
How to stabilize your mood as the middle school entrance exam approaches? Haidu invited psychologists to support candidates and parents

author:Straits Metropolis Daily Minnan Edition
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"中考临近 如何稳定情绪?海都请来心理专家为考生、家长支招","en":"How to stabilize your mood as the middle school entrance exam approaches? Haidu invited psychologists to support candidates and parents"},"description":{"content":"N海都记者黄晓燕通讯员陆璐三年磨剑,六月试锋。6月25日至27日,泉州21万余考生将踏上中考的“战场”。中考进入倒计时,...","en":"N Haidu reporter Huang Xiaoyan correspondent Lu Lu sharpened his sword for three years and tested the front in June. From June 25 to 27, more than 210,000 candidates in Quanzhou will embark on the \"battlefield\" of the middle school entrance examination. The countdown to the entrance examination ,..."}},"items":[]}