
Morning sickness is serious, affecting fetal development, 5 good ways to help you relieve and drive away morning sickness!

author:Xiao Han fished the world

Morning sickness is a problem that many expectant mothers encounter in the early stages of pregnancy, it not only makes you feel uncomfortable, but also may affect the growth and development of the fetus. So, what to do if morning sickness is severe? Here are 5 good ways to help you relieve and drive away morning sickness.

Morning sickness is serious, affecting fetal development, 5 good ways to help you relieve and drive away morning sickness!
  1. Choose light, easily digestible foods. When morning sickness, the function of the gastrointestinal tract is weakened, so avoid greasy, spicy, irritating foods to avoid aggravating nausea and vomiting. Eating more alkaline foods such as vegetables and fruits can neutralize stomach acid and prevent acidosis. Eat small, frequent meals and often change patterns to promote appetite.
  2. Maintain a good mood and sleep. When morning sickness, mood will also be affected, easy to anxiety, depression, nervousness, etc. These negative emotions can exacerbate the symptoms of morning sickness, so try to maintain a relaxed and happy mood, listen to music, read books, chat, etc. At the same time, ensure sufficient sleep time and quality, and avoid staying up late and overwork.
  3. Exercise and massage acupressure points appropriately. Morning sickness doesn't mean bed rest all the time. Proper exercise can promote blood circulation and metabolism, relieve nausea and vomiting. You can choose low-intensity exercises such as walking, yoga, tai chi, etc., and pay attention to controlling the time and intensity. In addition, there is an acupuncture point called "Neiguan" at the base of the thumb on the inside of the palm, and pressing or rubbing this acupuncture point in case of nausea can play a role in calming nausea.
  4. Hydrate and nutrient in a timely manner. Morning sickness is prone to dehydration and malnutrition, which is detrimental to both the mother and the fetus. Therefore, to replenish water and electrolytes in time, you can take oral rehydration salts or drink some light salt water, light tea, etc. At the same time, it is also necessary to supplement some vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin C and other nutrients that help fight morning sickness.
  5. Seek help from a doctor and use medication wisely. If none of the above methods can effectively relieve morning sickness, and there is a sharp weight loss, urinalysis of ketone bodies or inorganic ion imbalance, etc., you should go to the hospital for examination and hospitalization in time. The doctor will give rehydration therapy according to your specific situation, and do not eat or drink, and add vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin C and other nutrients to the fluid. In addition, the doctor may also prescribe some antiemetic drugs, such as metoclopramide, domperidone, etc., these drugs are safe for the fetus and can be taken as directed by the doctor.
Morning sickness is serious, affecting fetal development, 5 good ways to help you relieve and drive away morning sickness!

In short, morning sickness is a common phenomenon in early pregnancy, but not all pregnant women will have it. If you have morning sickness, don't worry and panic too much, as long as you take the right methods and measures, you can effectively relieve and drive away morning sickness. At the same time, we must also maintain an optimistic attitude and confidence, believing that we can successfully pass this stage and welcome the arrival of the baby.

Morning sickness is serious, affecting fetal development, 5 good ways to help you relieve and drive away morning sickness!