
Niu playing the piano: After the Black Sea collision incident, the United States and Russia are engaged in a dramatic and fierce battle

Source: Niu playing the piano

Niu playing the piano: After the Black Sea collision incident, the United States and Russia are engaged in a dramatic and fierce battle

After the Black Sea plane collision incident, the United States and Russia are engaged in a dramatic and fierce contest.

There are two levels, one is the war of public opinion, and the other is the war of salvage.

Speaking fiercely, everyone understood, blushing and thick neck, they all looked indignant, and they couldn't wait to spray the spit star on each other's faces; Say dramatic, because it's all dramatic, and the details are very interesting.

The United States immediately released a video of the MQ-9 Predator drone before it crashed. Sure enough, two Russian Su-27s flew by in turn, and also poured a large amount of aviation fuel into the drone, and the scene was indeed thrilling.

Niu playing the piano: After the Black Sea collision incident, the United States and Russia are engaged in a dramatic and fierce battle

Finally, according to the US military, a Su-27 fighter hit the propeller of the Reaper drone at high speed, and the latter lost its balance and finally crashed in the Black Sea. Moreover, the collision "almost caused both planes to crash."

But Russia certainly does not admit it.

The Russian side insisted that the Russian fighter did not use any weapons such as missiles at that time, nor did any collision, the American drone itself suddenly turned, lost its balance and crashed, and the Russian fighter finally returned safely to the airport.

The latest video seems to show that an impact may have occurred. However, because the picture is too blurry and there is still no direct evidence, it must still be fair and reasonable.

The United States and Russia will definitely continue to fight wars. Anyway, what one side says, the other party does not believe at all, and it is useless to say that it breaks its mouth.

Niu playing the piano: After the Black Sea collision incident, the United States and Russia are engaged in a dramatic and fierce battle

The second level, salvage warfare.

This is more dramatic.

The United States has the upper hand in the war of public opinion, and the United States can only stand aside in the salvage war.

It's simple, the Black Sea is, after all, Russian territory, and the US military has UAVs, but there are no warships. Salvage will not work without warships. Now, the US military can only watch as a number of Russian warships reach the area where the drone crashed, and it is even likely that Russia has obtained part of the fragments of the drone.

The Reaper drone is reportedly worth $32 million. If it falls into the hands of Russia, the consequences can be imagined, and it is enough for Russian military scientific researchers to be busy for a while.

Patrushev, secretary of the Russian Security Council, said: "I don't know if we will be able to get it, but we need to do it... We will definitely investigate it. ”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that as for salvage or not, "it is up to the military to decide." If they believe that it is necessary for our interests and security to do so in the Black Sea, they will do so. But I don't know exactly what the military plans are, it's up to them to decide, questions need to be asked to them. ”

Speaking of this, then Russia will definitely fish.

Niu playing the piano: After the Black Sea collision incident, the United States and Russia are engaged in a dramatic and fierce battle

What can the United States do?

First, it has been repeatedly emphasized that this is the property of the United States.

General Milley, chairman of the U.S. Army Staff, said, "This is the property of the United States, and we will keep it at this point." ”

In other words, this is our American property, and Russia you can't salvage it casually.

But what if Russia insists on salvage?

Second, I stress again and again that you don't get any intelligence about Russia.

Milley said that the drone is estimated to have disintegrated in the Black Sea, and "there may not be much to salvage."

That is, even if Russia spends efforts to salvage American drones, it will be useless.

The U.S. military also disclosed that during the drone crash, the U.S. military had remotely deleted all sensitive information on board, ensuring that Russia could not get any "valuable things."

Milley's exact words were: "We are very confident that anything of value is no longer valuable." ”

Niu playing the piano: After the Black Sea collision incident, the United States and Russia are engaged in a dramatic and fierce battle

Finally, what to see?

Totally my personal feelings.

1, Russia will definitely salvage.

Americans say worthless is worthless? This is a "trophy" for Russia. No matter how it is deleted, Russia will always have a way to restore it. The United States is now beyond the reach of the whip, you see, the United States will definitely constantly accuse Russia of being unprofessional and usurping American property.

Why don't you think about the consequences when the United States yourself usurps the property of other countries?

2. It is not ruled out that there is interference in the salvage process.

After all, it is more than 1,000 meters of the bottom of the Black Sea, and it will take some time and technology for Russia to salvage it. It is not convenient for the United States to come forward directly, otherwise it will really become a military confrontation between the two countries, but what about Ukraine?

It cannot be ruled out that when Russia is salvage, the US military provides intelligence, and the Ukrainian army launches missile raids.

Niu playing the piano: After the Black Sea collision incident, the United States and Russia are engaged in a dramatic and fierce battle

Thirdly, Russia is indeed Russia.

After the collision incident, seeing the accusation from the US side that Russian fighters poured gasoline on American drones, I was a little strange, what is this operation?

Later, when I checked the information, this is the standard operation of the Russian army.

In 1987, Soviet fighters intercepted Norwegian P-3B anti-submarine patrol aircraft over the Barents Sea, and gave Norwegian P-3B a fuel bath, and then more thrillingly, Soviet fighters suddenly passed under the P-3B at high speed, and the vertical tail cut a large hole in the P-3B engine like a doctor's scalpel. The flight altitude of the P-3B, which fell more than 3000 meters in a minute, almost crashed ... This is the famous Barents Sea scalpel incident.

35 years have passed, the USSR is gone, but Russia continues. Similar air tactics, except that the object became American drones. Finally, Russia is salvage, the United States is complaining, this is our American property.

In this world, come out to mix, there will always be a return.