
Babies can't make up for iron deficiency? You may have fallen into these misunderstandings

author:Little Y is at home

When the baby was six months old, the first blood test found iron deficiency anemia. In fact, most babies will have mild anemia around six months, because the amount of iron in the mother has basically been consumed at this time, and it is necessary to add complementary foods to the baby in time to supplement.

Babies can't make up for iron deficiency? You may have fallen into these misunderstandings

If you find that you have given your baby a dietary supplement, but the effect is minimal, then you may have fallen into these misunderstandings.

1. Eating egg yolk can supplement iron. Although eggs are nutritious, but the ability to supplement iron is really average, the iron content of a hundred grams of egg yolk is 7 mg, which looks quite high, but the absorption rate is only 3%, and the effect is not good.

Babies can't make up for iron deficiency? You may have fallen into these misunderstandings

2. Jujube, fungus, spinach and laurel have high iron content, but the effect is very small. In plant foods, they are all considered to be high in iron. However, all plant iron is very troublesome to use, first turn the insoluble iron into a soluble state, then absorb it into the blood, and then use it to synthesize heme itself. In this process, there are many hindering factors such as phytic acid, oxalic acid, phosphoric acid, dietary fiber, etc., and the absorption and utilization efficiency is far less than that of heme in red meat, and the effect is minimal.

Babies can't make up for iron deficiency? You may have fallen into these misunderstandings

3. Stir-frying in an iron pot can supplement iron. I heard the old man say this when I was short of iron. But what the human body needs is heme iron, and stir-frying in an iron pot can only increase the iron content, these are inorganic iron, and the absorption rate is only less than 3%.

If the baby has only mild anemia, then food supplements are still advisable, and if the baby is severely anemic, it is better to follow the doctor's advice.