
Often sleepy is blood viscosity? Can blood clots also develop? After reading it, you will be sober

author:First Health Group

Get sleepy after eating

The whole day was full of thoughts

Quickly lie down and sleep under the covers

Often sleepy is blood viscosity? Can blood clots also develop? After reading it, you will be sober

Do you feel that way?

If there is, pay attention

Often sleepy is blood viscosity? Can blood clots also develop? After reading it, you will be sober


What are the causes of high blood viscosity?

Can blood clots develop?

How can it be prevented?

Can thick blood develop into blood clots?

Increased blood viscosity first affects capillaries. Because capillaries are the smallest of all blood vessels, they are most affected by blood viscosity.

When the blood viscosity of capillaries increases, the oxygen and nutrients carried by the blood cannot be transported to all parts of the body. If cells are not infiltrated with oxygen and nutrients for a long time, they will be damaged or even apoptosis.

After the blood vessel wall is damaged, it reacts with cholesterol, triglycerides and other substances in the blood, which may cause blood vessel damage, which in turn develops into blood clots.

Often sleepy is blood viscosity? Can blood clots also develop? After reading it, you will be sober

What are the symptoms of high blood viscosity?

Capillaries are the first to be hit by thick blood, especially cerebral vessels.

It is common to get up early, sleepy, not awake, slow thinking, and sometimes dizziness, headache, intermittent blurred vision and other symptoms.

After squatting and standing, the amount of blood in the heart and brain decreases, and there is a sudden darkness in front of the eyes and difficulty breathing.

In addition to wisdom tooth extraction, symptoms of unilateral drooling may also occur.

What are the causes of high blood viscosity?


Eating foods that contain a lot of fat, such as meat foods and cooking oils, these fats do not have time to be absorbed by the body, which will lead to an increase in blood viscosity in the body.


Eating foods that contain a lot of sugar, such as bakery products and fruit juice drinks, can also accumulate in the blood, resulting in increased blood viscosity.


When stress is too high or lack of exercise, the remaining fat in the blood cannot be burned in time, and blood sugar and cholesterol will also accumulate in the blood, eventually resulting in poor blood flow and thickening of the blood.


When the body is dehydrated due to heavy sweating or fever, the amount of water in the blood decreases, and the concentration of substances in the blood increases, and the blood becomes thicker.


Substances such as alcohol and tobacco increase the amount of cholesterol and neutral fats in the blood, resulting in thick blood.

Often sleepy is blood viscosity? Can blood clots also develop? After reading it, you will be sober

How to prevent excessive blood viscosity?


Control your diet, especially eat less greasy and sugary foods, and try to eat a light diet to prevent excessive blood viscosity.


Exercise regularly, with regular aerobic training such as jogging or swimming. Exercise can not only release stress and happy mood, but also consume the remaining fat in the blood to reduce the viscosity of the blood.

Often sleepy is blood viscosity? Can blood clots also develop? After reading it, you will be sober


Relieve pressure appropriately. You can't hide negative emotions deep in your heart, you can make your mood comfortable by brushing dramas, talking to friends, walking, playing ball, etc., thereby reducing blood viscosity.


Timely and effective hydration. Water is the source of life, nearly two-thirds of our body is water, don't forget to hydrate every morning after getting up and sweating during exercise. Also remember, don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water.


Quit bad habits such as smoking and drinking.

Often sleepy in addition to excessive blood viscosity

It is possible that you really haven't slept enough

But sometimes I get enough sleep for 8 hours

Why are you still sleepy?

Why do some people only sleep 5 or 6 hours?

Can you be more energetic?

So have you ever wondered:

Do I have to sleep 8 hours a day?

How long do I need to sleep in a day?

9 common facts about sleep

Many people don't know!

Nick Littlehales summarized a few common knowledge about sleep in "The Sleep Revolution", which can help everyone get a better night's sleep.


Following a circadian rhythm allows us to sleep better

The so-called circadian rhythm is that when we reach a certain time period, we will naturally want to do something. The body begins to secrete melatonin at 9 p.m. to make us sleep urgently, and we sleep the deepest at 1~2 a.m. From the moment we wake up in the morning, we will have three peak sleep needs: 1~3 pm, 5~7 pm, and after 11 pm.


Genetics determine whether we are early or late

There are early risers and late risers. Early risers are used to getting up in the morning, and late risers usually come a little later, but according to the law of day and night, the optimal time for both types of people to get up is not more than 2 hours. We can try to find the most suitable time for ourselves to get up.

Often sleepy is blood viscosity? Can blood clots also develop? After reading it, you will be sober


Scientifically set your own wake-up and bedtime times

From the time you set to get up, the number of sleep cycles required by the root, backwards is the sleep time, a cycle is generally 1.5 hours. For example, your most suitable sleep cycle is 5, and if you want to get up at 7 o'clock, then you must go to bed at 11:30 p.m.


It is best to plan the total number of sleep cycles on a weekly basis

For example, if you want 5 sleep cycles a day, 35 a week, 30~35 will not have much impact, usually do not sleep enough at night, many people will have psychological pressure to make up for sleep during the day. But as long as the sleep cycle of the habit is not broken for 3 consecutive days, then the impact is not large, and our body will have a strong ability to regulate.


Taking a shower before bed and dimming the lights can help you fall asleep faster

For example, the natural environment can be simulated. Take a warm shower before bed, raise your body a degree or two before sleeping, simulating the warmth to coolness process. Make the bedroom light darker than the living room, simulating the process from light to dim. It is also important to turn off most of the interfering blue light devices - this makes it easy for the mind to clear up and make it difficult to fall asleep.


Adopting a baby sleeping position can lead to better sleep quality

Lie on your side, lying on the side of your non-dominant hand (right hand, lying on the left, lying on the right side with your left hand), knees slightly bent, arms placed on your chest, gently overlapped together, neck, head and hips forming a smooth straight line. This sleeping position will make you feel more secure and also improve your snoring.

Often sleepy is blood viscosity? Can blood clots also develop? After reading it, you will be sober


The wake-up process after waking up is also very important

Wake up with natural light (or with natural light), watch out for the alarm clock, don't sit up right away, and don't turn on your phone right away. Nervous tension and quick waking up can be physically and mentally detrimental. Get up at a slower pace and start the day without hurrying.


Don't break the wake-up time easily on weekends either

Many people will have the idea of catching up on sleep on weekends, which is understandable, otherwise life is too difficult. However, for the sake of sleep cycle continuity, you can choose a more sensible approach. Still get up at a fixed time, get up for a short time, eat breakfast, and then go to catch up on sleep, so that you can continue to play the role of the sleep cycle, and let yourself get a timely rest.


Use sleep tonic techniques for efficient energy recovery

According to the circadian rhythm, the best is at 1~3 p.m., the second preferably is 5~7 p.m., we can set a rest time of about 30 minutes, not necessarily asleep, even if it is a closed eye rest. In this short time, it can make up for last night's lack of sleep, while eliminating brain fatigue and rejuvenating your body.

Often sleepy is blood viscosity? Can blood clots also develop? After reading it, you will be sober
Often sleepy is blood viscosity? Can blood clots also develop? After reading it, you will be sober

Source | Popular Science China, Health Times, Run Run Shaw Hospital

Organize Edit | Shenzhen First Health