
What happened to a 47-year-old woman with a wrinkled face and insisted on applying egg whites to her face to tighten her face?

author:Dr. Jing Changbin popularized science

Zhao Lin, 47 years old this year, is a housewife. Zhao Lin is usually responsible for the diet and living of the family, and after eating a full meal in the evening, he will choose to go to square dancing with his friends, and after dancing in the square, he will go to eat a late-night snack before going home, and sometimes he will chat, and play until late. Zhao Lin usually cares about her skin very much, so she is also very concerned about the maintenance of her skin, but recently Zhao Lin found that the wrinkles on her face are getting deeper and deeper, she doesn't understand that she doesn't eat anything hot, why is she getting older and older? And Zhao Lin's not only has many forehead lines, but also a lot of fine lines at the corners of his eyes, and the whole person looks very old, so recently Zhao Lin did not dare to go out to play with his friends.

What happened to a 47-year-old woman with a wrinkled face and insisted on applying egg whites to her face to tighten her face?

The little friends who danced with the square dance saw that Zhao Lin hadn't come for a long time, and thought that something had happened to her, so they came to visit her at home, and only then did Zhao Lin tell them that because their faces had recently become very old for some reason, they did not dare to go out to meet people. The little friend only found that the wrinkles on Zhao Lin's face unconsciously became much deeper than before, and the whole person really looked old, so they all gave Zhao Lin an idea. A little sister said that applying egg white to her face can lighten wrinkles on the face and whiten the skin, so Zhao Lin was very moved, and she decided to try the method that the little sister said.

What happened to a 47-year-old woman with a wrinkled face and insisted on applying egg whites to her face to tighten her face?

Can egg whites be applied to the face to lighten wrinkles and make the face firm and smooth?

After Zhao Lin left his friend, he found out the eggs at home, took out a bowl, separated the egg white from the yolk, and applied the egg white directly to the face, although it was a little fishy, but fantasized about the picture of his face getting better, Zhao Lin still endured the fishy smell and applied it to his face. Zhao Lin applied egg whites every day, one application for three months, Zhao Lin found that the wrinkles on his face did not change a little, but his face became a little more tender, at this time the frustrated Zhao Lin did not dare to continue to apply egg whites, so Zhao Lin chose to go to the hospital to see a doctor.

What happened to a 47-year-old woman with a wrinkled face and insisted on applying egg whites to her face to tighten her face?

After the doctor learned about Zhao Lin's use of egg white to lighten wrinkles, he examined Zhao Lin. Tell Zhao Lin: Egg white on the face can brighten some skin tone and add some moisture to the skin, but wrinkles like Zhao Lin's face are caused by the lack of nutrients in the internal skin, egg white can not completely supplement these nutrients, so it is not very effective for improving wrinkles, real wrinkle removal, make the face become young methods, but also pay attention to internal regulation.

Zhao Lin, who had insisted on the method said by the doctor for half a year, found that the wrinkles on his face had faded by half, and the person also looked a lot younger, and at this time, Zhao Lin had the courage to go out and dance with his friends.

What happened to a 47-year-old woman with a wrinkled face and insisted on applying egg whites to her face to tighten her face?

Check out 2 ways to combat facial wrinkles, help make the face smoother, and improve skin firmness

1. Supplement some anti-aging substances

Insufficient skin nutrients, and the skin's nutrients can not maintain daily consumption, will lead to the skin getting older, resulting in a large number of wrinkles, at this time supplementation containing sodium hyaluronate, grape seed, bird's nest peptides, collagen peptides and other substances white Yanju anti-aging is very effective.

Sodium hyaluronate: Hydrates the skin, enhances the moisture content, and prevents dry skin from causing keratin and cracked wrinkles.

Collagen peptides: enhance the nutrient content of the skin and prevent the loss of nutrients and cause sagging and wrinkles.

Bird's Nest Peptide: Repairs damaged skin, nourishes cells, and makes the skin more nutrient-rich.

Grape Seed: Boosts the skin's antioxidant power, cleanses impurities inside and outside the skin, tightens the skin, and prevents skin aging.

What happened to a 47-year-old woman with a wrinkled face and insisted on applying egg whites to her face to tighten her face?

Usually, you can insist on supplementing some Baiyanju every day to nourish the skin, long-term supplementation, so that the nutrients in Baiyanju help the skin fight aging, and can reduce the appearance of skin wrinkles.

2. Drink more water

Acne and wrinkles on the face, in addition to the lack of nutrients, another reason is lack of water. The skin under the lack of water will become dry, resulting in a large amount of keratin, so that the skin's nutrients are lost more quickly, so be sure to add a lot of moisture to the skin to make the skin moist, and at the same time prevent the skin from aging too quickly, causing various wrinkles.