
Lion species and secrets you don't know

author:Silent Wind 8515

The lion is a large cat that lives in Africa and Asia, is the largest living average weight cat, and is also a male and female cat.

The male lion has a long mane that is light brown, dark brown, black, etc., and the long mane extends to the shoulders and chest. Those guys with longer manes and darker colors may be handsome and tall in the eyes of the lioness, and often attract the attention of the 'ladies' more.

A lion herd consists mainly of females that are related to each other. The terrain and the amount of prey determine the size of a herd, which can consist of 3 to 30 lions. The male stays in one group for only a certain period of time, after which he tends to go to another group. Nevertheless, in a lion herd, the status of male lions is higher than that of female lions.

There are several subspecies of lions, some of which are extinct. Here are ten types of lions:

Cave lion: The extinct European lion, larger than modern lions, adapted to cold climates and mountain environments. Disappeared because of human competition and reduced food.

Lion species and secrets you don't know

Kruger lion: The largest subspecies of lion in South Africa, with different colored manes. It lives in grasslands, semi-deserts and dry forests, and preys on a variety of large and medium-sized ungulated animals. It is mainly found in Kruger National Park.

Lion species and secrets you don't know

West African lion: A subspecies of lion second only to the tiger, once widespread on the African continent and India. It is now endangered by human hunting, with only a small distribution in East and South Africa.

Lion species and secrets you don't know

Congo lion: Endemic subspecies of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, smaller in size and darker in mane. It lives in savannah and dry forests, hunting other warm-blooded animals in ambushes.

Lion species and secrets you don't know

Maasai lion: The largest lion subspecies in East Africa, commonly known as the East African lion. It is now a Nubian lion population. It is found in the Masai Mara National Park, Serengeti National Park and other places.

Lion species and secrets you don't know

European lion: The extinct lion subspecies of southern Europe, also known as the Greek lion. It may be part of the Asiatic lion, or it may be a separate subspecies. It is larger and has appeared in ancient Greek and Roman mythology and art.

Lion species and secrets you don't know

Cape lion: The extinct South African largest lion subspecies, also known as the Cape of Good Hope lion. It reaches a body length of 3.34 meters and a shoulder height of 1.2 meters. It once lived in the southernmost part of the earth and disappeared due to overhunting.

Lion species and secrets you don't know

Asiatic lion: A subspecies of lion that only exists in India today, also known as the Persian lion. It is smaller in size and has fewer manes. It was once found in southwest Asia from the Mediterranean to India. Today there are only 250-350 individuals, which are protected in Gil Forest National Park.

Lion species and secrets you don't know

Barbary lion: The largest lion subspecies in North Africa that has become extinct, also known as the North African lion and the Atlas lion. It was used as a fighting beast by the Romans, but disappeared due to human destruction and hunting. In 1922, the last wild Barbary lion was shot. Now only some impure Barbary lions are in circuses or zoos.

Lion species and secrets you don't know

Katanga lion: Also known as the Kalahari lion, it is found in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Etosha Park, Namibia and the Kalahari Desert. It is one of the largest living lion subspecies and can tolerate thirst and heat.

Lion species and secrets you don't know

This is the modern king of the steppe that I want to share with you today, the existing son of a different but similar foxy son, the lion.

I also hope that everyone will follow me, and I will introduce you to more animal knowledge.

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