
Behind the sexual assault of women, what pathological discrimination is there in India, the life of being abandoned, the deformed form three, and the chronic disease is difficult to get rid of

author:Ukiyo-e chronicles
Behind the sexual assault of women, what pathological discrimination is there in India, the life of being abandoned, the deformed form three, and the chronic disease is difficult to get rid of

Author: Our member Jinlingwu

On July 1, "Wrestling Daddy" and "Mysterious Superstar" starring Seira Worthy announced her retirement from the film industry because she violated her religious beliefs as an actress.

As soon as the news came out, countless netizens sighed.

In the movie, she is a female wrestler who ignores the cold eyes, a female singer who ignores her father's obstruction, and a modern woman who rebels against society; but in reality, she wears her own turban and chooses to return to the world, chooses to return to the ranks of oppressed Indian women.

This is the reality faced by Indian women, even Bollywood actresses are not immune.

<h1>First, a life of abandonment</h1>

If you want to go through a smooth life, Indian women have to go through 9981 difficulties.

First, some baby girls are amicable by sex.

In 2011, the ratio of 6-year-old children to males in India was 1000:914, and in 2018, the ratio of males to females was 152:100, which is seriously imbalanced.

Second, it is not easy for baby girls to survive.

The mortality rate of female infants in India is much higher than that of male infants, and a data in the 1990s showed that in the 0-5 age group, the infant mortality rate for girls was 122.4 per thousand and the infant mortality rate for boys was 115.4 per thousand. The reasons behind this are obvious.

In addition, 51 per cent of male infants are breastfed and only 30 per cent of female infants are breastfed, and girls are subjected to visible injustices.

Behind the sexual assault of women, what pathological discrimination is there in India, the life of being abandoned, the deformed form three, and the chronic disease is difficult to get rid of

Third, after escaping abortion, many women do not have access to education.

Due to the large population and the prioritization of social resources by men, it is difficult for girls to complete legal education, and the female literacy rate in remote rural areas is only 3%.

The fourth is child marriage.

Child marriage is explicitly prohibited by Indian law, but it is useless. According to the 2005-2006 survey, 22.6 per cent of Indian women married before the age of 16, 44.5 per cent married between the ages of 16 and 17 and 2.6 per cent married before the age of 13.

The fifth is discrimination during menstruation.

Behind the sexual assault of women, what pathological discrimination is there in India, the life of being abandoned, the deformed form three, and the chronic disease is difficult to get rid of

It was difficult to enter puberty, but the great aunt could only use rags, old newspapers, leaves, dirt ash... Nearly a quarter of girls are unable to attend school because of ridicule and discrimination during menstruation.

In 2017, a 12-year-old girl committed suicide in anger after being humiliated by her teacher during her menstruation. "What mistake did I make to make them torture me like this", the girl's suicide note, still inconsoluble with society, I believe this is also what many people can't understand.

The sixth is the toilet.

India's open defecation is already notorious, but what makes women even worse is that they don't even have the right to defecate on the ground. They can only go out at night to solve, what if they want to go to the toilet during the day? Hold back.

Open toilets give rapists an opportunity, and 50% of rapes in India occur on women's way to the toilet.

Behind the sexual assault of women, what pathological discrimination is there in India, the life of being abandoned, the deformed form three, and the chronic disease is difficult to get rid of

The seventh is the miserable life of the widow.

After the abolition of the martyrdom system, the lives of widows remained unchanged, they were considered guilty kefu people, sent to the widow's house to atone for their sins, ate only once a day, were not allowed to communicate with outsiders, and could only sleep on the floor...

The eighth is domestic violence. In the patriarchal society, husbands can do whatever they want, and women are taught from an early age to be meek, obedient, and patient, and they can only endure domestic violence silently.

Indian women have to prepare a dowry for marriage, if the dowry is less, the husband is not happy, domestic violence is inevitable; what's more, in order to earn the dowry, the husband will kill his wife and remarry; if you can't stand domestic violence, what will happen if you resist? It's a big deal to squat in prison, but India's prisons are mixed with men and women...

Feeling hopeless?

<h1>2. Deformed morphology</h1>

"I have lived like this all my life, I want to ask why I was born in the first place", the words of Yin Xiya, the heroine of "Mysterious Superstar", are the voices of countless Indian women.

How miserable are Indian women?

Surveys have shown that India is the fourth most dangerous country for women in the world after Afghanistan, Congo and Pakistan. India ranked first in three areas: sexual violence, human trafficking, and culture and religion in the six indicators of the survey.

Behind the sexual assault of women, what pathological discrimination is there in India, the life of being abandoned, the deformed form three, and the chronic disease is difficult to get rid of

From 1971 to 2012, rapes in India increased 8.7 times, and in 2012, every 22 minutes there was a rape, and every 3 minutes a woman was subjected to violence.

As a result of son preference, 63 million women are strangled in their arms and have no chance of being born.


Behind the bloody data are countless individuals who have suffered.

Behind every disaster is the cry of hundreds of women.

Even if you are lucky and go through a lifetime, your full personality has experienced many things that you should not have experienced. After a lifetime of sinful humanity, they do not know that there is another life in the world.

Similarly, people in the other world do not understand their social form, and to know their roots can only be found in history.

Behind the sexual assault of women, what pathological discrimination is there in India, the life of being abandoned, the deformed form three, and the chronic disease is difficult to get rid of

Vassi, who quit the film world, embraced Islam, but what really poisoned India was the caste system in Brahmanism (ancient Hinduism). The caste system divides people into four classes, men can marry down, women want to change the lower caste, can only look for a husband.

The teachings say, "Whether in infancy, adulthood or old age, a woman must never make up her own mind, even at home." A woman must be a woman at an early age, a husband at an adult age, and a son in death;

They are born with sin, both as an appendage of men and as a source of social misery.

The status of women in many countries has gone through a process from low to high. "Unmarried from the father, married from the husband, the husband died from the son", the ancient China of the three from the four virtues is like this, but into the modern society, there is no longer the bad habit of the three from the four virtues, and Indian women still need to awaken from the patriarchal society.

<h1>Third, chronic diseases are difficult to get rid of</h1>

In recent years, Indians have indeed awakened, but they have not awakened enough.

"Wrestling Daddy", "Mysterious Superstar", "Toilet Hero", "Pad Man", "The Empress"... Movies are the best way for Indians to have fun, and the best stage for awakened people to complain about society, and things that are difficult to achieve in reality are appealed to in movies.

In fact, since the beginning of the 21st century, this type of film has appeared, "Country Without Women", "Moon River", "Hot"... Involves infant abuse, child marriage, widows, abandoned women.

However, the film is art, not reality, the girl who took off the headscarf and bravely stepped out in the movie put on the headscarf again in reality and quit the film world, "if I continue to work, it will interfere with my faith and threaten the relationship between me and my faith", Bollywood actresses have not escaped religious prejudice after all.

This move is like a resounding slap in the face of an awakened filmmaker: film can never shake the entrenched social form.

Behind the sexual assault of women, what pathological discrimination is there in India, the life of being abandoned, the deformed form three, and the chronic disease is difficult to get rid of

But Amir Khan, known as the "conscience of India," has gained something in another area – The Truth Interview.

In the program, he was blunt, putting various problems such as female infanticide, child sexual assault, huge dowries, domestic violence, and the caste system on the table, unveiling the fig leaf layer by layer, directly hitting the heart of India.

Amir Khan said: "There is no need to be ashamed that our country is in the spotlight, what should be ashamed is that our country is still lacking in some aspects".

So what is India's official attitude toward outside criticism?

In 2014, the BBC made a documentary, Daughter of India, based on the black bus gang rape case, which exposed the "rape capital" of New Delhi to the world. However, the attitude of the Indian government is that the content of this film is sensitive, easy to cause riots, and it is completely banned.

Behind the sexual assault of women, what pathological discrimination is there in India, the life of being abandoned, the deformed form three, and the chronic disease is difficult to get rid of

On December 16, 2012, 23-year-old female college student Jody and her male friends boarded a private black bus after watching a movie. After getting into the car, the male friend was beaten and fainted, and Joti was gang-raped by 6 men.

This is the black bus gang rape case that shocked the world!

How miserable are girls? She was kicked in the stomach, slapped, and scarred from her private parts. The most cruel thing was that one of them put his hand inside her and pulled out the intestine, and only 5% of the intestinal tissue in the girl's body remained.

In addition, what shocked the world even more was the attitude of Indians.

"A slap on the wrist doesn't make a sound, and a decent girl won't hang out at 9 p.m. Women are more responsible for rape than men."

"Men and women are not equal, girls have to run the house and do housework, not at night at disco and bars, do what they shouldn't do, wear clothes they shouldn't wear."

"In our society, girls are not allowed to go out of the house with anyone they don't know after 6:30 p.m. or 7:30 p.m. or 8:30 p.m."

"If my daughter or sister had premarital sex, I'm pretty sure I would pull that daughter or sister into the farmhouse and pour gasoline on her in front of the whole family and set her on fire."

Behind the sexual assault of women, what pathological discrimination is there in India, the life of being abandoned, the deformed form three, and the chronic disease is difficult to get rid of

Sadly, this is still the view of some lawyers. Their views represent part of the Indian community: the person responsible for rape is the woman, but she is the messenger of justice, and the punishment of women who wear revealing clothes and go out at night is an act of justice.

With such a defense lawyer, Indian law is too friendly to rapists.

After this incident, Indian youth took to the streets to protest. They were furious and indignant, demanding that the government severely punish the killers and oppose rape.

Behind the sexual assault of women, what pathological discrimination is there in India, the life of being abandoned, the deformed form three, and the chronic disease is difficult to get rid of

Appeals are low.

Movies can maintain a momentary popularity, and "Truth Interview" can uncover scars. So, can the black bus gang rape case awaken women's rights?

In December 2013, eight days after the first anniversary of the black bus gang rape, a 20-year-old Indian woman was gang-raped by multiple people.

In 2014, the Indian government banned "India's Daughter".

In May 2017, the black bus rape case upheld the original sentence, which dragged on for five years.

It's still a patriarchal society, it's still the "rape capital", it's still a special group of indian women.

Nothing seems to have changed.