
An outbreak of influenza, oseltamivir can't be grabbed? 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, the effect is equally good

author:Chunling science chat

Recently, there has been a wave in various regions of the country, and this time most of them are children, concentrated in kindergarten children and elementary school children.

After suffering from influenza nail, the most obvious symptoms are fever, sore throat, and cough similar to the symptoms of infection with the new crown.

The more effective drug for the treatment of influenza A is oseltamivir, so oseltamivir in many places has long been sold out, and the price of oseltamivir has risen more seriously in recent times, and some pharmacies have risen from more than 100 a box to more than 300 a box, and it is still difficult to find a drug.

An outbreak of influenza, oseltamivir can't be grabbed? 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, the effect is equally good

Once the child is sick, the most anxious is the parents, especially when it is more difficult to buy medicine, parents are more anxious, in fact, oseltamivir is not in a hurry, 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicine effect is also relatively good, it is recommended to collect in advance.

What is Flu A?

Influenza A is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza A virus, which is relatively contagious.

Main symptoms: Compared with the common cold, the symptoms of influenza A are more serious, it is easy to suddenly appear high fever, and the body temperature will generally be as high as 39 degrees or more, and it will be accompanied by chills, chills, muscle aches, fatigue, loss of appetite and other symptoms.

Route of transmission: The main route of transmission is droplet transmission. It can also be transmitted directly or indirectly through mucous membranes such as mouth, nose and eyes.

It can also be spread through contact with items contaminated with the virus, or in the form of aerosols in places with poor air circulation.

An outbreak of influenza, oseltamivir can't be grabbed? 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, the effect is equally good

Incubation period: 1-7 days

What are the symptoms of influenza?

1. Sudden high fever, cold symptoms are obvious.

2. Severe headache and body aches.

3. Continuous fatigue and weakness.

4. Chest pressure.

What are the differences between the symptoms of influenza A infection and the new crown?

Wang Baozeng, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Beijing Tiantan Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, said:

The incubation period of influenza A is usually 1~3 days, the main symptom is fever, there will also be some symptoms of muscle aches and headaches throughout the body, accompanied by mild respiratory symptoms, such as cough, runny nose, sore throat, etc., these symptoms are similar to the symptoms of the new crown.

However, the symptoms of new crown patients are more serious, may be accompanied by loss of taste, smell, and some new crown patients will also have symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, which are rare in patients with influenza A infection.

An outbreak of influenza, oseltamivir can't be grabbed? 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, the effect is equally good

From the clinical data, for the elderly with a high risk of underlying diseases, after infection with influenza A, there are many fewer cases of severe disease such as lung disease than the new crown.

For the superposition of influenza A and the new crown that many people are worried about, the probability of this situation is relatively small, because most of the mainland population has immunity to the new crown, and even if there is a situation where two viruses are infected at the same time, there will be no critical illness. Whether or not to become critically ill is related to the individual's constitution.

For people who have not been infected with the new crown, they must do a good job of personal protection, Wang Baozeng said, "It is recommended that groups who have not been infected with the new crown virus continue to do a good job of protection." ”

Wang Baozeng said: "In the past three years, many people have not been vaccinated against influenza, and because of good personal protection, they have not had influenza, so the level of antibodies to influenza is low. Recently, there have been more reports of population gatherings. ”

An outbreak of influenza, oseltamivir can't be grabbed? 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, the effect is equally good

Is it still time to get a flu shot?

Because the influenza A virus mutates very rapidly, experts recommend that everyone get the influenza A vaccine every year.

The relevant departments will also give new vaccinations every year by predicting the mutation of the virus, so it is recommended to vaccinate the influenza virus around November every year to prevent the next season of influenza.

If the public has been infected with influenza A, the human body has protective antibodies in a short period of time, do not worry too much, if there is no flu people around, now the flu vaccine can play a preventive role within two weeks, if there have been symptoms or contact with high-risk groups, then the prevention effect is relatively limited, there is no need to vaccinate.

An outbreak of influenza, oseltamivir can't be grabbed? 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, the effect is equally good

Oseltamivir is not a "miracle drug"

Take as directed by a doctor!

Because there are more people suffering from influenza A in recent times, many people go to pharmacies to snap up oseltamivir, and the reporter visited some offline pharmacies and found that oseltamivir was out of stock. And in normal times, some people will take oseltamivir prophylaxis once they feel that they have symptoms.

Oseltamivir is a specific inhibitor acting on neuraminidase that can inhibit the further increase in the number of influenza viruses, thereby inhibiting the transmission of influenza viruses in the body to reduce pathogenicity, mainly used for the treatment and prevention of influenza A and B.

Li Tong, chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Beijing You'an Hospital, once said that neuraminidase inhibitors such as oseltamivir are drugs for the prevention and treatment of influenza A, and patients taking them within 48 hours of onset can significantly reduce the incidence of severe influenza and death.

An outbreak of influenza, oseltamivir can't be grabbed? 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, the effect is equally good

If you are in a workplace or school, you are not wearing a mask and have close contact with a patient with influenza A, you can take oseltamivir to prevent infection with influenza A virus, but oseltamivir is a prescription drug and must be used under the guidance of a doctor and cannot be taken without authorization.

An outbreak of influenza, oseltamivir can't be grabbed? 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, the effect is equally good

1. Clean up the pestilence and poison drink

Qingwei septic drink belongs to a kind of Chinese patent medicine, the stimulation of the stomach is relatively small, can be used for the clinical treatment of A flu to improve the symptoms of A flu, but if you take this drug, you must drink more water to avoid causing symptoms of thirst.

2. Lianhua Qingwen capsules

Lianhua Qingwen capsules are also more sought-after during the new crown, and the main function of Lianhua Qingwen capsules is to clear heat and detoxify, which can effectively treat influenza. If you can't buy oseltamivir, you can also take Lianhua Qingwen capsules, but you need to pay attention to the fact that you can't take it at the same time as nourishing Chinese medicine, otherwise it will have the opposite effect.

3. Pudi blue anti-inflammatory oral liquid

Pudi blue anti-inflammatory oral liquid is a more common anti-inflammatory drug, this anti-inflammatory drug can improve sore throat, laryngitis is the main symptom after influenza infection, can be taken Pudi blue for relief.

An outbreak of influenza, oseltamivir can't be grabbed? 5 kinds of proprietary Chinese medicines, the effect is equally good

4. Jing-proof particles

Jingfang granules are mainly used for the common cold and headache, for the flu caused by runny nose has a relief effect, as a Chinese patent medicine preparation, side effects are relatively small, mild symptoms patients can take.

5. Sang Ju cold tablets

Sangju cold tablets can treat colds and cough, in the early stage of influenza infection, many people will have fever and cough at night, you can take Sangju cold tablets, any drug with the same efficacy and function can not be combined.