
Wu Zetian entered the palace at the age of 14 and served Emperor Taizong of Tang for 11 years, why did he not have a son and a half daughter? What do you think?

author:Straight Cherry 5P7

Wu Zetian is the only female emperor in Chinese history, she entered the palace at the age of 14, served Emperor Taizong of Tang for 11 years, went through the dynasties of Tang Gaozong, Tang Zhongzong, and Tang Ruizong, and finally ascended the throne to become the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. However, she did not give birth to any children in these 11 years, which caused many people to question and talk about. In this article, we will explore this issue and analyze it.

Wu Zetian entered the palace at the age of 14 and served Emperor Taizong of Tang for 11 years, why did he not have a son and a half daughter? What do you think?

The first reason: medical factors

Wu Zetian was not pregnant when she served Emperor Taizong of Tang, which was probably due to medical factors. In ancient times, medical technology was not as advanced as in modern times, and many diseases could not be effectively treated. Therefore, Wu Zetian is likely to suffer from fertility diseases, such as endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, and so on. This is also one of the reasons why she did not have children. In addition, some medical experts believe that Wu Zetian may have normal fertility, but did not have the opportunity to conceive and raise children in the court environment at that time. Because of her status and job, she may not have enough time and energy to deal with family and children. However, this reason is not supported by sufficient evidence and further research is needed.

Wu Zetian entered the palace at the age of 14 and served Emperor Taizong of Tang for 11 years, why did he not have a son and a half daughter? What do you think?

The second reason: political factors

In addition to medical factors, political factors were also one of the reasons why Wu Zetian did not have children. In the Tang Dynasty, the succession to the throne was very important, and each emperor had to have a legal heir to ensure the stability of the throne. However, in Wu Zetian's time, Emperor Taizong of Tang already had his own heir, Emperor Gaozong of Tang. Therefore, if Wu Zetian became pregnant with a child, Emperor Taizong of Tang had to consider how to deal with the problem to avoid causing a fight for the throne. This could lead to political instability and even threaten the rule of the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, in order to avoid this happening, Wu Zetian was probably forbidden to give birth. In addition, Wu Zetian's position in Tang politics was very important, and she had great power and influence. She may not think she needs to have children to assert her status and power. However, this statement is not shared by all historians.

Wu Zetian entered the palace at the age of 14 and served Emperor Taizong of Tang for 11 years, why did he not have a son and a half daughter? What do you think?

The third reason: personal choice

Finally, the reason why Wu Zetian did not have children may also be due to personal choice. As a woman of the Tang Dynasty, Wu Zetian endured a lot of political and social pressures and restrictions. Therefore, she may think that having children will negatively affect her duties and work, or that she may not have found a suitable partner or simply not want children. These personal choices may also have contributed to her infertility. In addition, some historians believe that Wu Zetian may not have been an amiable and kind person, and that she was more concerned with her political status and power than with her children and family during her court life. She may believe that childbearing threatens her political status and power, so she chooses not to have children.

Wu Zetian entered the palace at the age of 14 and served Emperor Taizong of Tang for 11 years, why did he not have a son and a half daughter? What do you think?


In short, the reason why Wu Zetian did not have children may have been caused by a variety of factors such as medicine, politics or personal choice. While we cannot know exactly what the causes are, we can speculate on these causes and analyze them appropriately. After all, history is a very complex field, and we need to do adequate investigation and research to better understand history and historical figures. Whatever the reason, Wu Zetian is an outstanding woman in Chinese history, and her story and experience deserve our attention and learning. Her deeds and achievements have contributed greatly to history and culture, and she has left an eternal mark on China's history and culture.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Wu Zetian made many reforms and innovations during her reign, including the implementation of the imperial examination system, strengthening the centralization of power, improving people's livelihood, and so on. These measures of her made great contributions to the political and social development of the Tang Dynasty, and also provided useful experience and enlightenment for the political reform of later generations. Therefore, while learning from Wu Zetian, we should also pay attention to her political ideology and governing philosophy, draw useful nourishment from it, and provide reference and reference for our social construction and development today.

Finally, we can see that Wu Zetian, as a woman, not only made many outstanding contributions in politics and society, but also showed extraordinary talent and charm in terms of personal qualities and abilities. Her story and experience tell us that gender should not be the criterion by which a person's ability and value are judged, and that everyone should have equal opportunities and rights to pursue their dreams and careers. These are the values and ideas we need to learn and promote today.