
After the change of Xuanwumen, Li Shimin killed his younger brother Li Yuanji, why did Li Shimin occupy his sister-in-law?

author:Cat cold is coming

After the change of Xuanwumen, Li Shimin killed his younger brother Li Yuanji, why did Li Shimin occupy his sister-in-law?

The Xuanwumen Revolution was an important event in Chinese history, taking place in the early years of the Tang Dynasty and is considered the largest coup in Chinese history. In this coup d'état, Emperor Taizong of Tang Li Shimin killed his younger brother Li Yuanji after his brother usurped the throne, and also seized Li Yuanji's wife, Li Shimin's sister-in-law, an event that has been widely discussed by historians and cultural scholars. I will detail the change of Xuanwumen, why Li Shimin killed Li Yuanji, and why Li Shimin wanted to occupy his sister-in-law.

After the change of Xuanwumen, Li Shimin killed his younger brother Li Yuanji, why did Li Shimin occupy his sister-in-law?

First, the background of the change of Xuanwu Gate

The Xuanwu Gate Revolution occurred shortly after Emperor Taizong of Tang Li Shimin ascended the throne, specifically on July 2, 626. In this coup, Li Shimin launched a coup against Li Yuanji in the name of quelling the rebellion, together with Yu Wenhe and Changsun Wuji, and successfully usurped the throne of Tang Gaozu Li Yuan.

The background of the change of Xuanwu Gate has multiple factors. On the one hand, after Tang Gaozu Li Yuan took the throne, political instability, and many rebellions and civil strife occurred, making the occurrence of the Xuanwu Gate change an inevitable result. On the other hand, after Emperor Gaozong of Tang succeeded to the throne, because he was young, unpopular, drunk and happy, and greedy for enjoyment, resulting in political corruption and poor livelihood. Under these circumstances, Li Shimin and other heroes decided to stage a coup d'état and usurp the throne.

After the change of Xuanwumen, Li Shimin killed his younger brother Li Yuanji, why did Li Shimin occupy his sister-in-law?

Second, why did Li Shimin kill Li Yuanji

In the Xuanwu Gate Change, Li Shimin killed his younger brother Li Yuanji for two main reasons.

First, in order to seize the throne, Li Shimin must exclude all those who threaten him. Li Yuanji was the son of Emperor Gaozong of Tang, Li Rail, and if he was not excluded, he could become a threat to the future. In addition, Li Yuanji has some heirs with the surname Zhao who do not belong to him, which are also potential political threats.

After the change of Xuanwumen, Li Shimin killed his younger brother Li Yuanji, why did Li Shimin occupy his sister-in-law?

Secondly, Li Shimin killed Li Yuanji to eliminate his personal hatred and revenge. According to historical records, Li Yuanji once disrespected Li Shimin, often belittled him with virtue, and even openly challenged Li Shimin's authority. In addition, Li Yuanji also had improper behavior towards Li Shimin's wife, which made Li Shimin even more dissatisfied with him.

After Li Shimin seized the throne, he feared that Li Yuanji's descendants surnamed Zhao might pose a threat to his rule, so he decided to eliminate Li Yuanji and his family. According to historical records, after killing Li Yuanji, Li Shimin also killed his son, wife and other family members to eliminate the potential threat.

After the change of Xuanwumen, Li Shimin killed his younger brother Li Yuanji, why did Li Shimin occupy his sister-in-law?

Third, the reason why Li Shimin occupied his sister-in-law

There are many explanations for Li Shimin's occupation of his sister-in-law. On the one hand, Li Shimin was an ambitious and determined emperor who possessed enormous political and military power and was committed to expanding his power and territory. Occupying his sister-in-law can help him expand his sphere of influence and strengthen his revenge against Li Yuanji.

After the change of Xuanwumen, Li Shimin killed his younger brother Li Yuanji, why did Li Shimin occupy his sister-in-law?

On the other hand, Li Shimin, in the process of occupying his sister-in-law, also showed his desire as an emperor with power and authority. He has a great pursuit and desire for beautiful women, which is one of the reasons why he has repeatedly occupied women. In addition, Li Shimin has deep dissatisfaction and hatred for his younger brother, and the occupation of his sister-in-law can also be regarded as a kind of revenge and punishment for his younger brother.

In short, the reasons why Li Shimin killed Li Yuanji and occupied his sister-in-law have their historical and political backgrounds. Although these acts are considered immoral and inhumane today, during the Tang Dynasty they were seen as a way for the emperor to exercise power and as a means of maintaining imperial power and authority.