
High score cheats for the middle school entrance examination: Thanks to the teacher's encouragement of educating people, students are each other's role models

author:Jimu News

Jimu news reporter Di Xin

Intern Wu Rui Peng Jiazuo

Correspondent Shu Xiaoqing Wang Wenting

The 2021 Wuhan Secondary School Entrance Examination result inquiry system was opened, and on the afternoon of July 1, the Jimu News reporter learned from Wuhan Eleven Chongren Junior High School that 5 students of the school had entered the ranks of "high score protection", and there were 24 candidates with more than 500 points.

At the same table for three years, they set an example for each other and agreed to continue PK in high school

"One of them had a good learning stable mentality, and the other was smart and lively and competitive, so I let them be the same table, and as a result, both of them entered the list of high-scoring protection." The results of the middle school entrance examination were announced, and the "three Li" from the junior third (14) class were included in the high score protection - they were Li Peini, Li Haoming and Li Fangyanhao. Among them, Li Haoming and Li Fangyanhao have been at the same table for nearly three consecutive years since the first semester of junior high school, and they are not only competitors who catch up with each other in learning, but also close friends with similar interests.

High score cheats for the middle school entrance examination: Thanks to the teacher's encouragement of educating people, students are each other's role models

From left to right: Li Fangyanhao, Li Peini, Junior Third (14) Class Teacher Hu Xiaocui, Li Haoming

Class teacher Hu Xiaocui introduced that Li Haoming was smart and active, and his thinking jumped out, but his grades occasionally fluctuated. In order to give him continuous motivation in learning, Teacher Hu arranged for Li Fangyan, whose mentality and grades were as stable, to sit with him. "When I first started my first year of junior high school, she beat me by a lot, and there was a gap of more than 20 points in a single subject, and it took me more than two years to barely play a 'draw' with her." Speaking of this respectable "opponent" Li Haoming praised.

Li Haoming said that every morning Li Fangyanhao has the habit of preparing in advance, turning over books or doing exercises, and entering the learning state in advance. "She has a notepad, and when she encounters new words or knowledge points, she writes them down, and when she encounters books and readings she wants to read, she makes a list." Later, Li Haoming also began to learn to write a memorandum with the same table, "This method is very good, the probability of forgetting things is reduced a lot, and it is very fortunate to meet such an excellent table." ”

"I know what he's thinking when I look at his expression." Li Fangyanhao told reporters that they have cultivated a good tacit understanding, and the two people will discuss the solutions together in the finale of general mathematics, and then share the solution ideas. Outside the classroom, there is also a rare kind of like-mindedness, "We both love to read science fiction and popular science novels, like to talk about animation, others may think that Li Haoming is not too concerned about learning, but I know that he is actually very serious." 」 "Li Fangyanhao said that his table mates not only painted smartly but also very well, and were a military fan." His paintings of tanks, airplanes, and rockets were particularly vivid and powerful, and I asked him to bring him a painting as a graduation souvenir. ”

Class teacher Hu Xiaocui told reporters that in the three years of junior high school, the two have established a deep friendship, learning from each other's strengths and complementing each other's weaknesses, and they will still pay attention to each other when Ma enters high school, ready to carry out PK to the end.

Teachers actively carry out encouragement education, and "sober school bullies" are willing to help others

"I would like to thank my Chinese teacher Wang Shuisheng, who gave me a lot of confidence in the sprint stage." Li Peini told reporters that her mother is a doctor in the organ transplant department of Tongji Hospital, and her father is a programmer, and she has developed the habit of consciously learning since she was a child. However, during the epidemic last year, her family was busy with work, and Li Peini, who studied alone at home, her grades declined a lot, and she gradually found her state until she returned to campus.

"My Chinese grades fluctuated greatly, and Mr. Wang gave me a lot of test-taking skills and always encouraged me to face them positively." Li Peini said that her score before the middle school examination was still stuck at the bottleneck of 80 points, but Teacher Wang did not accuse, but encouraged her to play the level she should have with great trust.

"We regularly carry out class meetings to analyze the learning status of students and help them adjust their mentality according to their problems." Hu Xiaocui, the class teacher of the third (14th) class, also said that the teachers in the third stage of the junior high school gave each student positive encouragement and guidance, established a mentality, and let them walk into the examination room with a stable attitude.

High score cheats for the middle school entrance examination: Thanks to the teacher's encouragement of educating people, students are each other's role models

The 4th class teacher of the third grade, Ms. Wu Ting (right), and Xu Yuyi

"Reading depends on yourself, and endogenous motivation works better than many methods." Xu Yuyi, a high-scoring student in the 4th class of junior high school, is known as a "sober in the world" type of bully, she said: "For myself, the learning of this knowledge is not only to meet the current needs, but also to high school and college. Similarly, reading is an important, or even the only, path to your passion for your profession. ”

"She is very diligent and down-to-earth, and as a member of the study committee, she does not forget to help her classmates while stabilizing her grades." Xu Yuyi's class teacher Wu Ting said. At the time of the intense review of the third year of junior high school, Xu Yuyi still chose to help his table by explaining the topics and spot checking the knowledge points after class. Xu Yuyi said that helping others is not delaying their own learning, but a way to achieve self-improvement with others at the same time, which not only helps others consolidate the foundation, but also checks and fills in the gaps in their own knowledge.

Super strong time management, the achievement of all-round development of the school bully

"I was pleasantly surprised." Tao Sitong, from the 13th class of the third grade, is also a member of the high score protection team of the middle school entrance examination. As soon as he entered junior high school, Tao Sitong took the initiative to run for the representative of the Chinese language class, and began to serve as the secretary of the class group in the second year of junior high school. She told reporters that learning is always the first, but she is also passionate about student work. In order to better balance the two, Tao Sitong developed a detailed daily plan, even accurate to the minute. It is this super time management that has developed in many ways in the past three years and has become an "all-round bully" in the eyes of teachers and classmates.

High score cheats for the middle school entrance examination: Thanks to the teacher's encouragement of educating people, students are each other's role models

Junior 3 (13) Class Teacher Yu Jin (right) and Tao Sitong

"The results of this middle school entrance examination are expected by me, Si Tong is a highly planned student, who will arrange his study and working hours in advance." For example, on weekends, on Friday nights, she would write down all the things she needed to do on Saturday and Sunday in a notebook, and I also let the students in her class learn this good habit of hers. Class teacher Yu Jin told reporters that Tao Sitong not only has excellent learning, but also has a strong sense of service, the students have done a very good job, won a lot of honors, and the students trust her. Tao Sitong's mother also said that since elementary school, she has paid great attention to the cultivation of her time management, and will let her list her daily, weekly or even monthly study and life plans in advance, write them on a note, and then implement them.

It is understood that Tao Sitong also loves to paint and systematically studied for up to 9 years. "When I'm in a low mood, I pick up a paintbrush and draw quietly for a while, and when I'm done, my mood gets better, or sometimes when inspiration comes, I'll paint it right away." When it comes to future life plans, she said that she longs for Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and Zhejiang University is her first choice. "In the future, I want to become a people's teacher, educate more students, guide them correctly, and my parents are very supportive of my plan." Tao Sitong said.

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