, AANAT) to synthesize serotonin, mainly secreted by the pineal gland. Melatonin plays an important role in circadian clock regulation, sleep, and the immune system.

In circadian clock regulation, melatonin is an important "messenger molecule" that regulates the body's circadian clock by interacting with other neurotransmitters and hormones to maintain a normal sleep-wake cycle. Under light, melatonin synthesis is inhibited; At night, when the light is dim, melatonin synthesis increases, because light stimulation inhibits the activity of the pineal gland AANAT enzyme, thereby reducing melatonin synthesis.

In regulating sleep, melatonin helps the body fall asleep and maintain sleep. Melatonin secretion increases at night and gradually decreases with sunrise, so that the body's circadian clock aligns with the environment's circadian rhythm. Melatonin can also help relieve insomnia symptoms because melatonin can reduce the secretion of hypnotic substances in the body and regulate the excitability of neurons in the cerebral cortex, thereby helping people fall asleep.

In the immune system, the mechanism of action of melatonin is complex and diverse. Studies have shown that melatonin can regulate the differentiation, proliferation and death of immune cells, and enhance the activity of immune cells. In addition, melatonin can also reduce the production of free radicals and strengthen the resistance of cells to free radicals, thereby reducing oxidative stress and cell damage.

Actions and supplements

Since melatonin plays an important role in maintaining human health, melatonin supplementation can help regulate the body's biological clock and sleep, relieve insomnia symptoms, and enhance the function of the immune system. Here are some details about the role of melatonin and how to supplement it:

Helps regulate sleep

Melatonin helps the body fall asleep and maintain sleep. Therefore, melatonin supplementation can help relieve insomnia symptoms. According to studies, melatonin supplementation can significantly reduce the time spent falling asleep and improve sleep quality. Melatonin is best used 30-60 minutes before bedtime, usually in doses between 0.5-5 mg, and the exact dose should be determined based on individual needs and medical advice.

Helps regulate the body clock

Melatonin supplementation can help regulate the body's circadian clock and maintain a normal sleep-wake cycle. For those who need to adjust to jet lag for a long time, such as travelers across time zones and night shift workers, melatonin supplementation can help them adjust to their new circadian clock faster. Dosage and timing should be determined based on individual needs and medical advice.

Boosts immune system function

Melatonin can boost the function of the immune system in a number of ways. Studies have shown that melatonin supplementation can enhance the activity of immune cells and reduce the production of free radicals, thereby reducing oxidative stress and cell damage. In addition, melatonin can also enhance the function of the immune system by influencing the differentiation, proliferation, and death of immune cells.

Food sources

Melatonin is mainly found in animal foods such as beef, pork, lamb, fish and poultry. Cherries and some nuts, such as almonds and walnuts, also contain small amounts of melatonin. In addition, melatonin can also be obtained in the form of pharmaceutical supplements, such as oral capsules, liquids, or oral tablets.

Melatonin: The amazing hormone that improves sleep quality and boosts immunity!


Although melatonin has many benefits for human health, it is not suitable for everyone. For those who are taking other medications or prescription medications, it should be used after consulting a doctor. Overdose of melatonin can cause side effects such as headaches, nausea, fatigue, and insomnia, so it should be used strictly in accordance with medical recommendations and dosages. In addition, melatonin supplementation should be used with caution in pregnant and lactating women, minors, and people with autoimmune diseases.

In conclusion, melatonin is a very important hormone that has many benefits for maintaining human health. It helps the body maintain a normal sleep-wake cycle, relieve insomnia symptoms, regulate the biological clock, and enhance the function of the immune system. However, the use of melatonin supplements also requires following medical advice and using caution to avoid side effects.

If you think you have sleep problems or other health problems, it is recommended that you consult your doctor for advice. Your doctor can assess your condition and develop a suitable treatment plan for you to ensure your health and well-being.

Melatonin: The amazing hormone that improves sleep quality and boosts immunity!