
Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"

author:Yu Mu Zong

Netflix's "Dark Glory" caused a wide response after it was broadcast, in addition to the protagonists' acting skills exploded, the supporting actors were also online and began to receive a lot of attention. Recently, some netizens found that many of the actors of the play are familiar faces who have starred in "Very Lawyer Yu Yingyu", and there are as many as 12 found so far! I don't know if you noticed it when you watched it?

Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"
Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"

Jin Hera, played by the drug addict Qianjin "Li Beiluo", played Ji Xiangxin, the mother of a North Korean defector, in "Yu Yingyu".

Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"
Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"

Wu Ji-lu plays Park Ji-jin (played by Lim Ji-yeon), the daughter of "Ha Rui Shuai", and she turned out to be "Xiao Yu Young-woo" with a cute aura! The autism acting at the beginning did not drag down at all, ah~

Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"
Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"

Xu Dongyuan plays the lewd teacher "Qiu Jung-ho" who works with Moon Tong-hyun (played by Song Hye Kyo), in fact, he also wanted to get rid of his wife after playing "Yu Yingyu" and died in a car accident.

Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"
Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"

This really surprised the editor... The god mother turned out to be Dong Grami's mother!

Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"
Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"

The bad class guide who shielded the bullying group and suppressed Wen Tongxuan, played the judge in the Zhaodeokdong case in "Yu Yingyu".

Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"

The group's legal team staff who followed Ha Duling (played by Zheng Sung-il) also played a judge in "Yu Yingyu".

Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"
Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"

Jun Jae-hwan (played by Park Sung-hoon)'s lawyer friend originally wanted to dig up Tae Shou-mi (played by Chen Qing) black material, but found out that she and Woo Young-woo were the reporter in the mother-daughter relationship.

Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"
Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"

The girl who helped Park Jiazhen write the weather script was actually a bad classmate who passed a note to tease Yu Yingyu and caused her to be slapped by the teacher.

Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"
Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"

The meteorological bureau colleague who sneered at Park Ji-jin is the ex-girlfriend of Choi so-yeon (played by Ha Yoon-kyung) on a blind date.

Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"
Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"

The chairman of the board of directors who agreed to let Wen Tongxuan into the school as a supervisor because he was threatened is a witness in the court of "Yu Yingyu"'s "Slippery Wedding Dress".

Very teacher Wen Tongxuan? "Dark Glory" up to 12 actors have starred in "Very Lawyer"

Finally, the two supporting roles that the editor has no impression of were also caught by netizens playing judges and prosecutors in "Yu Yingyu". I really didn't expect that so many actors have starred in "Dark Glory" and "Very Lawyer Yu Yingyu" at the same time, which is as high as 12, which is only discovered by netizens! The editor really admires the eyes of netizens the most, how did this recognize XD