
Xiong'an established the Sports Federation 35-year-old track and field star Shi Dongpeng was elected as the first chairman

author:Cover News
Xiong'an established the Sports Federation 35-year-old track and field star Shi Dongpeng was elected as the first chairman

The scene of the unveiling ceremony Image source: Ministry of Civil Affairs

Cover news reporter Teng Han

"As a sports athlete from Xiong'an, I am very honored to be able to contribute to the sports cause in my hometown." On December 10, Shi Dongpeng, a famous track and field player in Anxin in Xiong'an New District and former world champion in the 110-meter hurdles, said when talking about his election as the first chairman of the Xiong'an Sports Federation.

On the same day, the Xiong'an Sports Federation was established in Xiong'an New District, and Gao Yuanyi, deputy director of the Group Department of the State General Administration of Sports, and Liu Shujun, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Xiong'an New District, jointly inaugurated the Xiong'an Sports Federation.

Shi Dongpeng introduced that Xiong'an New District has a deep historical background in sports, one of the traditional Chinese boxing methods of "eagle claw flip fist" originated in Xiongxian County, Anxin County has a deep history and proud achievements in swimming and other fields, Rongcheng positioning relies on the traditional clothing industry and sports marriage, the construction of "sports brand county".

According to public information, Shi Dongpeng, born in 1984, is a Chinese male track and field athlete, and the 35-year-old has participated in many domestic and international competitions. In 2002, at the International Athletics Championships in Canberra, Australia, he won the 110m hurdles with a time of 13.99 seconds.

It is reported that the Xiong'an Sports Federation will be built into "three majors", one is to build a "base camp" for the people's sports activities in Xiong'an New Area, through the base camp, it will hold and participate in more sports activities inside and outside the region, organize theoretical and academic discussions and exchanges, and promote the scientificization of sports. The second is to build a "big platform" for sports organizations, which can enable sports organizations and sports industries in the new district to build industry brands, cultivate the sports market, and promote the development of Xiong'an sports industry. At the same time, international and domestic high-end events can be introduced to promote the development of mass sports and competitive sports. The third is to establish a "big family" for Xiong'an sports people, "to communicate with each other, to help each other, and to promote education and sports cooperation." ”

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