
"Check the restaurant together" walked into the back kitchen of the two construction site canteens in Songshan Lake and Dongkeng: the quick inspection is qualified, and the details need to be strengthened

author:Dongguan Daily i Dongguan

Urban construction is inseparable from the hard work of front-line workers on construction sites, and how do sweaty builders eat? Is it safe to eat? In order to effectively protect the food safety of construction site workers and further improve the food safety management level of construction site canteens, on October 21, the sixth phase of this year's "Check Restaurant Together" action team walked into the back kitchen of 2 construction site canteens in Songshan Lake and Dongkeng, focusing on the implementation of food safety work at construction sites.

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This action focused on inspecting the holding of certificates involving the construction site canteen, the allocation of basic sanitary facilities, the cleaning and disinfection of dining utensils, the health environment status, etc., and specially required the construction site canteen to do a good job in requesting certificates and tickets, acceptance and registration, etc., and at the same time to standardize the routine work of food storage and food sample retention.

"Check the restaurant together" walked into the back kitchen of the two construction site canteens in Songshan Lake and Dongkeng: the quick inspection is qualified, and the details need to be strengthened

▲ Dongguan Rail Transit Line 1 Phase 1 project site canteen employees are preparing meals

After inspection, the overall health of the canteens at the two construction sites was good and the health management was in place. However, there are also some details that need to be improved. In the canteen of the construction site of the first phase of The 1st Phase of Dongguan Rail Transit Line 1 in Songshan Lake, the action team found that the canteen had problems such as kitchen knives and washing pools that had not been treated separately, some food was not covered or labeled, and the ventilation of the warehouse was poor. In the canteen of the construction site of Guangdong Wanhong Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. in Dongkeng Town, there are problems such as personal belongings on the back kitchen shelves and the lack of information in the food sample record. In view of the problems found in the inspection, the inspectors clarified the rectification content and rectification period on the spot, and ordered the rectification within the time limit to be in place.

Previously, the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and other six departments jointly issued a "Notice on Further Strengthening the Supervision of Food Safety in Canteens at Housing Municipal Engineering Sites", which clearly stated that special inspections of food safety at construction sites will be carried out throughout the province, and it is necessary to ensure full coverage of inspections. The reporter learned from the Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau that in addition to the "check the restaurant together" action, Dongguan is carrying out special rectification for the food safety of the canteen at the construction site in the city, and comprehensively checking the hidden dangers of food in the canteen at the construction site.

"Check the restaurant together" walked into the back kitchen of the two construction site canteens in Songshan Lake and Dongkeng: the quick inspection is qualified, and the details need to be strengthened

▲The action team is at the construction site of Guangdong Wanhong Construction Engineering Co., Ltd

Scene one

Songshan Lake Dongguan Rail Transit Line 1 Phase 1 Project Site Canteen: Food storage needs to be improved

In the restaurant of tens of square meters, the dining table is neatly arranged in two rows, with neat floors, disinfection cabinets, green plants... This is the staff restaurant of the 14th Bureau Of China Railway Group Co., Ltd. Dongguan Rail Transit Line 1 Phase 1 located in Songshan Lake, which can meet more than 40 people at the same time.

After the action team entered the canteen of the enterprise, it first came to the food safety bulletin board, and the information such as food business license, business license, and health certificate of the on-the-job personnel were all publicized on the conspicuous wall in different categories, which was very clear. However, the action team found that the canteen at the site was not equipped with a food safety manager, and the head of the canteen said that the relevant qualification certification examination was registered and was currently receiving training.

Subsequently, the action team passed through the dining area and entered the back kitchen, where the operating table was neatly arranged with ingredients such as diced carrots, cabbage, and pork, but the kitchen knives on the table were not placed separately, and the washing pool was not set up with a special meat washing pool. Li Haiyang, the leader of the action team, introduced that according to the relevant food safety operation specifications, vegetables and meat foods should be treated separately from cleaning pools and kitchen knives, and marked in the corresponding areas.

In the storage freezer, raw meat, semi-finished products and other ingredients are not stored separately, and some vegetables are not packaged, directly exposed in the refrigerator, in this regard, the leader of the action team Li Haiyang pointed out that these ingredients should be labeled, indicating the name, time and person in charge of the information to avoid expired food.

Rice, cooking oil and condiments in the warehouse are neatly arranged on the shelves according to different categories and areas, and these shelves also meet the standards of leaving the wall and the ground, which is clean and tidy. However, the ventilation in the warehouse is not good, and some goods are not placed in the order of "first in, first out", and the spices placed on the desktop are not covered and sealed. Subsequently, the action team randomly checked the purchase documents of a bag of rotten bamboo and the supply qualifications of the purchaser, which met the relevant requirements.

In view of the problems found in the inspection process, law enforcement personnel urged the person in charge of the canteen to rectify within a time limit, further strengthen the awareness of the main responsibility, implement the requirements of various food safety management systems, and eliminate food safety hazards. After the rectification is completed, the market supervision department will also conduct a return visit to check the rectification effect.

Quick inspection items: leek flowers, peppers, baby cabbage, screw peppers

Quick check result: all qualified

"Check the restaurant together" walked into the back kitchen of the two construction site canteens in Songshan Lake and Dongkeng: the quick inspection is qualified, and the details need to be strengthened

▲The rapid inspection personnel checked the food samples in the canteen of the construction site of Guangdong Wanhong Construction Engineering Co., Ltd

Scene two

Guangdong Wanhong Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. construction site canteen: the operation area places personal belongings

At the second stop, the action team came to Dongkeng Town and walked into the canteen of the construction site of Guangdong Wanhong Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. It is understood that there are more than ninety workers at the site, more than a dozen people eat every day, and the kitchen equipment and facilities are relatively small.

The action team walked into the back kitchen, the interior was open and hygienic, and the food washing pool was clearly classified. Tools such as kitchen knives and cutting boards are used differently according to the handling of raw and cooked ingredients, and are labeled with different colors. In order to prevent the "four pests", each window in the back kitchen is equipped with a ventilated and breathable window screen that can isolate mosquitoes. Because the kitchen is small, there is no special storage warehouse, and all kinds of condiments are placed on the shelves of the back kitchen, but the action team found teacups, water bottles, paper towels and other personal items on the top floor of the shelves, and the leader of the action team ordered the person in charge of the canteen to clean up and rectify immediately.

Subsequently, the action team inspected the ledger of rice, soy sauce and other items in the canteen and found that the purchase order did not meet the specifications, and the person in charge of the canteen at the construction site failed to provide the supplier's relevant qualification certificate on the spot. The action team leader pointed out that although the purchase volume is small, it is still necessary to save the supplier's business license, business license and other relevant information in accordance with the regulations, and the purchase order needs to be stamped.

According to the relevant regulations, the cold dishes provided by catering enterprises need to be prepared in special rooms with stricter hygiene standards. The action team found hand-torn chicken in the back kitchen of the canteen at the site, but the back kitchen has not yet set up a cold dish room. These prepared hand-torn chickens are served with spices and placed in the canteen for employees to eat.

In this regard, Xiao Yin, the fourth-level director of the Food and Catering Safety Supervision Section of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, reminded that cold dishes such as hand-torn chicken are safe and high-risk foods and must be handled in special rooms. And once the cold dish is eaten next to a meal or overnight, it must be reheated and heated through before it can be eaten, and once it is stored for too long, there will be related problems. If the back kitchen of the canteen has not been equipped with a cold dish room, it is recommended not to cook cold dishes including hand-torn chicken for the time being.

The leader of the action team said that the restaurant has done a relatively good job in all aspects overall, especially in terms of kitchen utensil classification and product labeling. However, there are still some problems that need to be rectified, such as the lack of information on the record of some food samples, and the placement of personal belongings on the shelves. In response, the action team has ordered the canteen of the site to rectify the problems detected within a time limit

Quick inspection items: cabbage heart, cooking oil

"Check the restaurant together" walked into the back kitchen of the two construction site canteens in Songshan Lake and Dongkeng: the quick inspection is qualified, and the details need to be strengthened

▲The action team was in the canteen of the construction site of the first phase of Dongguan Rail Transit Line 1

【Action Files】

Action plan: random inspection of restaurants and canteens throughout the city from time to time, the action runs throughout the year, each random inspection of 2 to 4 restaurants or canteens, find problems, expose problems, rectify problems, live broadcast.

Purpose of action: To promote the construction of the "bright kitchen and bright stove" people's livelihood project to ensure the safety of the people's tongue.

Sampling method: After the candidate restaurants are selected by the public, the municipal people's congress deputies, cppcc committee members and citizen representatives randomly select the inspection objects from the candidate list.

Organizers: Dongguan Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Dongguan Newspaper Media Group

Live broadcast platform: "i Dongguan" APP, Xinhua News Agency live cloud

Text/Reporter Wang Dong

Photo/ Reporter Li Mengying

Video/Reporter Li Mengying Intern Yang Jiajian