
Tencent Musicians Original Ceremony Forum was held in Beijing, and 23 people, including Zhang Chu and Zhang Ga, won awards

author:Beijing News

Beijing News (Reporter Liu Zhen) On May 28, the 6th Beijing International Pop Music Week Tencent Musicians Original Ceremony in 2020 was held at the Beijing North Exhibition Theater. As the highlight of the festival activities, the Tencent Musicians Original Festival Forum took the lead in opening. At the forum site, all parties exchanged and discussed around the two themes of "live performance and original music" and "digital music ecology and original music dissemination".

Zhu Kening, executive vice president of the China Performance Industry Association, sent his blessings through video, he said: "Since the establishment of Beijing International Pop Music Week, it has presented many wonderful performances for the public, and with the blessing of Tencent musicians this time, I believe that the future music performance market will be more prosperous." Subsequently, Wang Lei, general manager of Tencent Musicians and senior music critic, first thanked everyone for their attention to the festival in his opening speech, and said that Beijing International Pop Music Week has become a business card of Beijing pop music and even Beijing pop culture, and Tencent musicians are very honored to cooperate with such excellent projects to promote China's excellent original pop music.

Tencent Musicians Original Ceremony Forum was held in Beijing, and 23 people, including Zhang Chu and Zhang Ga, won awards

Wang Lei delivered a speech. Courtesy of the organizer

In the first half of the forum, the theme of "live performance and original music" was mainly launched. Wang Lei first introduced the current platform scale and content ecology of Tencent Music Entertainment Group Tencent Musicians, the number of Tencent musicians settled in 2020 increased rapidly year-on-year, the total number of original works is also very impressive, the scale of the platform continues to expand, and the content ecology continues to improve. In the following dialogue session, Jiang Tao, managing director of Chia Tai International Music Production Center and secretary general of Beijing International Pop Music Week, An Ting, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Beijing Xikenpia International Cultural Development Co., Ltd., and Zhai Yi, a well-known DJ and senior music planner, talked about the changes in original musicians in the mainland in the past 30 years.

Tencent Musicians Original Ceremony Forum was held in Beijing, and 23 people, including Zhang Chu and Zhang Ga, won awards

First half of the forum. Courtesy of the organizer

Speaking of the rapid development of live performances, Anting introduced that Beijing International Pop Music Week currently has tours every weekend, and theater performances are a very convenient way for popular music tours, which better reflect the diversified forms of popular music. In addition, theater performances are of great help to music tours, ensuring the quality of music, allowing excellent pop music groups and artists to get close to fans, and to better push original music to all parts of the country. For Anting's point of view, Zhai Yi deeply agreed and added that live performance is one of the best touchstones for testing original music, good music should be presented on the spot, or live music is the sexiest and most attractive form that music can present.

The sudden outbreak of the epidemic has brought about major changes in the pattern and form of performances, and online live has become a new trend. Wang Lei mentioned the experience of Tencent musicians holding live performances, "On the fourth day of the Chinese New Year, our whole team got busy, including colleagues in Beijing, Shenzhen and other cities, we were thinking about what way to make the musicians' works heard by more people, and then we launched a live broadcast." "During the epidemic, a number of online concerts initiated by Tencent musicians attracted a large number of musicians to participate, bringing warmth and encouragement to tens of millions of music fans.

In the era of streaming media, new ways and means of communication are emerging in an endless stream, which provides musicians with more opportunities to show themselves. How to make their works stand out from the massive amount of music content puts forward higher requirements for musicians' self-promotion ability, which is also the theme of the second half of the forum - "Digital Music Ecology and Original Music Communication".

Tencent Musicians Original Ceremony Forum was held in Beijing, and 23 people, including Zhang Chu and Zhang Ga, won awards

The second half of the forum. Courtesy of the organizer

Lu Zhongqiang, the founder and music producer of The Road of Culture and Folk Songs in March, shared his feelings on the promotion of folk songs, "I have been looking for a possibility of better popular expression with national music, and the big ecology of TME includes the support of many subdivisions of the music field, not limited to the help of traffic, so that the popularity and expression of national music have more possibilities, which is very rare." ”

Tencent Musicians Original Ceremony Forum was held in Beijing, and 23 people, including Zhang Chu and Zhang Ga, won awards

Lu Zhongqiang made a speech. Courtesy of the organizer

When it comes to the promotion and dissemination of music, original musicians often feel the most. Mainland male singer and music producer Jian Hongyi, senior record planner, well-known music critic and lyricist Liu Shui ji shared his experience in music creation. Jian Hong also mentioned that the way of dissemination has completely changed over the years, but the most important thing is to make music that you recognize and return to the authenticity of music.

With the vigorous development of the original market and the intensification of platform competition, the dispute between music creation traffic and quality has been endless, is "content king" still established, and in what way? Liushui Ji believes that the carrier revolution is a good thing, but the focus is still back to the content, and musicians should focus more on their own creative content and promotion methods, and gradually explore their own musical style in the process.

In the final part of the forum, Tencent Music awarded honors to singer-songwriters and behind-the-scenes producers who have outstanding performance in the field of original music in the past year, and 23 musicians and behind-the-scenes workers such as Zhang Chu, Zhu Jingxi, Zhang Gayi, Jian Hongyi, Ma Tiao, Ju Hongchuan and other 23 musicians and behind-the-scenes workers were awarded Tencent Musicians Annual Recommended Musician, Star Of the Year Musician, Potential Musician of the Year, Musician of the Year, Album of the Year, Song of the Year, and best lyricist, composer, arranger and producer of the Force Project.

In addition to the afternoon forum activities, the original ceremony held that evening also provided wonderful original music live performances for the majority of music fans. By providing original musicians with support plans, creative incentives, live performance opportunities, etc., Tencent musicians aggregate the power of TME's full platform to build a complete service chain for original musicians and help Chinese music truly move towards revitalization.

Beijing News reporter Liu Zhen

Edited by Xu Meilin Proofreader Liu Jun

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