
The honey badger accidentally entered Golden Monkey Ridge 3

author:Wang Shilu
The honey badger accidentally entered Golden Monkey Ridge 3

(Canyon, pictures from netizens)

The black-throated honey owl was on the head, not caring about the honey badger's attitude at all, but casually replied, "You go first, I'll go find you in a while." ”

The honey badger angrily walked up the stream, and the higher it went, the steeper the terrain became, the more turbulent the stream became, sometimes the waves rolled, and sometimes there were waterfalls rushing underneath. The two sides of the stream were almost steep cliffs, and it was difficult to find flat ground to land, and the honey badger clinged to the cliff wall, his hands tightly grasping the raised stones and cracks in the cliff wall, and he also moved forward step by step, and a splash of waves almost did not swept him into the stream. The honey badger thought to himself, if only he could eat some honey now, eat some honey and fly, and he would not have to suffer this sin. He looked up, except for the rushing stream and the upright cliff, not to mention the hive, not even a bee could not see, he couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

The honey badger accidentally entered Golden Monkey Ridge 3

(Canyon, pictures from netizens)

Just then, he heard a baby's cry, and the wow-wow-cry was terrifying, and the honey badger thought to himself, how can there be a baby's cry in this deep gully of the cliff, is it a demon, if it is a demon, I can't beat it now. If only the black spot was there, he could also go and inform the Shanwa Divine Doctor. The more he thought about it, the more he regretted that he didn't wait for the blackthroat to sound the honeybird, and a person gambled and ran over. He wanted to go back, but behind him was a narrow and deep cliff that he had managed to come through, and further back, he felt that the distance was much longer than when he had come, and he no longer had the courage to go back. Further on, two steps up to a relatively flat place, but the baby's cries made it daunting. Just as he was cowering, he heard a loud noise, and with a loud noise, a large stone rolled down from the cliff wall, and seeing that the stone was about to hit him, he jumped to a relatively flat place in front of him, and the large stone passed by him, rolled down into the stream, and the splashing waves hit him like a waterfall, flowing down his head.

The honey badger accidentally entered Golden Monkey Ridge 3

(Canyon, pictures from netizens)

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