
Where does diabetes come from? How to avoid it? Can early detection be cured?

author:Director of the Endocrinology Section Du Vinson

Diabetes is not an old age disease, and many young people are now in the early stages of diabetes, studying how to control sugar and maintain good health every day.

So many people wonder, is it not nutritious enough to eat now? Or are the medical conditions not developed enough now? How are more and more people getting diabetes?

Where does diabetes come from? How to avoid it? Can early detection be cured?

Diabetes, simply understood, is that the amount of sugar in the blood is too high.

In everyone's body, there is a special control place for converting sugars - the pancreas.

The adult pancreas, secreting about 40 units of insulin every day, insulin is the only hormone in the human body that can lower blood sugar, every day, these insulins will be dispersed with the blood everywhere, distributing sugar to each organ in need, the cells in the organ will convert it into energy after receiving sugar, providing a steady stream of energy for your daily life and study.

Even if you eat too much today and consume 40 units of insulin, don't worry too much. Each person also has 200 units of insulin in their body in case of emergency.

Where does diabetes come from? How to avoid it? Can early detection be cured?

Seeing this, do you think that insulin is very intimate, but then there is a heart-piercing fact, the life cycle of insulin is very short, only 5-15 minutes, so it is not slowly stuffing sugar to the organs every day, but is fiery, hoping to send out more nutrients in a limited time.

If a person does not exercise for a long time, has bad eating habits, and desperately eats sweets and drinks, then the proportion of body fat will increase.

Thick fat, like cotton, will isolate the cell from insulin, at this time, the cell does not accept, sugar can only follow the insulin lingering in the blood.

Insulin has a limited life cycle, and when insulin disappears en masse, sugar remains completely in the blood, which is why your blood sugar is high.

Where does diabetes come from? How to avoid it? Can early detection be cured?

But the matter is not over here, high blood sugar is the enemy of the pancreas, continuous high blood sugar, will make the islet cells continue to die, the remaining islet cells in order to replace the work of their companions, need to work harder to produce and release insulin, resulting in islet cells more and more tired, work efficiency plummets and can no longer rise.

If the vicious cycle continues, insufficient insulin secretion and insulin resistance will occur in the body.

At this time, the islet cells in your body are riveted and cannot reduce the sugar in the blood, part of which begins to be excreted from the urine, and the other part continues to circulate with the blood.

The manifestations of diabetes in your body appear:

Where does diabetes come from? How to avoid it? Can early detection be cured?

(1) Very tired and always want to sleep

Sugar is either lost or in the blood, which cannot provide energy for cells and organs, and people will definitely be sleepy.

(2) Frequent urination, always want to go to the toilet

This is because your kidneys are sensitive and detect more sugar in your blood that you shouldn't have, and are trying to get rid of it.

(3) Thirst, if you urinate too much, you will naturally be thirsty

(4) Blurred vision and inability to see clearly

This is the accumulation of sugar in the lens behind your eyeball, where the capillaries are abundant, and the sugar comes with the blood.

(5) Massive weight loss

Cells do not get a new supply of sugar, and in order to maintain the health of the body, they can only take out the fat that has been cherished for many years and break it down, and people become lighter.


Where does diabetes come from? How to avoid it? Can early detection be cured?

Knowing this, it is not difficult to understand why Chinese medicine says that diabetes is: three jiao to quench thirst.

The nutrients in the grains were not sent to the organs in the three jiao, and the spleen, stomach, lungs, kidneys, etc., were consumed and weakened and became irritable.

So to solve it, start with Sanjiao, nourish the yin, enrich the jin liquid, and calm the dry qi in the Sanjiao.

Then replenish qi and blood, so that the body's movement returns to normal, and sugar nutrients can be contacted and exchanged in time.

Finally, with the regulation of diet therapy and exercise, the body can find a new balance point in the case of partial damage to islet cells, so that blood sugar can still be absorbed and converted in time, so that blood sugar can be stable in a normal range for a long time.

Where does diabetes come from? How to avoid it? Can early detection be cured?

In Chinese medicine, there are many classic remedies to deal with "diabetes", such as: thirst quenching formula, vitality drink, blood and blood glucose lowering formula, match-3 formula, etc., according to the difference in the degree of mobilization in each person's body, different groups are selected for tailoring, helping the body find a new balance point, which can maintain blood sugar stability for a long time.

I'm @Endocrinology Duvinson Director Through this understanding, I believe you also have a better understanding of diabetes, if in the early stage of diabetes, that is, blood sugar has just increased, islet cells have not been seriously damaged, timely exercise, change life and rest habits, can be restored, if found late, then through reasonable methods to make the body balance, blood sugar back to the normal range, is quite remarkable.

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