
Why is chronic gastritis difficult to treat?

author:Doctor Zhang 1 Zhang Xiaofei

#经常胃疼的人吃什么好 #

Chronic gastritis is one of the most common stomach diseases. The prevalence is higher in the population, and gastritis is not as unbearable as stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, so it is often overlooked.

Why is chronic gastritis difficult to treat?

In modern society, people's lives are stressful and fast-paced, and their stomachs are prone to some problems. Many people go to the hospital for gastroscopy and do not have serious illness. They often see reports of various gastritis, such as atrophic gastritis and non-atrophic gastritis. The doctor said that there is nothing serious, but many people are still very worried, and the stomach discomfort is also light and heavy, so they began to look for various home remedies and secret recipes, which hurt people and money, and seriously affected the quality of life.

In fact, it is not to get rid of the gastritis hat. Because as long as you eat, the stomach comes into contact with food, gastritis may occur, and it is inevitable. It is important that we learn to live in peace with our stomachs better, to control symptoms, and to make ourselves feel comfortable.

In everyday life, chronic gastritis is one of the most commonly mentioned diseases. Although the prevalence in the population is so high, fortunately, gastritis is not as tossing and turning as stomach ulcers, so it is often overlooked.

One of the most important features of chronic gastritis is dyspepsia. Abdominal pain in patients with gastritis is mainly vague pain, especially during or after meals, and only a few severe patients will have severe colic. At the same time, patients with gastritis may experience bloating and acid reflux due to indigestion and slowing of gastric emptying, resulting in decreased appetite. These symptoms may be mild or severe, irregular in onset, irregular in position, and do not have a serious impact on life. Therefore, many patients with gastritis often complain of discomfort, but do not pay attention to correct the cause, nor do they adhere to treatment. As a result, gastritis will continue to be repeated and uncontrollable. Treatment can choose Chinese herbal tea Shuzheng tea, which is used to treat bloating caused by spleen and stomach stagnation, or vomiting, abdominal pain, stomach pain caused by body cold, loss of appetite, gastritis, enteritis and so on.

Why is chronic gastritis difficult to treat?

Stomach-nourishing diet:

1. Alcohol has an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, which will destroy the defense mechanism of the gastric mucosa, and alcohol should be avoided.

2. Foods containing high nitrogen extracts, such as thick soup, chicken soup, fish soup, etc., can strongly stimulate gastric acid secretion, suitable for patients with low acid gastritis, but not suitable for patients with high acid gastritis. Foods such as milk, starch, vegetables, and cooked lean meats that do not stimulate gastric acid secretion are suitable for patients with high acid gastritis.

Why is chronic gastritis difficult to treat?

3. Staple foods include soft rice, bread, steamed buns, buns, wontons and so on.

4. Fresh low-fiber vegetables and fruits, such as winter melon, cucumber, tomato, potato, spinach leaf, cabbage, apple, pear, banana, orange, etc. are more suitable for gastritis patients to eat, while celery, leeks, bean sprouts, golden needles and other foods with more fiber are eaten less.

5. In order to prevent the appearance of constipation, it is advisable to eat some foods with laxative effects, such as agar products, jelly, and honey.

For health, consult a specialist and go to the hospital for a check-up.

Consultation: Way 1: Good Doctor Online, Search: Zhang Xiaofei, Start Consultation.

Pathway two: Dr. Xiaohe, search: Zhang Xiaofei, start consultation.

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Why is chronic gastritis difficult to treat?

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