
The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

author:Bright Net

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

——" Avenue Kangzhuang" China Federation of Literature and Art 2020 Literary and Art Poverty Alleviation Original Song Concert Highlights

Chapter 1: A Flying Flag

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

Moderator: Zhou Wei, Chun Ni

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

Prologue: Sitcom "Dear China"

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

Poetry recitation "Let me write a song for you" Recitation: Yan Danchen, Chen Xiao

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

Song "Love" Sung by: Shi Peng

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

The song "Lingao Song" is sung: Peace

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

The host Chun Ni interviewed Bai Yunhai, secretary of the Right Central Banner Committee of the Branch

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

The song "Ma Zhen Feng Love" sung by: Ulantuya

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

The song "Autumn Leaves Love Deep" sung by: Descending Dolma

【Chapter 2: Beautiful Chinese Backgammon】

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

Poetry recitation "We and You" Recitation: Chen Duo

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

The song "Mountain Road Is Not Only Eighteen Bends" Sung by: Liu Hegang

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

The song "Footprints of Spring" sung by Sun Bolun

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

Song "Love at First Sight" Sung by: Li Danyang

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

Host Chun Ni interviewed Xiao Qingkang, mayor of Wudu District, Longnan, Gansu, and Qu Yuan and Wang Bei, songwriters of the song "Olive Dream"

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

Song "Olive Dream" Sung by: Gong Shuang

【Chapter 3: The Most Beautiful Style in the New Era】

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

Poetry recitation "Great Monument" Recitation: Pu Cunxin

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

The song "Where Happiness Begins" Sung by: Circumference

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

The host Chun Ni interviewed Bian Liu, vice chairman of the China Literary and Art Volunteer Association

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

The song "Sing the Little Poplar Again" sung by: Han Xue

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

The song "Return the Cliff to Soma Flower" sung by: Zhu Hua

The Voice of Literature and Art in the New Era Sings the Harvest Chinese Year

Epilogue song and dance "Harvest Chinese Year" Sung by: Zhang Ye

Sing for the motherland, sing for happiness, sing for the people

"I brought the children from those remote mountainous areas in Yunnan to my home, we thought they would be happy, but they didn't dare to go to the toilet, didn't dare to drink water, because they hadn't seen it, they didn't know the life of the people in the city..." "Avenue Kangzhuang" China Federation of Literature and Art 2020 Literary and Art Poverty Alleviation Original Song Concert was held at the Erqi Theater in Beijing on the evening of October 15, Pu Cunxin, vice chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and chairman of the China Drama Association, sighed a lot after performing the poem recitation "The Great Monument", he said, poverty alleviation is a long cause. Art is used to improve people's aesthetics, poverty alleviation is not only material poverty alleviation, but also to enhance their aesthetic ability, so that the more literary and artistic youth in the countryside, the better.

On the occasion of the seventh "10.17 National Poverty Alleviation Day", the concert was hosted by the China Federation of Literature and Art, the China Music Association, the China Literary and Art Volunteer Association, and the China Federation of Literary and Art Volunteer Service Center and the China Federation of Literature and Art Music and Art Center. Li Yi, secretary of the party leading group and vice chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Li Qianguang, member of the party leading group and vice chairman, Hu Xiaohan, member of the party group, Zhang Yanbin, member of the party group, and responsible persons of relevant departments attended the event. Representatives of epidemic prevention and control doctors, representatives of national labor models, volunteer representatives of the Disabled Persons' Federation and the audience in the capital watched the performance together.

The concert consists of three chapters: "A Flying Banner", "Beautiful Chinese Backgammon" and "The Most Beautiful Style in the New Era". The sitcom "Dear China" kicked off. Yan Danchen, Chen Xiao, Shi Peng, Ping An, Ulantuya, Xiayang Dolma, Chen Duo, Liu Hegang, Sun Bolun, Li Danyang, Gong Shuang, Pu Cunxin, Zhou Xuan, Han Xue, Zhu Hua, Zhang Ye and other more than 20 literary and art workers have participated in the performance as literary and art volunteers, bringing poetry recitations "Let Me Write a Song for You", "We and You", "Great Monument", the song "Love", "Lingao Song", "Ma Zhen Feng Love", "Red Leaf Love", "Mountain Road More Than Eighteen Bends", "Spring Footprints", "Love at First Sight", "Olive Dream", "Olive Dream", "Spring Footprints", "Love at First Sight", "Olive Dream", " Where does happiness begin", "Sing the little poplar again", "Return the cliff to soma flowers", the big song and dance "Harvest Chinese Year" and other wonderful programs, the concert was hosted by Zhou Wei and Chun Ni.

Han Xue, a young film and television actor, recently cooperated with director Teng Huatao to shoot the work "The Ballad of Que Mo", in which Han Xue played a poverty alleviation cadre who went deep into the grassroots. Han Xue said that in the past, he participated in some program recordings related to poverty alleviation, and before he went to the local area, he would be prejudiced against these relatively backward areas, thinking that their overall hardware facilities were very backward, "Later, I found that in fact, I went to these places to shoot, where the mountain roads have been built very well, the traffic is also very developed, and most of the infrastructure work has been done very perfectly", Han Xue believes that compared with economically developed areas in remote areas, there is still a need for an industry at the doorstep to drive local economic development. These practical policies need to be better implemented.

During the performance, Bai Yunhai, secretary of the Inner Mongolia Keyou Central Banner Committee, accepted a special interview, and Bai Yunhai said that the Central Propaganda Department is the help point of the Central Propaganda Department, and in recent years, under the vigorous help and promotion of the Central Propaganda Department, they have achieved the goal of poverty alleviation and hat removal as scheduled. During this period, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles gave them strong support and assistance in the aspects of poverty alleviation through literature and art and spiritual poverty alleviation, "The 'Our Chinese Dream - Culture into Ten Thousand Homes' activity has entered the Keyou Zhongqi three times, and the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles has arranged for literary and art volunteers to go to the Keyou Middle Banner to collect styles and create poverty alleviation works for us. All of this has injected a strong spiritual impetus into our determination to win the battle against poverty. ”

The performance also integrated the interview session of Xiao Qingkang, mayor of Wudu District, Longnan, Gansu Province, the china literary association, Qu Yuan, Wang Bei, songwriters of the song "Olive Dream", and Bian Liu, vice chairman of the China Literary and Art Volunteer Association, who has long participated in literary and art volunteer service activities, and shared the results of literature and art in helping poverty alleviation from the aspects of the development and changes of poor counties.

Speaking of poverty alleviation, Chen Xiao, a young film and television actor and director of the China Literary and Art Volunteer Association, recalled the things he remembered deeply when he was a child, he said that at that time, going to a relative's home far away from his hometown of Hefei, the mountain road was very difficult to walk, and it was only possible to go out in the middle of the night in the morning, and now that the road is built, the car is also open, and it can be successfully arrived in two or three hours. Focus on those more remote places, and let happy life spread to every corner of the motherland."

"2020 is the final year of the battle against poverty, but also the year of the realization of the decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, with the attention and support of the Central Propaganda Department, the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office and other units, under the correct leadership and overall deployment of the party group of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, following the '2017 Happy 19th National Congress , Singing Happiness Songs ' ' 2018 Dream Building a New Era • SingIng Happiness Songs' and '2019 Striving for a Well-off Road • Singing Happiness Songs' 3 original song concerts for poverty alleviation, today, we will put ' Avenue Kangzhuang's 2020 China Federation of Literature and Art Poverty Alleviation Original Song Concert was presented in front of everyone, singing for the motherland, singing for the people, and singing for happiness. Ji Yanwei, director of the Literary and Art Volunteer Service Center of the China Federation of Literary and Art Volunteers and vice chairman and secretary general of the China Literary and Art Volunteer Association, said that around the fight against poverty, the China Federation of Literary and Art Associations launched the "Literature and Art Poverty Alleviation and Well-off" action, facing the poor areas of the country, combining "sending culture, species of culture, and passing on the spirit", and with the positive response and cooperation of the National Literary and Art Associations, it has effectively carried out drama, film, music, fine arts, qu art, dance, folk art, photography, calligraphy, acrobatics, television and other art disciplines to "send joy to the grassroots". Literary and art support teaching" and "literary and artistic training" and other activities. "Formulate key poverty alleviation projects according to local conditions, lead the extensive and in-depth development of literary and artistic poverty alleviation work, boost the spirit of the broad masses of the people, and rush to the avenue to encourage and cheer." Advanced culture is a spirit and a banner, and as literary and art workers, we must hold high the banner of literature and art serving the people and serving socialism, and praise the spiritual outlook of the broad masses of the people in the fight against poverty in a form that the masses like to hear. Truly use the spirit of realism and romantic feelings to observe real life, so that people can see the beautiful, see the hope, see the dream is ahead. ”

This edition of the photo photography Vivian Zhang Jiamin Lu Yeyong Zhang Xihong

Author: Zhang Lu

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Source: China Art News