
So cute succulents. #Embrace spring in the name of succulents # I raised a few pots in previous years, but I couldn't raise them well. The fleshy plant is called Ji Yulu, which is a plant native to South Africa. its

author:MrLiu flow

So cute succulents. #Embrace spring in the name of fleshy# I raised a few pots in previous years, but I couldn't raise it. The fleshy plant is called Ji Yulu, which is a plant native to South Africa. Its leaves are fleshy and arranged like lotus flowers, and the color is beautiful, delicate and cute. Meat meat is the name given to it by those who like to raise it. The meat prefers coolness, it grows quickly in a cool environment, but is afraid of freezing and large water.

So cute succulents. #Embrace spring in the name of succulents # I raised a few pots in previous years, but I couldn't raise them well. The fleshy plant is called Ji Yulu, which is a plant native to South Africa. its
So cute succulents. #Embrace spring in the name of succulents # I raised a few pots in previous years, but I couldn't raise them well. The fleshy plant is called Ji Yulu, which is a plant native to South Africa. its
So cute succulents. #Embrace spring in the name of succulents # I raised a few pots in previous years, but I couldn't raise them well. The fleshy plant is called Ji Yulu, which is a plant native to South Africa. its
So cute succulents. #Embrace spring in the name of succulents # I raised a few pots in previous years, but I couldn't raise them well. The fleshy plant is called Ji Yulu, which is a plant native to South Africa. its
So cute succulents. #Embrace spring in the name of succulents # I raised a few pots in previous years, but I couldn't raise them well. The fleshy plant is called Ji Yulu, which is a plant native to South Africa. its
So cute succulents. #Embrace spring in the name of succulents # I raised a few pots in previous years, but I couldn't raise them well. The fleshy plant is called Ji Yulu, which is a plant native to South Africa. its
So cute succulents. #Embrace spring in the name of succulents # I raised a few pots in previous years, but I couldn't raise them well. The fleshy plant is called Ji Yulu, which is a plant native to South Africa. its
So cute succulents. #Embrace spring in the name of succulents # I raised a few pots in previous years, but I couldn't raise them well. The fleshy plant is called Ji Yulu, which is a plant native to South Africa. its
So cute succulents. #Embrace spring in the name of succulents # I raised a few pots in previous years, but I couldn't raise them well. The fleshy plant is called Ji Yulu, which is a plant native to South Africa. its

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