
Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

author:Lively melon li

In daily life, some vegetables are skinned.

Some people like to peel and eat, and some people like to eat it with the skin.

Some people say that vegetable skins are more nutritious, and eating with the skin is more nutritious, and some people say that some vegetable skins contain harmful substances and cannot be eaten.

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

Regarding our common sweet potatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers, eggplants and white radish, should their skins be peeled off or kept?

I asked a few friends and found that everyone was not very clear, and just saw the relevant science, so I shared it with you.

1. Let's take a look at the sweet potato skin first.

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

For sweet potatoes, the content of VC, protein and mineral elements relative to nutrients in potato meat is higher than that of fruit peel.

Therefore, the loss of nutrients caused by peeling sweet potatoes is not particularly obvious.

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

However, there is another important reason why sweet potatoes have to be peeled and eaten.

That is, sweet potato skins contain alkaloids, a harmful substance, long-term consumption or even small consumption, is harmful to the intestinal system.

Alkaloids remain after steaming and roasting.

Some people eat baked sweet potatoes like to eat with the skin and feel more fragrant, but this is easy to cause gastrointestinal discomfort, or it is recommended to eat it peeled.

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

In addition, potatoes, which are also roots, have a high content of alkaloids in their peels.

2. Is pumpkin peeled?

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

Pumpkin is rich in nutrients, such as carotene, dietary fiber, active polysaccharides, minerals, trace elements, etc.

In particular, pumpkin is rich in active polysaccharides, which help regulate the sugar content of diabetes and lower blood sugar, which is very suitable for diabetics.

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

In addition, the amount of vitamin C per 100 grams of pumpkin skin is equivalent to that of pumpkin flesh.

In contrast, pumpkin skin contains more nutrients such as protein, crude fiber, calcium, magnesium and other nutrients than pumpkin flesh.

Take the crude fiber in pumpkin as an example, crude fiber helps to inhibit fat absorption and lower cholesterol.

If you eat pumpkin peeled, it is equivalent to losing 1/4 of the crude fiber in the pumpkin flesh.

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

Common pumpkins come in two sizes.

Large pumpkin has less starch content, small pumpkin has babe, pumpkin, etc., and has more starch content.

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

Large pumpkins are more suitable for porridge. However, it is difficult to make the skin soft by the cooking method, and the skin must be removed when cooking porridge.

If you don't want to waste pumpkin skin, it is recommended to use steaming, so that the pumpkin skin is more likely to become soft.

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

Sweet potatoes and pumpkins can be eaten as staple foods or vegetables in daily life.

So do vegetables with skin such as cucumbers, eggplants, and white radishes have to be peeled during cooking?

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

3. For cucumbers, the chlorophyll content in the epidermis accounts for about 93% of the whole cucumber, and the chlorophyll content in the meat accounts for about 7% of the whole cucumber, so it is recommended that cucumbers be eaten with the skin, so that more chlorophyll can be intake.

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

4. In the case of eggplant, many people feel that the skin is too hard, and they are generally peeled and eaten,

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

However, the skin of eggplant is rich in anthocyanins, which have anti-aging and antioxidant effects.

Although its skin is a little hard, it can be softened by stewing or braised eggplant, and braised eggplant with skin is more delicious.

Therefore, eggplants are recommended to be eaten with the skin to help the full absorption of nutrients.

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

The peel of the commonly eaten purple eggplant contains vitamin B and vitamin P, of which vitamin B is very helpful for cardiovascular disease.

In addition, vitamin B and vitamin C are the biggest partners, which help the body's absorption of vitamin C.

Once purple eggplant is peeled and eaten, it will lose all anthocyanins, so it is recommended that purple eggplant is best eaten with skin.

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

5. Radishes, there are also two sayings: peeled and unpeeled.

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

The skin of white radish is rich in vitamin C, at least twice as much as the pulp, although the radish with skin feels spicier to eat, but try to eat it with the skin.

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

In general, like pumpkin skin rich in crude fiber, cucumber skin rich in chlorophyll, purple eggplant skin rich in anthocyanins, white radish skin rich in vitamin C, it is recommended that these vegetables be eaten with skin, so that the intake of nutrition is more comprehensive.

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

But for sweet potatoes, because the content of nutrients in the skin is limited, and it also contains alkaloids, eating too much will increase the burden on the stomach, so it is recommended to eat it peeled.

Have you eaten these kinds of vegetables with skin?

What other vegetables do you know that are best to eat with the skin?