
What should I do if there is no Chinese EA game? One trick teaches you to solve it easily

author:Idle people talk about digital

Recently, I opened an XGP, and when I started the game, I found a strange problem, the game is actually in English, and it cannot be changed in the settings.

I also tried the methods of changing the name \ deleting the startup file on the Internet, but it didn't work well, and finally I could only restart the game.

Today I will teach you a way to change the default language of the EA platform, so that the games downloaded in the future will be Chinese by default.

What should I do if there is no Chinese EA game? One trick teaches you to solve it easily

First in the EA APP settings, select Apps, in the App Settings, change the language to Chinese Traditional, and then restart the EA APP. Then its default download language will become Chinese Traditional.

What should I do if there is no Chinese EA game? One trick teaches you to solve it easily

If you've already installed the game, try changing the registry

This is done by holding down the Windows key and R at the same time — entering regedit — to open the registry.

Take Titanfall 2 as an example, find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Respawn\Titanfall2 in the registry, click locale, and change the data to zh_CN or zh_TW.

CN is Chinese Simplified and TW is Chinese Traditional. Because some games do not support Chinese Simplified, you can only choose traditional characters.

What should I do if there is no Chinese EA game? One trick teaches you to solve it easily

If you want to change other games, you can Baidu the relevant registry path.

It should be noted that the method of modifying the registry is only applicable to the situation where the Chinese has been downloaded, but the Chinese cannot be started, and if there is no download Chinese, it is useless to modify the registry.

That's all for this issue, I hope it will help you. If you have any questions or additions, welcome to leave a message in the comment area to communicate.

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