
Flu A convalescence, do this!

author:Pomegranate babe

Influenza A is a disease caused by the H1N1 virus that has a clinical presentation similar to that of common influenza, but differs in treatment and prevention. As patients enter the recovery period after treatment, a healthy diet and proper nutritional intake are essential to restore good health. This article will discuss dietary recommendations during influenza A rehabilitation.

Flu A convalescence, do this!

First, the principle of diet

During the rehabilitation period of influenza A, the dietary principle should follow the principle of "light and easy to digest". This can reduce the burden on the stomach and intestines and promote digestion and absorption. At the same time, it is necessary to drink plenty of water to maintain water balance and help excrete toxins from the body.

2. Foods that should be eaten

Protein foods: such as fish, shrimp, lean meat, tofu, etc., are beneficial to muscle repair and enhance immunity.

Vegetables and fruits: including tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, oranges, etc., rich in vitamins and fiber, which are beneficial for increasing nutrition and improving immunity.

Pasta foods, such as rice, noodles, steamed buns, etc., can provide an appropriate amount of carbohydrates to maintain the body's energy supply.

Clear soup foods: such as rib soup, chicken soup, lean broth, etc., can provide nutrients and are easily absorbed by the body.

Flu A convalescence, do this!

3. Avoid food

Spicy and irritating foods: such as peppers, ginger, garlic, etc., are easy to irritate the stomach and aggravate symptoms.

Greasy foods: such as fried foods, fatty meats, etc., have high fat content and can easily lead to indigestion.

Junk food: such as potato chips, soda, chocolate, etc., has low nutritional value and will affect health.

4. Supplement nutrition

Vitamin C supplementation: such as citrus, strawberries, tomatoes, etc., can enhance immunity and prevent infections.

Supplement high-quality protein: such as fish, eggs, milk, etc., help muscle repair and strengthen immunity.

Supplementing beneficial flora, such as yogurt, sauerkraut, soy milk, etc., can promote intestinal health and enhance immunity.

Flu A convalescence, do this!

V. Special Tips

It is advisable to eat small and frequent meals and avoid eating a large amount of food, so as not to cause excessive burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

People in the recovery period should avoid eating out as much as possible, and choose their own food to be safer and more hygienic.

If the individual is in poor physical fitness, he or she should consult a doctor for guidance on personalized dietary adjustments.

In summary, during the rehabilitation period of influenza A, it is necessary to pay attention to dietary nutrition matching, focusing on light and easily digestible foods, and avoiding irritating foods and greasy foods.