
How did ancient emperors raise their kidneys?

author:Bottle says history

#历史开讲 #

Kidney in the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, for the innate foundation, is the "five internal organs of the essence" hidden, this and modern anatomical kidney is not a thing, modern medicine theory kidney is actually very good maintenance, do not take medicine, exercise more, drink more water, do not hold urine, can play a good maintenance role in the kidney.

How did ancient emperors raise their kidneys?

But the maintenance mentioned in Chinese medicine, that is a complex project, Chinese medicine said "jing" is a very wonderful thing, can not be seen and touched, but it dominates the normal operation of the entire human body, is the vane of physical health, so the ancients are very concerned about nourishing the kidney.

And the emperor, as the most high-status person in ancient times, was in a tense and power-fighting environment for a long time, coupled with many concubines around, often made their bodies often in a state of overload, plus the ancients believed that the kidney was directly linked to sexual ability, and poor kidneys would lead to discord between husband and wife, and even loss of face. For various reasons, it directly led to the emperors of successive dynasties being extremely concerned about nourishing the kidney, and even there were many cases of paranoia and absurdity.

Yellow Emperor Food Therapy

History records that the concept of kidney nourishment first appeared in the Yellow Emperor period, the modern Mawangdui unearthed Jianshu "Ten Questions", the second question mentioned: "The Yellow Emperor asked Yu Dacheng", how to make their energy undiminished, always hard as iron. Dacheng replied: "Receiving the Yin generals, followed by flying insects, spring sparrow rounds, Xingbi Mingxiong, Mingxiong has essence, sincerity can obey this, Yuce is reborn." "That is, let the emperor eat more bird eggs, eat male birds, and adopt food therapy, which is relatively rudimentary." In addition to this, the Yellow Emperor also developed the use of atrial surgery to protect the kidneys, "happy and not diarrhea, only then will accumulate, qi will be stored, travel for a hundred years old, virtuous in the past", endure and not leak, can live for a hundred years.

How did ancient emperors raise their kidneys?

Food therapy

This is a relatively positive method, through food therapy to solidify the body, and finally achieve the effect of solidifying the essence of Peiyuan. But with the evolution of history, the development of the economy and the diversification of goods, there are more and more bizarre methods.

Han Chengdi drug therapy

By the Han Dynasty, began to introduce drugs to nourish the kidneys, that is, aphrodisiacs and the like, which were refined by Fang family sorcerers using grass and tree fruits (such as cinnamon, epimedium, etc.) plus animal organs, actinolite, etc., and even added a variety of ores with excessive heavy metals, which led to many emperors becoming mediocre in their old age, that is, eating too much pills, too many heavy metals in the body, resulting in frequent hallucinations, crazy behavior, rage, and even direct violent death in severe cases.

Hancheng Emperor Liu Xiao is one of the more famous, Hanchengdi is one of the more absurd emperors of the Western Han Dynasty, and his concubines are also very famous, such as Zhao Feiyan's sisters, Ban Jieyu, and so on. He once asked the warlock for aphrodisiac and the way of aphrodisiac, and after asking, he also tried the medicine by himself, and enjoyed it, and even created a frequency of seven times a day on Zhao Feiyan's sister Zhao Zhaoyi, which directly led to the death of Zhao Hede in the arms of Zhao Hede at the age of 44, making the world laugh for thousands of years.

How did ancient emperors raise their kidneys?

Jiajing strange kidney tonic method

Just as strange as him is the Jiajing Emperor in the Ming Dynasty, and the way he advocates kidney tonic is even more bizarre, and even finally provokes the palace rebellion, which makes people cry and laugh. The Jiajing Emperor advocated Taoism, and practiced Taoism in the palace all day, pursuing immortality, and there was a demon Dao to the Jiajing Emperor to give an idea, saying that using the menstrual blood of a girl to refine pills can nourish the kidneys and aphrodisiac, and in order to make the menstrual blood clean and pollution-free, the Jiajing Emperor actually ordered that the palace girls were not allowed to eat, only eating green grass nectar, like raising silkworms.

In the end, the palace maids who could not bear it prepared to assassinate the Jiajing Emperor, and it was recorded in the "Wanliye Compilation": "Tieting the throat with a rope, turning the cloth and plugging the mouth, and hanging it on the abdomen with several people." However, "the ladies do not know the method of knots, and the rope strands are not collected." In the end, because the palace maids were too young and nervous, they tied the knot of the rope into a dead knot, so that the Jiajing Emperor escaped, which is known in history as the "change of the Yin Palace".

How did ancient emperors raise their kidneys?

Xianfeng Sheng drinks deer blood

The emperor tonifies the kidney, it can be said that it is all-or-all, and the whips of various animals are also the regular food of the emperors, such as tiger whips, deer whips, bullwhips, bubble wine, ground into powder slices, and various takes. And there is a strange emperor who directly drinks deer blood in order to replenish his kidneys, he is the Xianfeng Emperor of the Qing Dynasty

The Xianfeng Emperor was notoriously absurd among the Qing Dynasty emperors, his body was already weak, and he was particularly obsessed with women, so he could only rely on secret recipes. What? It is deer blood, and I want to drink deer blood to replenish my kidney and aphrodisiac. According to rumors, even if the eight-nation coalition army came in later, he did not forget to drink deer blood on the way to escape.

How did ancient emperors raise their kidneys?

brief summary

Ancient emperors have a variety of ways to raise their kidneys, but in the final analysis, as long as they are absurd, no matter how they are raised in the end, they cannot save their kidneys, let alone their lives, which fully verifies the saying that "indulgence urges people to get old, and housing labor shorts lives".

The average age of ancient emperors is 44 years old, not much higher than the common people at that time, don't think that the emperor has any secret recipe to take care of his kidneys, so when you hear the secret recipe of the palace in the future, don't believe it anymore, pure heart, moderate diet, timely rest, proper exercise is more effective than anything.