
Stop farting as detoxification, these 2 kinds of farts are a sign of cancer, don't wait for advanced cancer to regret it

author:Food pie on the tip of the tongue

I often hear people quip: "There is a fart do not let go, hold the heart, no fart hard squeeze, exercise", fart is what happens to everyone, it is the air that enters the body when we speak, chew, and swallow, and then gases such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen produced during the redecomposition of bacteria in the stomach.

Stop farting as detoxification, these 2 kinds of farts are a sign of cancer, don't wait for advanced cancer to regret it

It is normal for normal people to fart between 10-15 per day. If too much fart or no fart is an abnormal phenomenon, no fart is more dangerous than more fart, normal people will have gas in the body, if not fart, it may be because of intestinal obstruction, intestinal paralysis, intestinal volvulus and can not drive gas discharge.

Stop farting as detoxification, these 2 kinds of farts are a sign of cancer, don't wait for advanced cancer to regret it

Experts remind: These 2 kinds of farts are a signal of cancer, don't take farting as a detoxification, quickly pay attention to it, don't wait for advanced cancer to regret. If the stomach is upset, you can eat more of this food, which can effectively regulate the stomach, this is put in the end, let's look down first.

Everyone knows that farting will stink, which is normal, but when these 2 kinds of smelly farts appear, it may be a sign of cancer, go to the hospital for examination in time.

Stop farting as detoxification, these 2 kinds of farts are a sign of cancer, don't wait for advanced cancer to regret it

(1) Fishy fart: like inflammation or bleeding in the stomach and intestines, the released fart will have a fishy smell, or when there is a malignant tumor in the intestine, the cancer tissue erosion, shedding, bleeding, will lead to the appearance of this fart.

(2) rotten egg-smelled fart: If you have not eaten too much protein and fat food recently, it is likely that there is a problem in the intestines, and if it is accompanied by symptoms such as blood in the stool, constipation, abdominal pain, etc., it is probably an intestinal malignant tumor, and it is recommended to seek medical examination in time.

The above mentioned foods that can regulate the stomach, let's take a look together.

Stop farting as detoxification, these 2 kinds of farts are a sign of cancer, don't wait for advanced cancer to regret it


Pumpkin tastes sweet, soft meat, easy to digest and absorb, pumpkin also contains a substance called pectin, which can protect the gastrointestinal mucosa, but also can promote the healing of gastric ulcers. Pumpkin also contains minerals and vitamins, is a relatively high nutritional value of food, pumpkin contained crude fiber can also help defecation, constipation has a certain preventive effect, contains carbohydrates to help gastrointestinal absorption, and has a certain protective effect on the liver.

Recommended Recipe 【Pumpkin Egg Cake】

1. First prepare an old pumpkin, first peel off the skin, wash and remove the seeds, cut into pumpkin slices and put them on a plate. Put cool water in a pot and steam for 10 minutes.

Stop farting as detoxification, these 2 kinds of farts are a sign of cancer, don't wait for advanced cancer to regret it

2. Prepare a peeled potato, cut into thin slices, and finally cut into fine strips, put it in a basin and soak it in cool water, which can prevent the potatoes from oxidizing and blackening, and it will be more crispy and tender to eat.

Stop farting as detoxification, these 2 kinds of farts are a sign of cancer, don't wait for advanced cancer to regret it

2. Cut some shredded carrots, if you like to eat chili peppers, you can cut a green pepper, cut all of them and put them on a plate for later.

Stop farting as detoxification, these 2 kinds of farts are a sign of cancer, don't wait for advanced cancer to regret it

3. When the time comes, the pumpkin is also steamed, take it out and pour it into a large basin, beat four eggs into it, stir well with chopsticks, and then press it with a spoon to make the pumpkin puree more delicate.

Stop farting as detoxification, these 2 kinds of farts are a sign of cancer, don't wait for advanced cancer to regret it

4. Add two spoonfuls of flour, the specific amount according to the pumpkin and eggs, stir into a batter.

Stop farting as detoxification, these 2 kinds of farts are a sign of cancer, don't wait for advanced cancer to regret it

5. To taste, add some salt, pepper, add a handful of chopped green onion, continue to stir well, the chopped green onion and batter are completely integrated.

Stop farting as detoxification, these 2 kinds of farts are a sign of cancer, don't wait for advanced cancer to regret it

6. Preheat the pan and brush the oil, scoop up two spoons of pumpkin egg liquid, spread it into a cake shape, fry slowly over medium-low heat, turn over the surface after solidifying, fry until golden brown on both sides, the cake is cooked, put it into the plate first out of the pan.

Stop farting as detoxification, these 2 kinds of farts are a sign of cancer, don't wait for advanced cancer to regret it

7. Heat the oil, add chopped green onion and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, stir-fry until fragrant, and pour in shredded potatoes and carrots. Stir-fry evenly, stir-fry until broken, then pour in the green pepper and continue stir-frying. Start seasoning, add salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, stir-fry until flavored, turn off heat.

Stop farting as detoxification, these 2 kinds of farts are a sign of cancer, don't wait for advanced cancer to regret it

8. Take a stretched pumpkin egg cake, put the fried shredded potatoes on top, roll it up and put it on a plate. Simple and delicious breakfast pumpkin omelette is ready, and vegetables can also be exchanged for your favorite.

Stop farting as detoxification, these 2 kinds of farts are a sign of cancer, don't wait for advanced cancer to regret it

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