
What about the richest white rich beauty you've ever seen? | My beauty director 1, which school she studied in Singapore, why does it cost 200,000 yuan for food in 1 month? 2, why are you so beautiful and rich that you want to call her silly and sweet? The family is engaged in developers, the garage is a luxury car? 3, the beauty director monthly salary of 15,000, side business is media companies and stocks, come to work just because bored to find something to do? 4. Is the son of the former richest man in Singapore her ex-boyfriend? 5. Live sell masks when reading, 1 piece sells for 500 yuan?

author:Uncle Jimmy talks about design

The full text is 2469 words, which is expected to consume 3 to 5 minutes of your time, but this is an article worth your consumption of time! All the articles I write are real events for me personally and those around me!

Before I code words against this silly white sweet female director who is useless except for rich and beautiful, it is necessary to introduce her background and relationships. Therefore, the female background is strong (national character background), I must deliberately blur some of her information when the code word, you are ready to eat melon, mobile phone is fully charged. My article may be the most real disclosure of the so-called workplace returnees rich second-generation elite learning and daily life of the state, code words are not easy, first like the collection and then slowly read!

She, born in 1992, is a returnee from Jiangsu, a returnee from Singapore, and a classmate of Zhao Benshan's son. Dad is a developer, the family industry is numerous, according to her own said that the real rich is one of her uncles who do business in Jiangsu, it seems to be engaged in some jewelry chain brand, and the family has a national character background relationship, the real eminent lineage!

She is 166 tall and probably weighs 115? Slightly fat but the figure and legs are the best, to blame the headlines have sensitive word restrictions, otherwise I really want to tell you how good this gang of dicks she really is! Acura to the point that I now think in codewords that she has a feeling!

Just say don't practice the fake style, the last few pictures are hungry for you:

What about the richest white rich beauty you've ever seen? | My beauty director 1, which school she studied in Singapore, why does it cost 200,000 yuan for food in 1 month? 2, why are you so beautiful and rich that you want to call her silly and sweet? The family is engaged in developers, the garage is a luxury car? 3, the beauty director monthly salary of 15,000, side business is media companies and stocks, come to work just because bored to find something to do? 4. Is the son of the former richest man in Singapore her ex-boyfriend? 5. Live sell masks when reading, 1 piece sells for 500 yuan?
What about the richest white rich beauty you've ever seen? | My beauty director 1, which school she studied in Singapore, why does it cost 200,000 yuan for food in 1 month? 2, why are you so beautiful and rich that you want to call her silly and sweet? The family is engaged in developers, the garage is a luxury car? 3, the beauty director monthly salary of 15,000, side business is media companies and stocks, come to work just because bored to find something to do? 4. Is the son of the former richest man in Singapore her ex-boyfriend? 5. Live sell masks when reading, 1 piece sells for 500 yuan?
What about the richest white rich beauty you've ever seen? | My beauty director 1, which school she studied in Singapore, why does it cost 200,000 yuan for food in 1 month? 2, why are you so beautiful and rich that you want to call her silly and sweet? The family is engaged in developers, the garage is a luxury car? 3, the beauty director monthly salary of 15,000, side business is media companies and stocks, come to work just because bored to find something to do? 4. Is the son of the former richest man in Singapore her ex-boyfriend? 5. Live sell masks when reading, 1 piece sells for 500 yuan?
What about the richest white rich beauty you've ever seen? | My beauty director 1, which school she studied in Singapore, why does it cost 200,000 yuan for food in 1 month? 2, why are you so beautiful and rich that you want to call her silly and sweet? The family is engaged in developers, the garage is a luxury car? 3, the beauty director monthly salary of 15,000, side business is media companies and stocks, come to work just because bored to find something to do? 4. Is the son of the former richest man in Singapore her ex-boyfriend? 5. Live sell masks when reading, 1 piece sells for 500 yuan?

No way, I have deleted a lot of pictures that can't be sent, and the headlines always say that my article is large!

Well, let's get back to the main topic, let's unravel the mysteries of the beauty director together:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >1, which school she studied in Singapore, why does she have to pay 200,000 yuan for food in 1 month? </h1>

I don't remember the name of the school she attended, I only remember her mentioning that she and Zhao Benshan's son were classmates. So I directly Baidu Zhao Benshan son information, should be able to find.

What about the richest white rich beauty you've ever seen? | My beauty director 1, which school she studied in Singapore, why does it cost 200,000 yuan for food in 1 month? 2, why are you so beautiful and rich that you want to call her silly and sweet? The family is engaged in developers, the garage is a luxury car? 3, the beauty director monthly salary of 15,000, side business is media companies and stocks, come to work just because bored to find something to do? 4. Is the son of the former richest man in Singapore her ex-boyfriend? 5. Live sell masks when reading, 1 piece sells for 500 yuan?

This is a screenshot of Baidu Encyclopedia, but it does not specify which university

So through careful searching, I finally found that Zhao Benshan's son Zhao Yinan was studying at the La Salle College of art in Singapore (seemingly a specialist), and we first got a general understanding of the consumption level of this university and its location.

What about the richest white rich beauty you've ever seen? | My beauty director 1, which school she studied in Singapore, why does it cost 200,000 yuan for food in 1 month? 2, why are you so beautiful and rich that you want to call her silly and sweet? The family is engaged in developers, the garage is a luxury car? 3, the beauty director monthly salary of 15,000, side business is media companies and stocks, come to work just because bored to find something to do? 4. Is the son of the former richest man in Singapore her ex-boyfriend? 5. Live sell masks when reading, 1 piece sells for 500 yuan?

This is the university information found by Baidu Encyclopedia, and the main major of the professor is the contemporary art major.

Let's take a look at the tuition fees and other fees for this school:

What about the richest white rich beauty you've ever seen? | My beauty director 1, which school she studied in Singapore, why does it cost 200,000 yuan for food in 1 month? 2, why are you so beautiful and rich that you want to call her silly and sweet? The family is engaged in developers, the garage is a luxury car? 3, the beauty director monthly salary of 15,000, side business is media companies and stocks, come to work just because bored to find something to do? 4. Is the son of the former richest man in Singapore her ex-boyfriend? 5. Live sell masks when reading, 1 piece sells for 500 yuan?
What about the richest white rich beauty you've ever seen? | My beauty director 1, which school she studied in Singapore, why does it cost 200,000 yuan for food in 1 month? 2, why are you so beautiful and rich that you want to call her silly and sweet? The family is engaged in developers, the garage is a luxury car? 3, the beauty director monthly salary of 15,000, side business is media companies and stocks, come to work just because bored to find something to do? 4. Is the son of the former richest man in Singapore her ex-boyfriend? 5. Live sell masks when reading, 1 piece sells for 500 yuan?

The minimum tuition fee for one year is 70,000 yuan, and the living expenses are 45,000 yuan. According to our beauty director herself, she also has to share a house with her classmates outside, the monthly rent is about 15,000 yuan / yuan, it seems to be a three-bedroom and two-hall suite or a villa, I forgot, anyway, Singapore consumption is expensive! Coupled with their kind of girls who have been rich since childhood, each month's cosmetics, bags, luxury goods and food and clothing, according to her monthly 50,000, 100,000 is definitely not enough, 200,000 is just right. She said that the most exaggerated thing is that the children of the officials and eunuchs, the monthly family gives them food expenses of up to 500,000 yuan, but it is still not enough to shout (PS: I want to talk dirty, I want to cry ~ ~ ~ ~ )

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >2, why are you so beautiful and rich that you want to call her silly and sweet? The family is engaged in developers, the garage is a luxury car? </h1>

The reason why I think she is silly and sweet is that she always speaks very straight and does not consider the feelings of others. Emotional intelligence is particularly low, not deliberately ignorant of human nature, but really do not understand, or she does not need to understand at all. From childhood to adulthood, relying on the resources arranged by our parents, rich and well-nourished, wanting, getting, owning, and using, may make us dicks difficult to reach in this life, if there is no accident!

So silly cuteness, getting along with us poor people, will make us look particularly glassy. Maybe people in the circle of friends casually send a sports car or brand-name bag, we will hate the rich to decide to dress or show off wealth, but in fact, it may not be, people may send these as if we normally go out to eat and send a selfie, this is the daily life of the second generation of people's wealth, the basic standard of the circle is Chanel Diogguchi These brands start.

She usually drives an entry-level Mercedes-Benz, which should be between 300,000 and 500,000, but according to her own words, she may have spent more than a million on this Mercedes-Benz. Because her car often changes colors, a good set of car film more than 10,000, she changed more than 10 sets of seven seven eight eight, the color is changed for her.

What about the richest white rich beauty you've ever seen? | My beauty director 1, which school she studied in Singapore, why does it cost 200,000 yuan for food in 1 month? 2, why are you so beautiful and rich that you want to call her silly and sweet? The family is engaged in developers, the garage is a luxury car? 3, the beauty director monthly salary of 15,000, side business is media companies and stocks, come to work just because bored to find something to do? 4. Is the son of the former richest man in Singapore her ex-boyfriend? 5. Live sell masks when reading, 1 piece sells for 500 yuan?

The pink was all changed for her

She also has Ferrari, Bentley, Audi and so on. People are still in order to take care of us poor people specially opened the worst entry-level Mercedes Benz to work, worried that we are too hated to the rich, hahahahaha ~ ~ ~ ~

Yes, Dad is engaged in financial and commercial real estate development! What specific unit and what name it is, it is not clear and it is not convenient to elaborate.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >3, beauty director monthly salary of 15,000, side business is media companies and stocks, come to work just because bored to find something to do? </h1>

She entered the company a few months later than me, I was after the company was forced to dissolve, when the company wanted to compensate us for compensation, I accidentally saw her monthly salary through the financial form, but what was exaggerated was that the monthly salary of 15,000 was issued to her a certain card, whether it was successfully issued, or how much she herself was unclear, because she did not look at that salary at all, nor did she lack that little money, that little money was thrown into her account, she may also think that the refund of which thing she bought has arrived, hahahaha ~ there is such an exaggeration!!!

She has a media company of her own, but it is basically not hired, and the members are all working from home or temporarily forming projects. Doing business at home is not the same, and the cost of this piece will still be relatively saved. (Of course, it may have a lot to do with the experience of losing a suite in Shanghai, so she doesn't dare to do too big a project.) Her list is mainly based on the resources around her to dock her, and each list can make her tens of thousands to millions. Rich people really make money is not something we can think of.

She also has 1 million invested in the stock market, and her circle of friends has also sent screenshots of her stocks. Why send it out? Hahaha, because of that quarrel with the general manager, and then in a fit of anger on the pick said that the departure is not done, and then sent out this picture, it is estimated that I want to tell the general manager: sister is not to earn your 10,000 salary, nor lack of that little money, Lao Tzu has earned 20,000 a day, come here to work to play with you, don't take yourself too seriously! Hahaha, I guess that's what it means ~ well, above!

What about the richest white rich beauty you've ever seen? | My beauty director 1, which school she studied in Singapore, why does it cost 200,000 yuan for food in 1 month? 2, why are you so beautiful and rich that you want to call her silly and sweet? The family is engaged in developers, the garage is a luxury car? 3, the beauty director monthly salary of 15,000, side business is media companies and stocks, come to work just because bored to find something to do? 4. Is the son of the former richest man in Singapore her ex-boyfriend? 5. Live sell masks when reading, 1 piece sells for 500 yuan?
What about the richest white rich beauty you've ever seen? | My beauty director 1, which school she studied in Singapore, why does it cost 200,000 yuan for food in 1 month? 2, why are you so beautiful and rich that you want to call her silly and sweet? The family is engaged in developers, the garage is a luxury car? 3, the beauty director monthly salary of 15,000, side business is media companies and stocks, come to work just because bored to find something to do? 4. Is the son of the former richest man in Singapore her ex-boyfriend? 5. Live sell masks when reading, 1 piece sells for 500 yuan?

Everyone help me see if it is 1 million, I should be correct ~ when I can earn 1 million from the media

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >4, singapore's former richest man's son is her ex-boyfriend? </h1>

Extrapolating her 92 years, when she went to college should have been between 2011 and 2014, according to her, the first boyfriend she had at that time was the son of Singapore's richest man (yes, she only had a love affair in college, before that she was stupid and didn't understand, and after she understood everything, she became super super super dirty, often driving in front of me. )

She said that she had always been very lucky, winning the first prize; playing mahjong with friends was also a hundred thousand wins; when she was with her Singaporean son, the family business was super good, and his family also liked her. Not long after the breakup, the Singaporean man's family went bankrupt and ran away, and now I don't know where to escape.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >5, live sell masks when reading, 1 piece sells 500 yuan? </h1>

Yes, according to her, she played live when she was a student, and then for a while she tried to bring goods to buy and sell various skin care products. 1 mask sold for 500 yuan, people are rushing to get, there is a Guangdong sister did not even talk about it directly under a 11W list. So it is simply inconceivable for the rich to consume us poor.

And the rich people especially believe in feng shui and these things, she also once went on a trip with her classmates when she was studying in Singapore, and then a fortune teller blew some marriage and fortune things to her, saying that she may not have much luck recently, or she will be unlucky or bankrupt. And she asked the master what to do? The master said 50,000 pieces to solve! Then she immediately transferred the money! After I heard about this matter, I really sighed from the bottom of my heart, the rich really don't treat money as money, I quipped to her: If you look for me 25,000, you can help you borrow it

Their family also has this kind of fortune teller who has been working with for a long time, and will calculate it for her every once in a while, and she will give money once (it seems that it is still how it came by year, I forgot.) Anyway, I just believe in things like feng shui.

Beauty director there are too many too much content to say, interested in the comment area message I will answer.

Code words are not easy, remember to like the collection of comments plus attention Oh ~

I'm Jimmy Ji and keep sharing more interesting materials!