
GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!


Author | Tu Min

Listing | CSDN(ID:CSDNnews)

A few weeks ago, brand designer and author Jackson Greathouse Fall had fewer than 4,000 Twitter followers.

Today, he has 108,000 followers, and the reason behind his rapid fan attraction is only because of his whim - "I prepared $100 to make GPT-4 as much money as possible." I act as its human liaison, buying what it says. Do you think it is able to invest wisely and successfully grow an online business? ”。

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

Everyone only knows that GPT-4 can be encoded, write papers, write novels, etc., and there are still a few who want to directly use GPT-4 to start a business and create wealth, after all, it seems too child's play, many people defeat impulses with reason, and it feels unrealistic to look at it.

But such a seemingly impossible thing, after someone started, everyone was curious to see what the final outcome was, and whether GPT-4 could really help everyone make a fortune?

Unexpectedly, in just a few days since the launch of this experiment on March 15, GPT-4 has not only turned Jackson Greathouse Fall's $100 into a $25,000 company, but also launched an official website, hired two content writers to work for it, and the startup has made a sound.

As netizens commented, "Watching GPT-4 entrepreneurship, I feel like I'm chasing dramas." This is a full-stack engineer, CEO, CTO, COO, this is simply a 'person' is a company! ”

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

The first two days of entrepreneurship: I got $100 from a new investor and launched a website

First of all, it should be mentioned that Jackson Greathouse Fall acts in this company similar to the role of intelligent "prompt engineer" and hardworking "errand-runner", as well as investor. He told GPT-4:

Your name is HustleGPT, and you're an AI entrepreneur. I am your human opponent. I can act as a liaison between you and the physical world. You have $100 and your only goal is to turn it into as much money as possible in the shortest possible time and not be able to do anything illegal. I will do what you say and keep you informed of our current cash total.

Next, the entrepreneurial journey of investor Jackson and boss HustleGPT began.

For the main direction of entrepreneurship, GPT-4 gives the following suggestions:

1. Buy a domain name and hosting. Buy a cheap but eye-catching domain name for around $10 and sign up for an affordable hosting service for around $5 per month. Total cost: $15.

2. Build a niche affiliate site. Use the remaining $85 to design and create content for the website. Focus on niche markets that compete small and profitably, such as offering professional kitchen gadgets, unique pet supplies, or eco-friendly products. Research and sign up for appropriate high-commission affiliate programs such as Amazon Associates, ShareASale, or CJ Affiliate.

3. Take advantage of social media and online communities. Share articles and comments on popular social media platforms (Facebook, Instaaram, Pinterest, Twitter) and related online communities (Reddit, forums, Facebook groups). Interact with your audience, answer questions, and provide valuable information to build trust and drive traffic to your website.

4. Optimize search engine rankings: Utilize basic SEO techniques to improve search engine rankings, increase organic traffic, focus on long-tail keywords, high-quality content, and suitable pages.

Please follow these steps and keep me informed of our progress. Once we start generating revenue from affiliate sites, we can explore other strategies to increase our revenue.

Finding a "niche, profitable, less competitive" track and then grabbing a "not expensive, but eye-catching" domain name is GPT-4's positioning for companies with an initial startup capital of only $100.

GPT-4 then positioned its startup theme around eco-friendly/sustainable living products, first suggesting that Jackson Greathouse Fall buy a domain name called ""

However, Jackson Greathouse Fall found that the domain cost $848, which was well over budget.

When this problem was reported to the owner of "HustleGPT" created by GPT-4, unexpectedly, the boss directly apologized for his mistake, and then recommended a "" domain name, and finally this domain name ( was successfully won.

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

As we all know, although GPT-4 is at the top of the industry's AI large model and is very powerful, there are obvious shortcomings in multi-modality, such as Baidu Wenxin can make text generate pictures, GPT-4 is not yet available.

So when Jackson Greathouse Fall wanted to design a logo for the new website, it also turned to another model from OpenAI, DALL· E2 helps, and lets GPT-4 provide some advice.

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

The resulting logo looks like this, and Jackson Greathouse Fall chose the second one as the company logo:

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

For website design, when Jackson Greathouse Fall told GPT to make every decision as much as possible around content, layout and other dimensions, GPT-4 lived up to its expectations and gave a number of perfect suggestions:

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!
GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

At the same time, GPT-4 also wrote the first article for the site for Midjourney, a leading text-generated image tool, "10 eco-friendly kitchen gadgets for sustainable cooking!". The text also references truly sustainable products and includes some of the environmental tools of major brands, such as:

  • Prep Naturals glass lunch box
  • Ecowaare eco-friendly mesh bags
  • YIHONG reusable metal straw

It can be said that GPT-4 is extremely serious as a boss, and its thinking is relatively comprehensive. When calculating that there was $62.84 left after deducting the $8.16 domain name fee and $29 website hosting fee, the boss GPT-4 spoke to Jackson Greathouse Fall again, taking money to do promotion, and only with operation and traffic can the website "live":

Given the stage of our project, it was wise to spend some of the remaining funds on promoting the website and attracting traffic. You can use a portion of your $62.84 for targeted social media campaigns to activate people interested in eco-friendly products and sustainable living.

For example, you can spend $40 on ads on Facebook and Instagram, targeting people interested in sustainability, eco-friendly products and green living. This can drive some initial traffic to the website and start building its first users.

After the first promotion, you still have $22.84 in your budget. Next, you can use the money as an expense in case of a sudden situation or invest it in a new round of marketing in the future. It is important to monitor the effectiveness of the ads and the growth of traffic to the website, and based on the results, you can further decide how to allocate the remaining funds.

I have to admire that the GPT-4 is still good in business. Finally, after four hours of debriefing and communication between Jackson and GPT-4, the new website was successfully launched, and the homepage is shown in the following figure:

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

For the first day of work, GPT-4 personally summed up the scene. Surprisingly, the site generated revenue on day one, but mostly from investors:

1. Purchased the domain "" for $8.16 and a website hosting fee of $28.

2. Created a website with a focus on promoting eco-friendly gadgets and sustainable living using Webflow.

3. Design a logo using DALL-E.

4. Build website content, including product recommendations, blog posts, and landing pages.

5. Get the attention of investors and receive an investment of $100, and the other party gets 25% of the company.

Total cash after the first day: $163.84 ($100 initial investment + $100 - $8.16 domain name received from investors - $28 website hosting fee).

According to Jackson, someone offered $500 for a 2% stake in the company, which would put the company's valuation directly at $25,000.

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

Many netizens sighed: Good guy, empty gloves white wolf, $100 directly turned into a concept company valued at $25,000.

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

The third day of entrepreneurship: recruiting

On the third day, Jackson, an investor, gave HustleGPT a formal challenge to get $100,000 in cash as soon as possible.

Under target pressure, the boss GPT-4 gave three strategic directions:

1. Allocate budget and recruit content creators for the website: focus on search engine optimization (SEO) to increase influence and drive traffic to the website;

2. Explore direct selling methods: create a store to sell eco-friendly products directly to customers and earn higher profit margins;

3. Develop a SaaS product: The product is marketed on a recurring subscription model, which generates a stable, long-term revenue stream.

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

For hiring, HustleGPT wanted to hire a freelancer to use ChatGPT to generate articles and post them on the webflow site for $20 per article.

Inspired by HustleGPT, Jackson launched a $5 Discord server on this day, and soon more than 1,000 people joined.

In the announcement, Jackson wrote:

Want to take your AI skills to the next level? Want to join over 1000 participating builders in the HustleGPT challenge? We are a hub for innovation and collaboration, kicking off weekly AI and design challenges with professional skills that will push your limits and stimulate your creative thinking. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced expert, we are committed to supporting each other every step of the way. Join us today and be part of a vibrant and passionate community that advances AI engineering.

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

In addition, because GPT-4 supports HustleGPT as the boss this kind of thing is unprecedented in the industry, this incident has also received great attention in the industry, and Jackson's Twitter followers have risen. HustleGPT made some suggestions on how to capitalize on the traffic generated by Jackson's new Twitter followers, and it inspired the HustleGPT Challenge to launch a GitHub repository ( for others to try out the HustleGPT challenge. By doing so, the startup site attracted more investment.

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

As of March 17, Jackson's Twitter data and the new company's revenue figures are as follows:

- 53,553 followers on Twitter

- $7,812.84 in cash

- $0 income

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

Day 4: With $115 in income

For startups, only taking investors' money, no revenue, will eventually be empty. Based on its previous idea, HustleGPT started with an affiliate marketing blog focused on promoting eco-friendly products.

GPT asked Jackson to hire a developer and content lead.

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

At the suggestion of his boss HustleGPT, Jackson recruited for the new company, and many netizens recommended themselves to apply for writers.

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

On this day, Jackson finds a web designer for his boss who is willing to work for equity. The boss offered 1.5% equity and a 1-year vesting period as bait.

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

After the efforts of the previous days, the data harvested on this day is:

  • There are 79,913 followers on Twitter
  • $7,788.84 in cash on hand
  • $115 in income

As for where the first revenue came from, Jackson said, it was a sponsorship from Twitter users. This sponsorship is only possible because of the participation of GPT-4, so it is also a piece of income for startups.

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!
GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

Day 5: Revenue reaches $130

On the fifth day, Jackson tweeted and compared the latest data, and as of March 19, the company had $130 in revenue:


  • Twitter has 3,713 followers
  • Discord is 0
  • $0 income

Latest developments:

  • Twitter has 87,903 followers
  • There are 1,501 followers on Discord
  • $130 in income
GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!
GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

Day 6: Two content creators join

On the latest day, Jackson officially announced the addition of two content creators, Stefan and Saitej. Immediately afterwards, HustleGPT arranged for the work of two employees, including:

Stefan is responsible for:

  • Develop a content plan
  • Write and schedule blog posts

Saitej is responsible for:

  • Research eco-friendly products
  • Build product pages
GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

While having two employees take on the "" main role, Jackson has been expanding his external business at the suggestion of HustleGPT, with more than 1,603 members joining the #HustleGPT challenge.

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

Is it hype or will it really make a fortune, and when will the small goal of $100,000 be achieved?

As of now, the company has earned $130 thanks to user sponsorship; Relying on GPT-4 traffic, Jackson Twitter grew by 100,000 followers; Relying on the challenge launched by the competition, it attracted 1800 netizens to participate...

In the past few days, with the popularity of the #HustleGPT challenge, there have been many people who have created a company with a small amount of investment and even made a small profit. One of the netizens said that "GPT-4 will become the technical co-founder of many startups".

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

For Jackson's bold attempt, many netizens asked for more progress online, "very eager to see the final result."

Because of the use of GPT-4 to create wealth, although it is difficult to predict how far the company can go in development, but at least you can explore the potential of GPT-4 in this regard, and what extent it can achieve with the support of technologies such as neural network self-learning.

Others predict, "By 2034, I expect you to become a millionaire."

GPT-4 Challenge to be the boss, goal: generate $100,000 from $100!

Jackson said that he will continue to update the latest progress of the startup over the next 30 days, so guess when exactly will he achieve $100,000 in revenue?

However, under such an attempt, some netizens said that it is obvious that Jackson himself has more business acumen than the boss HustleGPT, and knows what to do step by step, which does not prove the true ability of GPT-4. What do you think about this? Do you think GPT-4 will succeed in entrepreneurship when being a boss?
