
Story: Pure Love Sharp Brother brings the new book "The First Son-in-Law of The Ancients" as a guest of Wen Taohui

author:Palm reading literature

Pure love sharp brother as a guest of the internet Wen Taohui, with funny words for us to tell some interesting things encountered in the writing, he said: "There are many beautiful things in the world, we all have to cherish." After several months of repeated polishing, the new work "The First Son-in-Law of Wangu" was officially released on October 10 at palm reading.

Story: Pure Love Sharp Brother brings the new book "The First Son-in-Law of The Ancients" as a guest of Wen Taohui

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Story: Pure Love Sharp Brother brings the new book "The First Son-in-Law of The Ancients" as a guest of Wen Taohui

Question: Can you tell us about your recent new work?

Pure love sharp brother: From the completion of "One Step Away" to now, because I have not written for a long time in the middle, about six months, basically planning how to write this book, carving this book, and now I have only started writing since last month, and I have written more than 100,000 words. I am quite satisfied with this hundred thousand, which is also the first edition may be revised again, I am ready to start issuing in October.

Story: Pure Love Sharp Brother brings the new book "The First Son-in-Law of The Ancients" as a guest of Wen Taohui

Question: What are your expectations for the future of new works?

Pure love sharp brother: I hope that the new book can bring others a little to make them move, or let them have something to inspire, before I wrote a sense of responsibility is passive, the protagonist is pushed away, but my book wants to write the protagonist to take the initiative to take responsibility, I also want to bring this feeling to others.

Story: Pure Love Sharp Brother brings the new book "The First Son-in-Law of The Ancients" as a guest of Wen Taohui

Question: What was your first motivation to create online literature?

Pure love sharp brother: I began to write when I was in college, my friends around me went to college, they all had girlfriends, I didn't have any, I didn't do anything every day, I had to watch them show love, who could stand this kind of thing, I just started writing to pass the time, fortunately, the first work I was still relatively hot, and then I insisted on writing down the first book was "The Phantom of the Otherworld" At that time, it was exactly when the wireless end was up, and in 2011 it was the top ten of baidu rankings.

Maybe everyone is in good order for too long, they want to see something different, recently is not there a movie "Nezha's Devil Boy Descending" is very hot, in fact, it is also a sense of contrast, the previous Nezha was the parents for the people to kill Nezha, now are to protect Nezha, there is no sense of righteousness and extinction, this is a sense of contrast.

Question: What makes you stick to the creation of online literature?

Pure love sharp brother: If the dream may be a bit hypocritical, I think it is still because of poverty, I am lucky to combine hobbies and family support, so I can write things to support myself, I also like to write, just the two complement each other. Although I am still a little tired when I write, we often feel that it is still good to do a job that I like.

Question: Plans for future pan-entertainment development of new works?

Pure love sharp brother: for the new book the future planning is to put the story, written to let the public like, but you say look forward to, in fact, I expect it is film and television, games, comics, these are all developed at the same time, but these things still depend on luck, just met the right film and television company, game company, in order to make it, a lot of things we can not control, a lot of still have to look at the later stage, but we are in the early stage, I am trying to pick a better company to do something.

Ask: What type of novels or books do you tend to read in your life, and how will it inspire your writing career?

Pure love sharp brother: In fact, I read books to read a particularly mixed, traditional novels like "White Deer Plain" these are all looked at, like "Poetry Classic" these old works, network novels I read and write more, you see anything you can actually associate a lot, two days ago I saw the word "wedding dress", just this word I thought, suddenly a female character popped up in my mind, a girl who is absolutely gorgeous, a woman she went to embroider her own wedding dress, many people do not understand why, in fact, this is her obsession, because her mother wants to embroider a wedding dress for him She embroidered this wedding dress every day, she embroidered a different kind of wedding dress, so her cultivation suddenly made great progress, and she saw and thought more, but the things you wrote, in fact, a lot of the things you thought about did not write.

Question: If you were to recommend a piece of your work to a reader of online literature for the first time, which one would you choose and why?

Pure Love: I recommend "The Phantom of the Otherworld" to readers who are new to online novels, because the book is actually very jerky, immature, and has many drawbacks, but I think one of the advantages is that it has a sense of pleasure. Because at the beginning of writing a book, just because it is immature and jerky, but there is a very direct feeling, you have a lot of things in your mind to write, all of a sudden jumped out, because now the writing is more thoughtful, such as logic these are heavier, but the book has no logic, but I think there is an advantage is that it is a thousand miles, especially cheerful.

Question: Which work has the characters that most closely suit your own style?

Pure love sharp brother: (in the work) there is a role that meets my own, I will not be single in college, writing things will still deliberately avoid myself, the protagonist's personality is separated from me, people are many categories, not to bring yourself to a certain person, because you write your own words have a sense of self, want to write the role well, in fact, people are inferior.

Question: Have you experienced a bottleneck in the creation of your work? How did it get through?

Pure love sharp brother: writing no matter how will encounter (bottleneck period), see how you deal with it, I have a very bad habit, the first is lazy, may not write, just cut off for a day or two, or the past has passed, the second is to see what I wrote before, see more, get that feeling back, cross this bottleneck, the worst way to cross the bottleneck is to irrigate, to irrigate this bottleneck.

Question: Do you have any interesting things to share with you in your career in online literature?

Pure love sharp brother: I have a lot of book fan groups, reader groups, from 2010 to now I estimate that in the group to know each other and love, I don't know how much right, married at least ten pairs, often people send me invitations,

He said come over to my wedding, thank you for your book to get us married, because I'm a fan of books who met in the group and got married, and some of them asked me to name his children, I actually named one of the children, but I don't know if they used him, he said, he must use it.

Question: Has anyone or anything ever provided inspiration or help in your creative process?

Pure love sharp brother: Readers sometimes give my book advice, a lot of things are mentioned on the point, a lot of things you may not necessarily use, but you can learn a lot of things through this. Boss, editors of these help a lot will not say. Like readers, and some friends, sometimes they are very humorous a sentence, can be written into the book, inspiration is everywhere, there are many things to learn from life.

Question: What novel are you most satisfied with so far?

Pure love sharp brother: But if it is said that the choice must be particularly satisfied, I think the book I have written now I have written more than 100,000 words, I think so far is still quite satisfied, one is the feeling of "The Phantom of the Otherworld", the other is that the logic is clear, not so jerky, unlike when I first engaged in creation,

It is a more rounded feeling, and there is a feeling like returning to the original intention before.

Question: Why did you choose palm reading as a platform, what advantages do you think palm reading has, and what are your expectations?

Pure Love Sharp Brother: In 2015, I participated in the training of Lu Xun Academy of Literature, and jiu Wu Yiqi, the editor-in-chief of the palm reading, came to me for a drink, and after drinking, he took a blank piece of paper to me, he said, you help me sign a name. I thought at the time, I said you are not a fan of mine, I was still very proud, you know, I signed him a name, after signing, he added "how much yuan to borrow Jiu Wu Yiqi money now" in the blank space in front of him. He showed it to me, he said this is your signature, if you don't sign me then you will pay back, and then I just went to the palm reading, others say that the palm reading is a big traffic and so on these advantages, I think some familiar friends are together, there is a very pleasant feeling, a group of friends get together, there is no sense of jerkiness.

Question: Can you talk about your plans for the next five years?

Pure love sharp brother: In fact, five years is very short for online authors, because there may be a problem with two or three books, and some slow writing may be written directly for five years in a book, and five years have passed.

Question: What do you think the development trend and prospects of online literature in the future are? Any expectations? Or any suggestions?

Pure love sharp brother: For the author, I hope that online literature will get better and better, regardless of content health or other, we are moving forward, it is best to have "Harry Potter", full development They form a closed loop, foreign literary IP all like the surrounding Ah is doing very well, I think our online literature should also develop in this regard. I think we can be like those excellent in terms of content or the environment, and we can form a closed loop and form an industrial chain to make it really bigger and stronger.

Question: Is there anything you want to say to your fans?

Pure love sharp brother: What I most want to tell (fans) is to read more of my books, to be handsome and rich, and most importantly, to be healthy.

Question: Can you give some advice to the newcomer writers of online literature?

Pure love sharp brother: I think for new authors, it is to read more, write more and work harder, and then there is no boyfriend and girlfriend, it may be easier to succeed.

Introduction to the works

Xu Wuzhou crossed, and in shock, he found that he had become a door-to-door son-in-law, not only a recognized waste moth, but also lying on the bed of the bride's girlfriend on the wedding night.

After eating a meal, he mistakenly entered the Qinglou, and his cold wife was extremely disappointed in him, and the old man sent him to the family martial hall and let him fend for himself. However, because he crossed, he got a tattered reincarnation bowl that needed to be repaired by swallowing everything, and each crack repaired would give back to his strength.

Swallow a piece of iron and gain the power of an ox;

Swallow a piece of silver, and the realm is raised by a heavy weight;

Swallow a piece of gold, and cultivate your combat skills to Dacheng.


As a result, Xu Wuzhou began his debauched life.

Writer's Note:

Dear book lovers, it is my true love to see this passage!

The new book "The First Son-in-Law of Wangu" was originally prepared to be released in August, but it has not been very satisfied, and it has been constantly revised and refined. In addition, due to special reasons, moving away from hometown wasted some time, and it was delayed until now to meet with everyone.

Here, I apologize to everyone, and I believe that you will forgive me for dripping !!!

This book will continue the funny, bloody, suspenseful style, and not forget the warmth of the wind, flowers, snow and moon, and the vastness of the mysterious world.

I will write every character and create the best story for everyone.

I also hope that I can continue to become the true love in your hearts!

Thank you all!

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