
The older you get, the more you have to eat meat? Especially these 3 types of meat! Doctor: Eat more or be in good spirits

author:Zhen Zhen's point of view

After getting older, with the decline of gastrointestinal function, many elderly people find that their appetite has decreased, often have no appetite, so some elderly people simply eat coarse tea and light rice, vegetarian every day, but in fact, this practice is not conducive to health, after a certain age, the body also needs nutrition, but also appropriate intake of meat.

So, is it better to eat more meat? For this view, in fact, there are many people who are convinced, they think that meat is more nutritious, so eating meat is better than vegetarian.

The older you get, the more you have to eat meat? Especially these 3 types of meat! Doctor: Eat more or be in good spirits

In fact, this view is also unscientifically based, everything in the world, should maintain the principle of moderation, including our daily diet.

The older you get, the more meat you have to eat?

First of all, it should be noted that excessive intake of meat is indeed not conducive to health, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, and it is not recommended to eat too much meat.

Speaking of the reason, the main reason is that although meat is rich in protein, iron and other nutrients, it is also very rich in fat, if a large amount of intake, it will lead to fat accumulation, resulting in obesity, and obesity is a risk factor for high blood lipids, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other diseases.

Therefore, in the choice of food, we should pay attention to balanced nutrition, meat and vegetarian matching, and try to ensure the diversity of food, so that the body can not only get enough nutrition, but also will not cause diseases in the body due to excessive energy intake.

However, the needs for foods such as meat vary by age group, and teenagers and young adults can supplement protein-rich meat. Such as pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, etc.

For the elderly with weakened digestive function, it is best to choose some meat suitable for digestion with low fat content, while eating more fresh vegetables and fruits to ensure sufficient vitamin and mineral intake.

The older you get, the more you have to eat meat? Especially these 3 types of meat! Doctor: Eat more or be in good spirits

Doctor reminds: After the age of 60, these 3 kinds of meat can be eaten more, good spirits!

1. Chicken

Meat is very rich in protein, and chicken is the same, but compared with red meat such as cows, sheep and pigs, chicken has lower fat content, lower calories, and better digestion and absorption, which can be said to be more suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

Moreover, Chinese medicine believes that proper consumption of chicken can warm and invigorate qi, improve symptoms such as physical weakness and loss of appetite. Therefore, it is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people can eat chicken appropriately, using steaming, stewing and other methods, but it is best to drink less chicken soup, especially for gout patients, and drink less chicken soup.

For the elderly who do not have the problem of three highs, if they really like to drink, then they should also remove the fat on it and minimize fat intake.

2. Fish

Compared with other red meat, fish is also rich in protein, low in fat, and is a high-quality unsaturated fatty acid, which is conducive to blood lipid health. Fish meat is also rich in minerals, trace elements, which happen to be needed by the human body.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people can eat more fish on weekdays, replacing some red meat such as pigs, cattle and sheep, including diabetes, hypertension and other chronic diseases, are very suitable for eating fish, but for people with high uric acid and gout, fish is also rich in purine, or need to eat as little as possible.

The older you get, the more you have to eat meat? Especially these 3 types of meat! Doctor: Eat more or be in good spirits

3. Beef

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that beef is flat and sweet, and can play a role in tonifying qi and nourishing the stomach, strengthening tendons and bones, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and is also a typical tonic.

Beef is not only rich in protein, amino acids, trace elements and other nutrients, but also contains a lot of iron, suitable for people with insufficient qi and blood.

The fat content and cholesterol content in beef are not high, it can be said that it is a low-fat, low-cholesterol food, and it is also more suitable for middle-aged and elderly people, and proper consumption can enhance physical fitness and improve their own resistance.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people can eat some beef appropriately on weekdays, about 2 taels each time, it is recommended to use a lighter cooking method, such as stir-frying, stewing, etc., as much as possible with less oil and salt, which can maximize the preservation of food nutrition.

To sum up, after the elderly over the age of 60, still need to eat meat properly, can not just vegetarian, meat and vegetarian is a healthier way to eat, it is recommended that you often eat fish, chicken, beef and other meat, rich in protein, and relatively speaking, lower fat content, lower calories, can be said to be more suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.