
Ren Suxi, the duty of an actor

Text | Zhiyong

Really, perhaps the audience's first impression of Ren Suxi.

She can always peel off the hard shell of the character layer by layer and find the truth that has been washed out of the lead inside. As an actor of the Practical Experience School, she always hopes to have the most vivid touch on the scene to interpret the truth in her investment. The audience then experienced the truth with her, unconsciously showing laughter or tears, bearing the pain of clenching their teeth, and ushering in the relief of the willow.

The pain and relief come from the axis energy that the characters played by Ren Suxi always carry. Axis, so that they may always have to suffer more than ordinary people, but they can always have more extreme gains. In her two most recent films, the same is true.

Ren Suxi, the duty of an actor

Zhou Yang, who is bent on revenge in "The Cloister Pavilion", always shows a little fatigue in forbearance, passes through layers of fog, and finally lights up the light of life. In "The Wasteland", the jungle of the wasteland alone has to face natural hardships and inner trauma, relying on a tenacity to move forward and find hope for rebirth.

The axes of the characters are in line with Ren Suxi's own personality. She always wants to do her duty as an actor and do her best to present the role. The pain and difficulty in the eyes of others are only the only way she thinks that acting is the only way, and she always refuses to over-interpret the role to ensure her concentration as an actor.

This kind of "unpretentiousness" is reflected in the dialogue between Ren Suxi and Bone Duo as cordiality, straightforwardness and sincerity. She also greets life in an experiential way, always revealing her inner abundance. "Practice makes true knowledge" is her vision of life and performance.


"The Cloister Pavilion", misty search for light

Ren Suxi's past works are mainly urban and comedy themes, and she has not had much contact with the suspenseful crime theme of "The Cloister Pavilion".

Recalling the origin of this play, Ren Suxi said, "When the director and producer came to talk to me, their eyes lit up, which made me feel that they would definitely be able to do this play well." Because she was worried that she was inexperienced and could not grasp such themes, she was once afraid of living up to the wishes of the main creators to do a good job, delaying people and hesitating whether to take the show. But in the end, she was still impressed by the main creators and decided to work together to try this theme that was very new to her.

Ren Suxi, the duty of an actor

"The Cloister Pavilion" is adapted from the original work "The Long Cloister" by the famous Japanese mystery writer Keigo Higashino, and Ren Suxi had read the original work as early as many years ago when Keigo Higashino's novel was popular in China. After getting the movie version of the script, she compared the script with the original. The script is smaller and has changed a lot, the original book focuses more on the case of the "cloister pavilion murder" itself, and the script is more focused on showing the state of various characters, which is a group drama.

Zhou Yang, played by Ren Suxi, is a lawyer who came to the cloister pavilion to secretly investigate the truth of the murder, she hid her identity as a survivor in the case that year, and changed her appearance to deal with the rich businessman family with ghosts. The movie version makes the ins and outs of this character's growth and transformation clearer. "For a character, it's definitely richer."

Ren Suxi, the duty of an actor

Although the subject matter is different from previous performances, when dealing with the characters, Ren Suxi still adopts the preparation method of the experience school. "After getting the script, I will first sort out the context of the characters and sort out the causes and consequences of the characters' behavior. Once the context is unblocked, it is necessary to invest and believe in the plot to be filmed on the scene and feel the most vivid life experience. ”

This understanding of performance stems from her understanding of life. Ren Suxi believes that people have no script in life, but they can still speak and act subconsciously according to general expectations. She hopes that when performing, she can also experience reality by investing in the role, and subconsciously do the behavior that the character may do. Therefore, she will not interpret the characters' behaviors too much in terms of symbolism or macroscopic expressions, which will make the performance too rigid and hinder her concentration as an actress.

Ren Suxi, the duty of an actor

In the filming of "Cloister Pavilion", the intentions of the crew and the emotional outbursts of the opponents and actors all made Ren Suxi feel a vivid experience. The film was shot in a resort hotel in Qingcheng Mountain, and when recalling the shooting environment, Ren Suxi said with a smile, "When I woke up in the morning, there was a lot of fog in the mountain woods, and I felt that the monster was coming. This weird beauty of choosing a scene is very suitable for this movie. The immersive atmosphere allows her to better understand the mood of the characters.

The role of Zhou Yang, as a "detective", plays the role of threading needles in suspense group portraits. As the case gradually escalated, the group portrait characters who were investigated by Zhou Yang became more and more emotionally excited. In the face of the outbreak of the opponent actor, Ren Suxi will not make too many performance presets, but try to accept all the emotional infections of the other party, and then give back the most real instant feelings.

Ren Suxi, the duty of an actor

In the scene of interrogating the young son of a rich businessman in the middle section, Zhou Yang, a character who has always been forbearing, finally ushered in the first outbreak. She despised and mocked this kid, coldly watching his madness and helplessness, and she gritted her teeth and poured out her hatred for the cold-blooded blood of the rich businessman, asking the truth at all costs. When reviewing this major play, Ren Suxi said, "Zhou Yang's emotions at this time have accumulated to a certain extent, and at that point, she is almost about to discover the truth, so her emotional outburst here is justified." ”

In the finale, Zhou Yang found that the revenge that had been prepared for his lover for many years was all based on the lies and deception of the other party in the end, and this emotionally complicated drama made Ren Suxi very embarrassed. "It is not very comfortable for a person to give everything he has, and finally find that he is just a pawn of the other party. But under such a strong appearance, Zhou Yang didn't want to show the discomfort, so he could only suppress it. ”

Ren Suxi, the duty of an actor

Recognizing the realistic ending points out the real theme of this film under the genre shell of suspense and revenge. Finally let go of the past Zhou Yang, found the strength to regain a new life, determined to no longer rely on the light of others' charity, but to be the light in his own life.

Ren Suxi believes that letting everyone not lose themselves and the ability to love is the original intention of "The Cloister Pavilion". "If you don't cherish and love yourself, it's hard to expect others to love you, let alone love others." Zhou Yang, a character who has gone through many tribulations, has finally achieved merit in self-love.


"The Wasteland", baptism of wind and sand

The jungle in "Wasteland", like Zhou Yang in "Cloister Pavilion", has experienced several disasters in the film before finally letting go of the knot. But contrary to the confined space group drama of "The Cloister Pavilion", "The Wasteland" is mostly a one-man show that takes place in the great desert.

The theme of survival in the wilderness is very rare in domestic films, and the shooting also puts forward extremely high requirements for the physical and mental of the actors. Ren Suxi, who dares to take on such a play, undoubtedly has to face too many challenges.

Ren Suxi told Bone Duo that she has always liked solo dramas in which individuals face siege situations, and "127 Hours", "Shark Sea", "Tunnel", "Buried Alive" and other related films are her favorite. After coming into contact with the script of "The Wasteland", she felt that the prescribed situation of the story had the possibility of developing in a similar direction, and based on interest and the mentality of wanting to try new genres, she decided to take the play.

Ren Suxi, the duty of an actor

Before walking into the wasteland, Ren Suxi made a lot of physical preparations for this role. She learned a lot of host Bell's survival skills from "Survival in the Wild" and ate herself strong. But when you really come to the wasteland, the dangerous wind and sand still make people blow down. Ren Suxi did not flinch because of this, in order to adapt to the role, she really lived in the wilderness wind and sand for a few days under the help and guidance of the crew's two wild survival teachers, feeling her integration with nature.

During the filming, the harsh environment caused Ren Suxi to be injured, high altitude, high temperature, no shelter, so that sunburn became commonplace, bumps and bumps are equally common, "the whole leg is not clean, all bruises".

But she doesn't think it matters, after all, starring in such a play, all this is just the duty of being an actor. "That's what I'm here for. Two or three days of bruises on the legs are fine, and it's nothing. I had a sunburn, and so did the rest of the staff, and everyone went through a baptism of wind and sand. ”

Ren Suxi, the duty of an actor

Such a grind made Ren Suxi, who pursues the experiential school, come up with a physiological performance in a solid way. When talking about the most difficult scene in the shooting, she told Bone Duo about the scene where the jungle was stuck in the gap between the cliffs in order to pick up the walkie-talkie that had fallen into the stone crevice. "The whole person has to be supported on the cliff, and there is only a little place for the foot to step on, in fact, it is impossible to step on. After coming down, the body was relatively stiff, and he knelt there at once, because the legs were not good, and he was already shaking. ”

In another hallucinatory scene, the thirsty jungle fantasizes about falling into a puddle. The shot of his face smashed into a puddle made Ren Suxi a little worried when shooting. "The water is actually not deep, but the water is all stones, and I can't get over the fact that my face will be smashed on the stone, for fear that if I break my face, I won't be able to shoot it the next day."

Ren Suxi, the duty of an actor

Even in such a difficult situation, Ren Suxi put it first, and he still can't delay filming. Because the time and place of the wind and sand are difficult to predict, the crew often has to grab the scene where the wind and sand is located, and rush from one mountain to another mountain that is blowing sand. This shooting method determines that there are many improvisations on the scene, or scenes in which the shooting order is reversed, which makes it quite difficult for Ren Suxi to enter the performance state.

When asked how to quickly enter the state in this situation, Ren Suxi said categorically, "No, I have to enter the state, and being an actor doesn't have to be like this." To shoot the sunset, when the sunset is about to fall, the entire scheduling, limbs, state, you can't drop the chain. If you miss the chain, you have to do tomorrow, but tomorrow there are tomorrow's things, and you must do your best today. ”

Ren Suxi, the duty of an actor

As a one-man show, in addition to the performance state, Ren Suxi has also put a lot of effort into the performance positioning of each play. She has no rival actors when performing, there are no references on the desert, and the scene is relatively single. The length of the film's plot also determines that there is not much time to unfold the history of the jungle character.

In order to enhance the positioning of the performance, before the filming began, Ren Suxi discussed with the main creator and set a richer character pre-plot for the character. The changes in the performance in each play depend on the events that occur in the film as a scale, such as drinking the jungle water, hurting the leg, unable to walk, and the different impacts of each event on the character's situation are used by Ren Suxi to determine the change in performance positioning.

The tenacity of the jungle supported her to complete this long journey that lasted 7 days and traveled 200 kilometers alone. When thinking back to the shooting scene, Ren Suxi felt that he had received a lot of spiritual baptism in the wasteland. "In fact, in everyone's heart, there is also a wasteland. When you encounter a big dilemma and feel that you really can't stand up, you have to have a thought to grab yourself, support yourself to take a step, take one more step, maybe come out, and suddenly be cheerful. ”


Ren Suxi, practice produces true knowledge

In previous interviews, Ren Suxi often stressed that he wanted to play more roles that had something in common with his personality. This does not mean that she is in her comfort zone, but rather that she is responsible for the role she plays. "If I'm completely different from the character, or can't understand how she behaves at all, I may not accept it because I can't play it well."

Zhou Yang in "The Cloister Pavilion" and the jungle in "The Wasteland", in Ren Suxi's view, have a kind of tendon stubbornness, and this character trait is also her own. Since embarking on the road of acting, she has always adhered to the methodology of experiencing reality and her dedication to the duty of an actor, and she has integrated this perseverance with the role to interpret the truth that the audience loves her.

Ren Suxi, the duty of an actor

This truth will continue in the roles she will meet with us later. Last year, Ren Suxi filmed two dramas, one "Hometown, Don't Come Unharmed", which is a sister to the high-reputation drama "I'm Very Good in Another Country" starring her. The previous work that wrote about the mood of people wandering in big cities has resonated with many audiences, and Ren Suxi's role as Ji Nanjia, who is still longing for love due to illness, is also impressive.

From "Other Country" to "Hometown", Ren Suxi believes that the new drama still maintains high quality. In the play, her character used to work hard in another country, returned to her hometown due to work transfer, and saw the relationship between her hometown and other places through the people and things she met in her growth. Ren Suxi said that the characters of "Hometown" are also very similar to herself, the story of the series is still realistic, and the emotions are sincere and full, and she has strong confidence in this drama, believing that it will resonate with everyone again.

Ren Suxi, the duty of an actor

Another drama "Run, Emergency Doctor" is Ren Suxi's first attempt to play a doctor. She said with a smile that after receiving this script, she fully understood that the job of emergency doctor is not the doctor who performs surgery in the traditional impression, but has to experience more life and death emergency rescue.

Medical treatment, suspense crime, wilderness survival, Ren Suxi has not stayed in the comfort zone in recent years, but has been trying different types of roles on the way, looking for more possibilities for acting. She told Bone Duo that the number of scripts received has been relatively stable in recent years, and now when choosing scripts, various types want to try. She also never picks the form of the work, whether it is a movie, TV series, drama, or even variety shows, as long as there are suitable characters, she is willing to act.

Ren Suxi, the duty of an actor

Ren Suxi believes that "practice produces true knowledge, and more practice is always good." The role of an actor is to play characters, and I hope to learn from different types of characters and continue to learn and improve. Having filmed various types, I can know which one is more handy, which is not comfortable, what are the problems of uncomfortable, and is it possible to overcome these problems? This is actually a good time for me to progress professionally. ”

When talking about the type of role he wants to try the most, but has never tried it so far, Ren Suxi does not hesitate to say "policeman". The complex and profound police role in "Infernal Affairs" is the type she has always wanted to try. She said with a smile, "If you don't act anymore, you will be old and can't run." ”

Ren Suxi, the duty of an actor

When it comes to the topic of age, we will think of the mainland middle-generation actresses, and at this stage of life, it is sometimes easy to fall into the dilemma of not finding suitable roles. Faced with this situation, Ren Suxi remained calm. "Every stage of the actor, there are dilemmas at each stage. Not only actors, in fact, all walks of life, our lives are like this. It doesn't matter, the difficult time comes, accept the difficult situation, the good times come, and embrace the good times. It's still a little calmer, nothing. ”

This is Ren Suxi, no matter what the situation is, she is always willing to calm herself and experience everything life has given her. She believes that only with a full understanding of life can she be richer in performance. It can be expected that this actor, who has been experiencing the real thing, will continue to make us feel her truth.

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