
Middle-aged and elderly people remember: the 10 most oily fruits, longevity and anti-aging effect is very strong! Eat more after age 60

author:Keep you alive and healthy

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Oranges are rich in vitamin C, high in fiber and low in calories. Its high fiber can help with bowel movements, excrete waste and harmful substances from the body, and cleanse the stomach.

Middle-aged and elderly people remember: the 10 most oily fruits, longevity and anti-aging effect is very strong! Eat more after age 60

Barley (guava)

Guavas have actually always been great for weight loss, but few people know about them. Guava is low in calories, rich in dietary fiber, very full, and is the best choice for weight loss. It can be juiced and eaten, reducing the fat accumulated in the body and promoting metabolism!

Middle-aged and elderly people remember: the 10 most oily fruits, longevity and anti-aging effect is very strong! Eat more after age 60

Water pear

Water pears are rich in fiber and a variety of vitamins, eating a crispy and juicy water pear, not only can increase people's satiety - because a water pear only contains 50 calories, but also to achieve the purpose of weight loss!

Middle-aged and elderly people remember: the 10 most oily fruits, longevity and anti-aging effect is very strong! Eat more after age 60


Bananas are rich in dietary fiber, which can stimulate bowel movements and help excretion.

Middle-aged and elderly people remember: the 10 most oily fruits, longevity and anti-aging effect is very strong! Eat more after age 60


Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C and is not high in sugar. If you eat a grapefruit instead of a meal, the calories are definitely much lower than the staple food, but you can only replace dinner occasionally, not for a long time.

Middle-aged and elderly people remember: the 10 most oily fruits, longevity and anti-aging effect is very strong! Eat more after age 60

Green apples

As the king of fruits, apples are born with the effect of losing weight. It is rich in vitamins, which promote digestion and absorption by the body, which can prevent calories from being converted into fat and accumulating in the body. And apples have a good sense of satiety, which can reduce the intake of other calories.

Middle-aged and elderly people remember: the 10 most oily fruits, longevity and anti-aging effect is very strong! Eat more after age 60

Kiwifruit (kiwi)

Kiwi fruit is known as the king of vitamin C, low in calories, low in sugar, low in fat, rich in dietary fiber, and is considered by traditional Chinese medicine to be a fruit category that supplements the treatment of obesity. Because it is rich in dietary fiber, it can also promote gastrointestinal peristalsis.

Middle-aged and elderly people remember: the 10 most oily fruits, longevity and anti-aging effect is very strong! Eat more after age 60


Tomatoes are rich in pectin and other dietary fiber, which makes people feel full. Helps eliminate constipation, promote metabolism, and is very helpful for weight loss. Tomatoes are rich in about 15 other minerals. It can supplement the daily needs of adults with vitamin C.

Middle-aged and elderly people remember: the 10 most oily fruits, longevity and anti-aging effect is very strong! Eat more after age 60


Pineapple is rich in vitamin B1, which promotes metabolism, eliminates fatigue, is rich in dietary fiber, and digests more smoothly. If you love pineapple, you can eat some after a meal and it will also help digestion.

Middle-aged and elderly people remember: the 10 most oily fruits, longevity and anti-aging effect is very strong! Eat more after age 60


Loquats are rich in crude fiber and minerals. With 0.4 grams of protein and 6.6 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of loquat pulp, it also contains vitamin B1 and vitamin C, making it a very effective scraped fruit.

Middle-aged and elderly people remember: the 10 most oily fruits, longevity and anti-aging effect is very strong! Eat more after age 60