
Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

author:Comfort sauce

Finally waiting for "Keep You Safe"!

I heard about it in the morning, and the reputation is very good.

The higher the expectation, the easier it is to be disappointed.

Fortunately, I watched "Keep You Safe" with super high expectations, and I was still very impressed.

Laugh one stubble after another, and laugh minute by minute with a super grin with special effects makeup.

The tears are not sensational, deliberate, or flesh.

Sincere, raw, and stamina.

What is particularly rare is that "Keep You Safe" has the earnestness of hitting the universal phenomenon, and there is serious thinking and subtle expression that does not flow into superficial hilarity.

Who understands? A lot of content, there are accurate "ahahaha that's it"! "That's right, that's right, that's it"!

Let's start at the beginning.

First, the surface and inside of comedy: unrecognizable with false rumors, laughter as the table, and whipping as the inside.

The first impression of watching "Keep You Safe" is, of course, hilarious .

Comedy is notoriously hard to do.

One step to the left, and it is easy to become a vulgar rotten street terrier, and be scolded for being too old-fashioned in minutes.

One step to the right, and it is likely to become the embarrassment of talking to yourself, and it will be too cold to be disliked in minutes.

"Keep You Safe" not only achieves multi-level, multi-origin, and multi-type laughter, but also completes the deep emotional construction and serious value expression under the laughter.

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

Serious topics are good, but how to make them appear in a more enjoyable form is even more difficult.

You see, to mix rumors, prejudices, laughter, etc., it is necessary to build a strict logical closed loop, to have reasonable psychological motivation, to reflect the state of people's hearts, and to have a positive value orientation that knows the world but does not know the world, see the "mud" and different flows.

But "Keep You Safe" did it all.

Three points of humor, three points of ridicule, seven points of warmth, seven points of sincerity.

  • First, rich layers of comedy.

With all kinds of inexplicable sufferings in the world and rumors flying in the bad state, the film chooses to present it in comedy mode.

Wei Pingan's unlucky rumors in the film are a laughing point every time they appear.

And after every hilarious bridge, there is a bitter character state and a helpless bias net.

Seamless connection, inside and outside, complete the two layers of "comedy and serious expression".

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

In a very hilarious paragraph, it was his sister Wei Ruyi and others carrying Wei Pingan to the hospital for examination.

It was filmed into a video and fermented wildly, turning into a look that made people cry and laugh.

The funny on the surface is that there is a lot of trouble, absurdity, and a dance of demons.

Deep ridiculousness is ridiculous, false and false.

The younger sister once had a preconceived idea, and once listened to rumors and briefly misunderstood her brother.

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

Out of good intentions, there came a "mandatory inspection".

Black and white impermanence and other "non-people", people like dogs carrying Wei Pingan, noisy and noisy.

This video of "a group of demons dancing and carrying people" reappeared, and it was the chairman at the dinner table who took out his mobile phone.

He said: Look what has been confirmed!

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

It's ridiculous and funny, but it's reasonable, typical, and representative.

If this group of people cos special image group dance devils, it provides a lively laugh at the intuitive level;

Then, the distorted conjecture content that goes out of shape in the process of false rumors is the comedic bitter core of "hot" outside and "cold" outside and "positive" in "strange" outside.

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level
  • Secondly, the mapping of the speech Xuanyuan.

Wei Pingan and Wei Ruyi's brothers and sisters bravely broke into the Longtan Tiger's Cave and violently set up clues.

Pulling the flag and pulling the "letter beginning" of the tiger skin is very hilarious.

There is no real hammer, rumor-mongering a mouth, opening the mouth is the chaos of the letter ABCD! They were all used in the film.

Not a word of scolding, but every word has the root and power of not being frivolous or exaggerated.

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

In this paragraph, I see that the chairman has to queue up, and if I can't see anyone, I can only talk in the cloud, which at first glance seems very exaggerated and dramatic.

But in fact, it is also the miscommunication and inefficiency that can be felt everywhere in our daily lives.

A handful of sad things, several bad lucks, all kinds of unhappiness and all kinds of grievances are all rubbed into this hilarious story.

silent criticism, but not despair and no depression;

There is a hint of dark humor.

Life is a gift of bad things, and a gentle movie is rewarded.

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

Second, practical concerns.

Spread rumors with one mouth, refute rumors and run off legs.

The story is naturally fictional and artistically processed, but the core pain point cut to is particularly real.

It is worth noting that this is not a story of "the wicked sabotage, the good guys fight to the death".

On the contrary, there is not even an absolute sense of the "great evil" in the story.

Of course, the rumor-mongers are guilty, and the initiators are very hateful.

In every link, people who eat melons indiscriminately and irresponsible to spread falsehoods are at fault in a sense.

However, no one is really "evil" and "unforgiving".

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

The film debunks rumors and breaks legs, tracks flashbacks, and interlocks to restore the entire rumor transmission chain.

There was no one in this airtight net who initially embraced the vicious starting point of "I want to discredit her".

The melon-eating masses who followed up were even just onlookers.

In a sense, this is more ambiguous, more real, and more thought-provoking than a one-size-fits-all black-and-white barrier, absolute opposition.

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level
  • 1. Good intentions.

For example, the rumors about Wei Pingan, taken out of context at the suspected disease examination site, the starting point is the kindness of his sister.

Because I care about my brother, because my first reaction is "what the hell are you trying to do".

Because I didn't expect such a runaway storm in the future.

Why make such a big battle to check?

That, of course, is a piece of kindness to be a sister.

However, she also unknowingly became a member of the "rumor network".

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

2. The "sin is not as good as the many" mentality of eating melons.

How quickly do rumors spread?

The film is very comedic, from the beautiful dog brother stealing mud, all the way back to Godzilla and the gorilla, to colleagues, colleagues' mothers, colleagues' mothers' square dance partners, colleagues' mothers' square dance partners, colleagues' mothers' square dance partners, and so on.

They did not spread rumors.

But without knowing it, they picked up the butcher knife of words.

In other people's distant and bizarre stories, people are mostly melon-eating masses.

Be attracted by all kinds of large melons.

Comment on a sentence "really fake"?

A sigh of emotion "It's actually like this"!

Spit on a "Ah, so it is"!

It doesn't even take one key to three times, and it has already caused one tragedy after another.

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

"Shock! The source of assets of a good woman who donated 1.36 million naked is actually this? ”

Behind every tangible and invisible title party title corresponds to the voyeuristic desire for scandal to chaos and reversal.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Eat a melon, do you actually have to rigorously detective the three lives and repeatedly compare the details of the size?

I don't have that time and energy, and I don't have that condition.

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

In essence, what eating melons satisfies is a leisure and curiosity mentality, a vulgar preference for large-scale plots.

This is contrary to "rigorous investigation, careful selection, and careful consideration", in a sense, the source.

Many times, this small inferiority is difficult to completely defeat and cut.

Rumors are fearful.

Not necessarily just for the "rumor-mongers", but more often because of the revelation of a certain general state.

Movies can't cure diseases, but movies sometimes have "allegorical" effects.

It's a mirror like three words.

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level
  • 3. The great irony of serious asymmetry of benefits and consequences.

What is the purpose of the original part of the rumor, this shocking rumor that has caused great controversy?

It's ironic to say it.

421 honestly explained his motives after being caught.

It's ironic.

Very real.

This is the most conical knife.

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

This is after Han Lu's death, and let her die a second time.

Social death.

It looks like a whipping corpse, or even worse.

How much hatred, how much grudges, how much discord?


How great and how great is the benefit?

Nor is it.

A little bit of what stars and what moon of a member exchange, the more trivial and worthless.

This invisible knife, the deeper the blood.

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

On the other end of the network, a completely unknown person.

For the sake of a little bit of triviality that even a small profit from a fly's head cannot be called, he dares to spread rumors with one mouth.

In a sense, it's not easy for comedy to be "profound".

And "Keep You Safe" through this complete link of "rumor dismantling", to achieve the profundity of not preaching, not being stiff and not shriveled.

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

Third, the picture "There is true love in the world": the tenderness under laughter, anger and ridicule.

Wei Pingan, played by Dapeng in the movie, has a very non-mainstream hairstyle and hair color.

The appearance is unreliable.

Life is even worse.

It looks like a greasy hedgehog, or a bomb that explodes without lighting up.

But the hedgehog is fake, and so is the bomb.

Even greasy and unreliable is fake.

Beneath the surface of ordinary incongruity is a very gentle faith and strength.

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

Similar to the characters, under the laughter, anger, irony and ridicule of the movie, it is also a mess, a word of sincerity in the mud, and a sincere heart to move forward.

I like "gentleness" very much, gentleness is not soft-spoken, or even soft or emotionally intelligent.

Tenderness is the kindness and power conveyed in "Keep You Safe": What is the picture? Picture a "there is true love in the world".

In the film, Wei Pingan's father and daughter face a similar dilemma of isomorphic mode between the two generations, which is very interesting.

Wei Pingan has never been able to fight the hammer or pour it out, but when he saw his daughter being bullied by his classmates, he was instantly "provoked".

Crying and crying.

Distressed, even against his will, he asked the child to give up.

The daughter in the film is brave, and it is not us who are at fault.

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

The two generations of father and daughter are continuing to practice the right thing.

It comes at a cost, but it's worth it.

It is often argued that the core of comedy is tragedy.

It is not so much that high-level comedy should take "pathos" as "inside", but whether it is a tragical comedy or a light comedy, the truly pursuing works have a deep well under the surface.

There are keen observations of phenomena, there are personal experiences of struggling in life, and there are repercussions of unwillingness to admit defeat and cannot easily compromise with "customs are like this".

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

In "Keep You Safe", Feng Mingming died in an unfortunate car accident and Han Lu died of a brain tumor, both of which are tragedies.

Han Lu gave everything she had and donated her entire net worth, but she was mistaken and rumored and criticized.

Even being almost "gouged after death" is tragic.

It's ugly.

However, the core of the film is particularly warm and powerful.

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level

Wei Ping'an Tu "has its own true feelings in the world", trekking thousands of miles all the way, chickens and flying dogs jumping up and down to seek, and finally returned Han Lu's innocence.

Han Lutu "continues to transmit warmth", gets a bottle of Coke for a few dollars, and returns all the kindness of life.

You see, the surface is hilarious comedy, cutting down a layer is tragedy, and if you look closely, there is warmth flowing from beginning to end.

It is very easy to be kind to everything without being in the world, never encountering cold eyes.

After suffering from cold eyes and resentment, there is still a full of innocence and goodwill, which is not easy.

I have seen the treacherous wind and waves, and the rumors are like a sea, and I still believe and love.

No longer young, not necessarily omniscient, but still with good thoughts and tears.

Not only is it hilarious and crying, "Keep You Safe" has gone to another level


At the end of "Keep You Safe", Wei Pingan signed for the riverside gift, and the fireworks rose and the words 666 bloomed.

The meme of live streaming brush gifts previously appeared happily in the form of "crazy traffic earning" in Yang Di's character line.

The more lively the chase hot spot, this brush gift 666 nature, showing a bit of unspoken utilitarian and perfunctory.

But in another way, "brush 666", the gentle thoughts from the deceased suddenly swept away the money philistine and full of sincerity.

Gentle people, good wishes, like fireworks blooming and scorching.

Or the endless bubbles of happiness gushing out of that Coke.

You see, a bottle of worthless Coke, a big firework;

A casual act of kindness at no cost, a life-and-forth pursuit that gives almost all of it.

It's all good, it's all good.

No matter how big or small, no matter how far or near it is, no matter how difficult or easy, when you think of goodness, you will give birth to lotus step by step.

You see, the idea of planting a small can of Coke will extend to convey the beauty of a river.

Flowing and alive.

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