
Mix feeding those things!

author:Yin Zi 1223

With the arrival of the baby, most mothers hope to provide the baby with sufficient breast milk to help the baby develop better. But there are also cases where things backfire, such as me, because of the lack of milk in the confinement, I was forced to choose mixed feeding. Now that the baby is almost three months old, I want to share some experience on mixed feeding with everyone to avoid mothers continuing to step on the thunder.

Mix feeding those things!

1. When do I need mixed feeding?

In a word: there is breast milk but not much. Due to the weakness of the postpartum body, coupled with the baby's lack of correct sucking skills, insufficient sucking strength, etc., the mother will have insufficient breast milk. At this time, if you blindly pursue exclusive breastfeeding, it will lead to insufficient feeding of the baby.

Mix feeding those things!

2. How to chase milk correctly?

First of all, don't be overly anxious and persistent, gladly accept the reality of your lack of breast milk, and slowly chase milk with a healthy mind. At this time, partners and family members must pay attention not to complain or blame the mother, and give appropriate encouragement and support, otherwise it will aggravate the psychological burden of the mothers, and the milk volume will not be able to catch up.

Secondly, pay attention to postpartum recovery and replenish qi and blood. When chasing milk, mothers must pay attention to rest to ensure the normal recovery of the body, and on this basis, eat and drink more food that replenishes qi and blood. I cook soup every day during confinement (millet + red dates + goji berries + brown sugar), and drink it as water.

Finally, increase the frequency and time of your baby's sucking to guide your baby to master the correct way to suck. Whether there is milk or not, as long as the baby is willing to suck, let the baby suck more, and the milk will suck more and more.

[Heart] [Heart] adds: The wrong way to chase milk - the breast pump sucks out and bottles feed.

Personal test of the effect of chasing milk with a breast pump, but the milk expressed, try not to bottle feed, (can be thrown out, don't feel a pity, believe that you can catch up) The baby will rely on bottles instead of breast milk. When you suck and want to feed breast milk again, the baby can't eat milk, and if you cry, you must choose milk powder, and over time, the baby will also rely on the bottle. (Bottles are better to suck than breast milk)

Mix feeding those things!

3. Problems that may be encountered with mixed feeding.

First, over-reliance on milk powder and bottles.

In the case of milk volume can not catch up, most parents will choose to increase the number of milk powder feedings, over time the baby will become more and more resistant to breast milk and nipples, even if the amount of milk in the later stage is sufficient, the baby is not willing to suck breast milk, such as I am a bloody lesson. The correct approach is to "eat less, eat more meals", feed as much as you want, and then feed breast milk again after a while instead of feeding formula immediately.

Second, the baby has indigestion.

The wrong mixed feeding method can lead to indigestion in the baby, and the best way to avoid it is to master the correct feeding method - do not feed the formula immediately after breastfeeding, that is, do not mix the feeding for a short time, one meal at a time, and then feed the others every few hours.

Mix feeding those things!

Finally, no one is entitled to kidnap all mothers under any name, and they must be breastfed and kissed. The choice of which way to feed should be freely chosen by the mothers.

May all mothers in the world have a healthy body and a happy mood, only in this way can we better accompany the healthy and happy growth of our children.