
The Republic of Benin

author:Pure world

The Republic of Benin (French: La République du Bénin), abbreviated as Benin, is a country located in south-central West Africa, bordered by the Gulf of Guinea to the south, Nigeria to the east, Niger to the north, Burkina Faso to the northwest, and Togo to the west, with a coastline of 125 km. The entire territory of Benin is narrow from north to south and wide from north to south. The southern coast is a plain about 100 km wide. The central part is a undulating plateau with an altitude of 200~400 meters. Mount Atacola in the northwest is 641 meters above sea level, the highest point in the country. Benin has a land area of 112,600 square kilometers, its capital is Porto-Novo, and the country is divided into 12 departments, with a population of 11.8 million (2019) and more than 60 tribes.

Around the 16th century, many small states and emirates appeared. After the 16th century, it was invaded by Western colonists. It was incorporated into French West Africa in 1904. In 1958 it became an autonomous republic within the French Community. It became independent on August 1, 1960, and established the Republic of Dahomey. It was renamed the People's Republic of Benin in 1975 and its current name in 1990.

The Republic of Benin
The Republic of Benin
The Republic of Benin
The Republic of Benin
The Republic of Benin

Benin is one of the least developed countries in the world, with a predominantly agricultural economy and palm oil production. The fact that some powerful tribal kingdoms in the south had supported European contacts since ancient times led to premature specialization of the agricultural economy and the inability to feed itself. The southern region and the Dahomey plateau grow the cash crop oil palm. Palm kernel and palm oil are Benin's top exports, with a GDP of US$16.8 billion and a per capita GDP of US$1,424 in 2021, representing a GDP growth rate of 6.2%.

Around the 16th century, many small kingdoms and emirates emerged in Benin.

In the 18th century, the Abomy Kingdom unified the south and the center at its peak.

In the late 16th century, Western colonists invaded Benin and engaged in the slave trade.

Benin was incorporated into French West Africa in 1904 and became a French colony in 1913.

In 1958, it became an "autonomous republic" within the French Community.

On August 1, 1960, it became independent and established the Republic of Dahomey.

In October 1972, the Kreku coup d'état came to power, announcing that he would "take the path of socialist development".

On 30 November 1975, the name of the country was changed to the People's Republic of Benin.

On 1 March 1990, it was renamed the Republic of Benin with a multi-party system.

In March 1991, Nicéphore Soglo was elected president after winning the first multiparty general election.

In March 1996, Kreku defeated Soglo to return to power in a general election.

In 2006, Boni YAYI, an independent candidate and former president of the West African Development Bank, won the election, becoming Benin's third president since democratization. Later Yayi successfully ran for re-election in 2011.

In 2016, Patrice Talon was elected president over then-Prime Minister Lionel Zinsou.

On January 11, 2023, Benin's National Autonomous Commission for Elections announced the preliminary results of the National Assembly elections, and the "Alliance for Renewal" and the "Republican Bloc" supporting President Talon won the majority of seats in the National Assembly.

Benin has a land area of 112622 square kilometres, a depth of 700 kilometres from north to south and a width of 125 km and 325 km from east to west, located in the tropical region between the equator and the Tropic of Cancer in western Africa (between 6° 30' and 12° 30' N, between 1° and 30° 40' east longitude), bordering Nigeria to the east, Burkina Faso and Niger to the northwest and northeast, Togo to the west and the Atlantic Ocean to the south.

Located in West Africa, Benin is a coastal country bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the south and several countries in the Sahel region to the north. Over the past decade, Benin has enjoyed political stability, peace and sustained economic growth. The advancement of democracy and human rights, as well as the sound management of politics, are priority policies of the Government of Benin. The people of Benin are very hospitable.

The people of Benin are peace-loving, intellectually and industriously. It is considered one of the most civilized countries in Africa. It is a tourist destination like no other. For tourists, Benin has many rich and diverse treasures. The Government of Benin, through the National Policy for Tourism Development, is committed to supporting these treasures in order to expand the country's tourism potential and compete actively in the international tourism market.

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